#say no to gatekeeping




An important thread by certified catboy.

Screenshot transcript: Whenever a new bl game or anime or manga or smthn comes out there’s always ppl like “I better not see any women read/watch/play this” or “wait till the women get to this” and that is not the allyship to mlm u think it is. That’s just misogyny. I say this so many times but you cannot have full queer representation and normalization in media without allowing EVERYONE to read and partake in it. I’m so tired of seeing this performative activism let people enjoy boys kissing. It’s not fetishization until it’s translated onto real mlm/nblm, by micromanaging who can read what queer media depending on their labels n shit is so sickening man, we WANT queer media to be enjoyed by all, not gatekept and further isolated from others.

The thing that gets me is that it’s always BL and not gay men’s media.

Like… do they know what BL is? It seems like they don’t.
