#scarlott johanson



Rant about people ruining endgame. I’m aware not everyone will be interested in this I just want to get it out my system.

So today was my first day back at school after Easter. At break someone came down to where me and my friends sit just to tell us who dies in Avengers Endgame. I tried my best to block out what he was saying but I still heard what he said. Don’t worry I’m not a prick who is going to ruin it. Some people go so out of their way to mess up someone’s experience. Some people even went out their way to find spoilers and shout them out but I didn’t hear those.

It annoyed me and made me upset that someone is so inconsiderate to ruin a good film for some people that they have been waiting to come out for a year and have been so excited about it. I’m sure he wouldn’t have wanted it ruined for him so I don’t know what goes through his mind to ruin it for someone else.

It baffles me so much at how self centred and self absorbed some people are. Only thinking about themselves and how they can get some entertainment for a few minutes without caring about how other people might feel. And not respecting other people enough to even consider now it might affect them.

Sorry this isn’t what I normally post it was just something that upset me and I wanted to get if off my chest. I’ll be back to my normal posts after this I hope you can understand my reasons for posting this.

Thank you

Hannah x
