#scary gothic


Night Driving Gothic

  • It’s pitch black outside and you swear it’s the middle of the night. How could it only be 5:30?
  • You check your backseat to make sure no one’s in your car before you get in. You lock the doors before you start driving. Apparently you didn’t look long enough.
  • The same car passes you over and over again. It turns the opposite direction at every intersection. You find it parked in your driveway when you get home.
  • Where were you headed again? You’re on autopilot when you realize you don’t know where you are anymore. It’s too dangerous to turn around.
  • You make the mistake of looking in your rear view mirrors too many times.
  • You merge onto the highway and you’re the only car in sight. You feel eerily alone.
  • But they watch from the shadows.
  • Nobody sees their glowing eyes.
  • “They’re just parking lights. Cars pulled over on the side of the road”
  • Why does no one see them?
  • Was that a man or a cryptid? You keep driving after they run in front of you.
  • The radio plays the same song on repeat. The host sounds like he’s being held against his will. You can’t bear to listen but you can’t bear the consequences of silence, either.
  • You left an hour ago.
  • You should be there by now.
  • It’s only 5:30.