#spooky gothic


Think about it…

Ted Bundy not only believed he was innocent, but at the same time, ruined his own trial by being his own council at trial.

this is the second writer. (Also watching the Ted Bundy confession tapes)

  • Only do what you’re assigned to do, don’t stray from your assignment
  • Never think you can defeat the system
  • Don’t question where people disappear to, all you need to know is that they upset someone
  • Rebelion won’t save you, you could end up dead for all you know
  • Questions are never to be asked out loud, they listen to everything
  • They will watch your every move
  • Stick to a routine or they will know something is up
  • Your rights don’t matter anymore, there is no more constitution, that was burned in 2035
  • Don’t fall in love, a spouse will be appointed to you when you come of age
  • And you are expected to have children
  • The internet will be restricted
  • Remember to follow the order and never try to escape
  • There is no escape
  • No outside the wall can help, no outside the wall knows where to find you anyway
  • And never ask one question…
  • Is this a simulation?

What next?

Comment or send us ideas on what you want to read about in the next gothic!!

Home Alone Gothic

  • You lock all the doors day or night. You tell yourself and others it’s so no person can break in, but you know you’re protecting yourself from something much worse.
  • The house ghost watches you from the top of the stairs, disappearing when you look in it’s direction.
  • It’s eerily quiet.
  • You thought you shut the basement door, but it’s always open when you walk by again.
  • What is that sound?
  • Your dog stares down the hallway and whines at nothing.
  • You know there’s something.
  • You go down to the basement to get something. There’s a being at the end of the hall. You are paralyzed. Its eyes stare into your soul as it approaches you. When it gets close it disappears.
  • You feel different and go back upstairs without grabbing your item.
  • You don’t even bother shutting the basement door.
  • There’s blood on the kitchen counter. You ignore it.
  • Suddenly it’s dark out. How long were you in the basement?
  • You close the curtains and blinds, knowing they don’t stop anything that truly wants to see inside.
  • The front door isn’t locked anymore.
  • Your favorite show goes to commercial, so you go to the kitchen to grab a drink. You come back to the TV playing static. The channel hasn’t changed. You sit and watch anyway.
  • The being from the basement has replaced the house ghost’s spot at the top of the stairs. It doesn’t let you go.
  • There’s a knock on the door. You realize every door was knocked on at the same time.
  • You haven’t seen your dog in a few hours, but you hear it whining from a location you can’t get to.
  • Your family member gets back home, they look different from when they left. An entirely new face.
  • They shut the basement door.
  • The dog greets them, tail wagging.
  • The TV plays the news.
  • The kitchen counter is blood free.
  • “Why are the curtains closed?”
  • They open them. Sunlight pours in.
  • It’s the middle of the day.

Night Driving Gothic

  • It’s pitch black outside and you swear it’s the middle of the night. How could it only be 5:30?
  • You check your backseat to make sure no one’s in your car before you get in. You lock the doors before you start driving. Apparently you didn’t look long enough.
  • The same car passes you over and over again. It turns the opposite direction at every intersection. You find it parked in your driveway when you get home.
  • Where were you headed again? You’re on autopilot when you realize you don’t know where you are anymore. It’s too dangerous to turn around.
  • You make the mistake of looking in your rear view mirrors too many times.
  • You merge onto the highway and you’re the only car in sight. You feel eerily alone.
  • But they watch from the shadows.
  • Nobody sees their glowing eyes.
  • “They’re just parking lights. Cars pulled over on the side of the road”
  • Why does no one see them?
  • Was that a man or a cryptid? You keep driving after they run in front of you.
  • The radio plays the same song on repeat. The host sounds like he’s being held against his will. You can’t bear to listen but you can’t bear the consequences of silence, either.
  • You left an hour ago.
  • You should be there by now.
  • It’s only 5:30.