#scary kitty

@utarinsyis: thank you, that’s exactly why I started doing this! Bondage for the aesthetic alo

@utarinsyis: thank you, that’s exactly why I started doing this! Bondage for the aesthetic alone is still such a small community, always glad to hear when people enjoy it (♡゚▽゚♡)

@intheendweareallhuman: know your nerves for sure. For the hands you want to minimize pressure on the radial nerve (blue area in that diagram). If the tied person is new, or hasn’t played with you before, don’t leave them for too long in the hands-above-head position. 
That said, the French Bowline Arm Shackle is a relatively safe starter tie.

About blood-play – absolutely make sure that everybody involved is up to date on what will happen and limits are understood. Start out slowly, and with something that is more of a “scratch” than a cut (I highly recommend Scary Kitty’s metal cat nails on FetLife. She has different sharpnesses and they’re really rad looking to boot).
If you go any further than surface scratching, know your arteries and vasculature! 

For nipple clamping, make sure to check in with the clamp receiver during the session, but in general wooden clothes pegs are just fine- if you pull too hard, they’ll just snap off (the pegs… not… not the nipples lol). For after-care (other than mental care) I really like Pure Celin oil. It makes everything heal faster and reduces irritation (at least for me, check with a cosmetician before slathering anything on your or your playmate’s body)

@shazskywalker: thank you, I’m super happy they’re working out!

@anon: Thank you too, anon. :)


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