

Hey everybody, as you know we’re taking a lil’ break, but I’m still here to answer any shibari questions you’ve got! Just ask  •ᴗ• a chat msg is fine too
ᴵ ᵐᶦᵍʰᵗ ᶰᵒᵗ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵃʷᵃʸ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ᵈᵒ ᶜʰᵉᶜᵏ ᶦᶰ﹗

I’ve seen a lot of repeat questions in my inbox and I think the general FAQ is a bit crowded and hard to read so I’ve made categories of the more in-depth posts I’ve made.
If you have any recommendations for shops, books, events, or have anything to add I’m always happy to hear! :) I’ll keep this list updated

All About Rope
Rope Length- how to attach ropes together for any harness
Rope Diameter - which width of rope to choose
Where to buy Rope- the basic types and where to buy them
Types of Rope- according to what type of tie
Cleaning Rope- how to keep things sanitary and safe
Treating Rope- dyeing, cooking, oiling, etc
How to Practice- ways to do solo rope homework
Our Tutorials- all the Fetishweekly how to shibari guides

Beginner bottoming- starting off with rope + modelling while tied
Extended rope training- improving your skills with body awareness
Wax play- an intro to playing with heat

Real Life Knowledge
Books and Events- recommendations on where to learn
Getting Started- finding the kink scene near you

Pole Bondage- an overview of take [bamboo] shibari
Kinbaku Glossary- English to Japanese rope terms


@turborider2: thank you! And sure thing, these are some of the sites I’ve found very helpful:Remedia

@turborider2: thank you! And sure thing, these are some of the sites I’ve found very helpful:

@anon1: tying male bodied folks is pretty much the same as female bodied folks- for suspension it all depends on the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. The only times body type comes into play are harnesses that depend on a large chest to stay in place, and of course if there is specifically penis-tying. Unfortunately neither me nor my partner tie men– but I was given this excellent resource especially for bondage on male bodies(note the link is very NSFW!)

@anon 2: I love straight jackets! Just don’t have the funds right now.. one day though <3

@ectamorph: that was the tortoise shell bodysuit :) there are loads of versions of it, but here are two:

edit: oh, I think you might have been talking about this set and not the balloon one (which was the tortoise shell) – I actually won’t be doing a tutorial on the rope bunny tie because it didn’t turn out exactly as I’d intended. It’s sort of a part of a hishi, but was much harder to self-tie than I expected. Once I get better at it I’ll make a how to!

@anon3: I bought them locally at a kink event, but they’re available all over now– eBay, amazon, and etsy. Just search “pink bondage set”

@anon4: It’s definitely a tough call if you have very low body fat, or are extremely toned– there’s just less areas for the rope to “hook” onto.
One other way around it is to break the harnesses into two pieces: a chest piece and a lower piece. That way you have more movement without distorting the ropes quite so much.
Another way is to add more hitches right before the segments of the harness that come loose, to anchor them a bit more.
Idon’trecommend tying more tightly- you risk nerve damage in the extremities, and breathing issues if it’s too snug around the torso.
Some loosening, especially with decorative harnesses like we teach, is natural when you change positions, though.

@fallenangelwings13: thank you!  ❤

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@anonymous: I do both- tie myself, and tie with my partner. There really isn’t a limit to how comple

@anonymous: I do both- tie myself, and tie with my partner. There really isn’t a limit to how complex the knots can be in a self-tie, the only times I have issue is if I’m working behind my back… then I might ask for a little help. :) but if you’re solo, you can always just simplify anything being tied where you can’t see or reach well.

@subpunisher: thank you! I’m glad it’s been useful!

@lesfleursduaku: うん、カナダ (オンタリオ)に住んでるの! よろしく~

@in-thefade, @raven2332: thank you!

@anonymous2: patience, absolute patience with yourself and your partner! And communication, chat the whole time the first few tying sessions

@anonymous3: you’re very welcome! I had the same issue, wanting something much more soft - but it used to be that ‘soft bondage’ meant ‘less/more simple bondage’. It’s been changing recently to mean more of a cute kink and I’m so glad! :D


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@repo-thedj @shygawife​ @unspeakableimaginings: thank you so much for taking the time to send these

@repo-thedj @shygawife​ @unspeakableimaginings: thank you so much for taking the time to send these messages, I’m so happy (⌒▽⌒)

@theressomeoneinmy-head: Thank you! My favourite bondage is definitely ladders. They’re just so versatile and pretty… can be restrictive or decorative, and are a lot of fun & quick to tie!

@littlegirlandthewolf: I’m sorry we don’t take submissions at this time

@anon: There are lots of places to choose from, and everybody has a different preference for which ropes they like best. There really isn’t a “top rope” since it’s such a personal connection. If you can get to an event where a lot of people have different rope that you can handle and have a look at in person, I’d highly recommend doing that first.
Anyway, I’ve made a little list, the ones with an asterisk* are those that I like:

  • *mkrope.com (Maui Kink)
  • jaderope.com
  • degiottorope.com
  • omegajute.com
  • bastardropes.com
  • *m0cojute.com
  • twistedmonk.com
  • bossbondage.com
  • knotknormal.com

  • Canada:
  • serenity-bound.com/shop/

  • Europe:
  • esinem-rope.com
  • jakara-rope.co.uk

  • Japan:
  • ainawa.com
  • *nawaya.jp

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@utarinsyis: thank you, that’s exactly why I started doing this! Bondage for the aesthetic alo

@utarinsyis: thank you, that’s exactly why I started doing this! Bondage for the aesthetic alone is still such a small community, always glad to hear when people enjoy it (♡゚▽゚♡)

@intheendweareallhuman: know your nerves for sure. For the hands you want to minimize pressure on the radial nerve (blue area in that diagram). If the tied person is new, or hasn’t played with you before, don’t leave them for too long in the hands-above-head position. 
That said, the French Bowline Arm Shackle is a relatively safe starter tie.

About blood-play – absolutely make sure that everybody involved is up to date on what will happen and limits are understood. Start out slowly, and with something that is more of a “scratch” than a cut (I highly recommend Scary Kitty’s metal cat nails on FetLife. She has different sharpnesses and they’re really rad looking to boot).
If you go any further than surface scratching, know your arteries and vasculature! 

For nipple clamping, make sure to check in with the clamp receiver during the session, but in general wooden clothes pegs are just fine- if you pull too hard, they’ll just snap off (the pegs… not… not the nipples lol). For after-care (other than mental care) I really like Pure Celin oil. It makes everything heal faster and reduces irritation (at least for me, check with a cosmetician before slathering anything on your or your playmate’s body)

@shazskywalker: thank you, I’m super happy they’re working out!

@anon: Thank you too, anon. :)


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@y0urstuff: I’ve talked about rope in depth here in regards to what lengths to buy- but I&rsqu

@y0urstuff: I’ve talked about rope in depth here in regards to what lengths to buy- but I’ll go a bit further to say, when we first started I thought the rigs had to be all one rope. You can see on some of our earlier sets we used pieces as long as 50 feet.
That’s actually really difficult to work with because the first parts of the tie have so much extra rope laying around. (It definitely makes for a prettier end product because you don’t have to hide additions, though.)
Lately I much prefer having a lot of shorter lengths -20 feet each- and when one rope ends, I just add another one:
Make a lark’s head in the new rope, and then secure it to the button (knot at the tail ends) of the rope that’s ending. Do that as many times as you need :)

@thedevouredsoul:Patience, for sure. The first few times you tie, especially more complex stuff, it’ll be long and probably not super sexy. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Obviously be cautious and have your safety shears nearby, but have fun with it too. Some stuff will look awkward or fall off, and that’s OK! Also, encourage the person being tied to talk a lot the first few times, even if it’s stuff like “that feels weird”, it’ll help guide the rope top and make sure everybody has a good time <3

@buuterflysrfree, @chaptrr: thank you both so much! (≧◡≦) ♥

I hope that answered the questions or at least helped a little bit! ♥ Hazel

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@shibari-bun: thank you- I love your blog too, and your rope is so cute!@cland504: you’re welcome, a

@shibari-bun: thank you- I love your blog too, and your rope is so cute!

@cland504: you’re welcome, and super glad you found rope that you like :)

@anon 1: awww, I hope so! always trying to make them better and better <3

@anon 2: safety first! It’s important to keep posting the reminder since it’s so easy to get swept up in the moment with it~

@amerika11: yaay thank you! I’m always happy when people like the tutorials and find them helpful. I feel like we’re all taking this journey together 

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@daddyandlittlekitten: thank you so much! I’m glad the tutorials are easy to follow, i try to make t

@daddyandlittlekitten: thank you so much! I’m glad the tutorials are easy to follow, i try to make them as clear as possible and worry about that!

@i-am-keekee: I use 6 and 8mm jute ropes, which are pretty standard. I like the 8mm best for decorative stuff, smaller diameters are a little too sparse looking imo.
Jade rope has some colours and would ship to you – and if you’re buying safety stuff, they also sell the EZ zip, which is what I use :)

@yesiamtoast: it depends entirely on the tie- but i usually work with 2 bundles of 30 feet each

@grampa510: thank you!  (´。• ω •。`)

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@malerisia: thank you! <333 the amount of rope is different depending on the tie, and the person

@malerisia: thank you! <333 the amount of rope is different depending on the tie, and the person being tied. I recommend having a few different lengths of rope (ten, twenty, and thirty foot bundles), then just attaching more rope as necessary. That way’s versatile and can do any tie~!

@anon: the tortoise shell is definitely one of my favourite on-the-fly decorative ties – I’m glad it turned out for you! You’re super welcome :)
My other recommendations would be ladders, which are really fun and quick to do once you get the hang of them, and the corset harness, which is pretty straight forward but still looks rad af.

@fire3ater: I love hearing this! Rope is really fun, and it’s great to see more people giving it a go

@conicircles: a hip harness would do the trick since all the knots are at the back and pretty hard to access- especially if you hooked the padlock through the rear loops.

@dilly31: you’re very welcome! :D

@boartux: it’s the subconscious majesty of rope, man! lol

@breakingfree-peace: awww thank you!  (っ´ω`)ノ

I’ve had a few people ask about lessons/private teaching recently… I don’t offer that service, but if you happen to be at the Subspace Dungeon on one of the chill nights I’d be happy to show a few beginner steps for decorative bondage – hitches and fancy knots and such <3

Hopefully I got to everybody’s questions, if I missed you please send it again (;___;) it’s not on purpose  Hazel

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@welcometothegoodside: thank you! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) @bondage-gifs: it really depends on what type of rope. Dec

@welcometothegoodside: thank you! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

@bondage-gifs: it really depends on what type of rope. Decorative stuff, I’m 100% in the model mindset. It takes a long time & a lot of patience. Even if we did play here and there during the process, it’s just too work intensive to keep that going (at least for us).
For simple stuff, it’s all sexytimes. I love the rope, so much. I wouldn’t describe it as ‘high’, in the sub-space type way, since we don’t do torture rope… but it’s definitely an altered state of lustiness lol

@sherrycheers: thank you bb~! All love ♥

@kyoo696: lol I got & posted your other message too. The love is received mang! (≧◡≦) ♡

@anonymous: yes! If I can remember how to do it… it was spur of the moment after the planned tie just didn’t work out. 


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@synapticfool: Thank you! If you have a lot of extra rope, it’s easiest to embellish each part

@synapticfool: Thank you! If you have a lot of extra rope, it’s easiest to embellish each part of the harness – if you leave it all to the end you’re limited to that one little area to “burn the rope” (as it’s called).
If you don’t mind trailing rope, you can always just daisy-chain it and let it hang (prettily).
But if you want the finished product to be very compact, I’d recommend winding the rope around itself in various areas as you go, that way you gradually make it shorter (you can see what I mean in the very last steps of our rope gag tutorial here).
Another way would be to just double-up steps. So if you’re supposed to criss-cross a rope once, just do it twice. I hope that made sense!

@iamk3vin: all three of our hand tie tutorials will work on ankles, as well as the rope cuffs (second part of that infographic). For legs we’ve got the hitch ladderandleg ladder.

@crimsonduex: For books, I like Douglas Kent (even though he gets a bit of flack from purists, it’s still a good resource for beginners) as well as the Knotty Boys (you can find both on Amazon).


  • Remedial Ropes (safety and starting out properly)
  • A Passion Play (medium - advanced traditional kinbaku picture tutorials)
  • And this insanely detailed FetLife post, with videos and infographics, and a huge list of ties & how to do them. If you don’t have an account I urge you to join just to see it !

@kyo696 & @jip28: thank you & you’re very welcome <333


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@anon thank you to all who sent compliments & well wishes! even through anon, I really like to s

@anonthank you to all who sent compliments & well wishes! even through anon, I really like to see these

@anon who asked about the leg tying, I think the best way would be to use hitches, like we show here. Just instead of going around one arm, it’ll go around both legs. That way you’ll fully bind both

@korea-obsessive: yup, the idea is exactly the same as tortoise shell! you can either anchor it from a body harness, or around the waist/thigh from a regular true knot.

@daddyslittleelf: thank you! :D I’m super complimented, and also so glad to see more body types being represented in bdsm!!

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@dangerousamusements: thank you! I got them from J-List :)@anon: i don’t, i did a fully nude shoot h

@dangerousamusements: thank you! I got them from J-List :)

@anon: i don’t, i did a fully nude shoot here

@rappagnau: thank you so much for taking the time to send this, have fun on the rope journey  (⌒ω⌒)ノ

@pumpkin-pie-pheonix: awe, thank you! I’m always so happy when people like the shoots

@anon: I’m a huge fan of Insuhfor their original flowery bondage and soft kink shoots, and the model Moka Hukuda is very similar to our style

@scotch-words: if it doesn’t have to be official “bondage” rope, you can get all sorts of really nice stuff at hardware stores, and it’s super cheap!

@jeksmix: that is so sweet of you, thank you thank you  (o^▽^o)

@hancill: thank you! this makes me so glad to hear  ♥

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Under the break I answer questions about absolute beginner tutorials, outdoor shoots, dildo harnesses, and more~

Anon Asked: How about more outdoorish/explicit series…? ^_^
Hazel: Yes! I want to do a shoot with the leaves changing, if I can catch them. It suddenly turned cold… so we’ll see

Anon Asked: I love the tutorials so much. They help a lot with finding new things to try. Thank you!
Hazel: I’m so glad. Whenever we post tutorials, I see a lot of people saying ‘oh I want to try this’, and it makes me ecstatic.  ♥ ♥ 

Anon Asked: Do you have anymore tutorials you’ll be posting anytime soon? Also, my girlfriend is very interested in shibari and being tied up in general, but she and I have never done it. Are there any ones you’d suggest first - for a newcomer to being tied and a novice tier?
Hazel: We plan on doing tutorials for as long as people want to see how we do our ties!
For beginners, it really depends on what your rope bottom likes, and your learning style. She may just want to feel the rope on her skin, so a body harness would work well. Or, she may want to really feel fully restrained, in which case a few different restrictive ties would be necessary.
That said, the tutorials with the least steps are:

Anon Asked: Does your parents know that you are doing bondage?
Hazel: I’m old enough to have watched Alf on TV, drank Orbitz between classes, and danced to MJ on LP. Sorry if that ruins the fantasy a little

Anon Asked: Thank you for the detailed pictures and tutorials, after searching the internet your are the most helpful. Any chance you could tell me the tie that binds the thigh to the calf, and point me in the direction of the tutorial.
Hazel: Thank you, I’m so happy they’re easy to follow- I try my best to make them super clear.
For the calf to thigh, I think that’d be the leg ladder!

Anon Asked: Hello! I’ve been looking for a way to build a harness which allows for mounting a dildo in it, but have been unsuccessful when browsing your current tutorials. Any advice?
Hazel: I think you could modify the hip harness to support a dildo… although you might have to add a rope around the waist for leverage & stability.

Anon Asked: are you underage or a boy
Hazel: I’m a timeless mermaid princess, thanks.

Answering q’s about lingerie, shaving, tickling, and thoughts on decorative rope! ✿

Anon asked: Hi, I discovered your website when I was looking for new kinbaku figures. But then, I’ve found one of the main reasons why I practice ropes: cause I want to reveal the beauty of my partner, the intense moment of true. Have fun keeping doing it ;)
Hazel: Thank you! I couldn’t agree more.
There’s a lot of “one proper way” talk in rope bondage, and that can chase away people who want to do it for these reasons.
I think decorative bondage is an art, and while (like all artistic things) people are free to dislike a style, the a certain piece is bad, or enjoy one artist more than others, everybody should be encouraged to try it out if they’ve got the itch.
That said, I also think traditional kinbaku and the more dynamic ‘sexual tying’ floor work are gorgeous– though suspension is definitely a craft that needs to be honed and tutored.

Anon asked: I absolutely love your tutorials and sets, but I am in awe of your lingerie, can I ask where you buy your lace lingerie? It’s so beautiful.
Hazel: I buy it in Chinatown, because that’s the only place with bras in my size. ^__^;;
But! I will pimp my friends who sell adorable lingerie because I love them & their dainties:

Anon asked: This doesn’t really relate with kink, but how can I maintain and keep my lady bits hygienic and neatly shaved clean? Can you recommend lotions/razors/etc.? Thank you! I’m tired of getting razor spots and stubble.. :(
Hazel: Honestly, I’ve found using foaming shave cream and a brand new razor each time helps a lot with the nicks and spots. 
Just Noxima shaving cream and Gilette Mach 3 razors (yup, 'guy’ razors… but whenever I tried the lady’s ones, they did a horrible job! I think they’re still designed just for legs, while “men’s” razors are meant to go around curves -of the face- but it works so well for the pubic area as well).
I’m not too keen on waxing because (at least where I’ve gone) you have to let the hair grow out a bit before it can be ripped out… and that in-between stage is just not for me.
For the 'perfect smooth’ in photos, it’s makeup! There might be a bit of stubble or redness, but concealer takes care of that pronto.
Necessary clear conscious note: Don’t put concealer in any creases or folds, just the monds, and wash well afterward to avoid irritation/infection.

Anon asked: I do love the bondage that you do. Its given me lots of ideas. I was curious tho, after you’re tied up, is there ever any tickling that takes place. ;)
Hazel: Oh, only if my partner is feeling especially sadistic! I’m massively ticklish, like… painfully so. It’s an incredible way to get a kick in the face from me lol

Thanks for the questions everybody! See you next time~
♥ Hazel 

Answering two rope related anons at once (efficiency!):

I’m very much enjoying the tutorials, they’re great. Just some questions from a beginner: How many different lengths of rope do you recommend for a good range? What is a good, cheap practice rope for beginners? How do you tie a rope for storage?
I generally recommend having 30’ for simple ties & arm/leg ties, 50’ for the body harnesses, and 100’ for intricate or suspension work.
But you don’t necessarily need all three- just having two pieces of 30’ rope will do you well starting out. If a rig needs more rope, tie the two pieces together.
You can generally hide the knot made by tying the two pieces into the rig so it doesn’t look out of place.
You’ll want to look for nylon rope if you want something cheap. Just make sure it’s twisted or laid, not braided with a core (you’ll be able to feel the core if you pinch the rope).
There are two parties for rope storage: those who say hang it (usually in loose, big loops) and those who say coil it (either in a tight bundle or around a spool). Personally I like the spools because you can toss them around without much fuss. It does tend to make synthetic ropes kink up, though.

My gf has sensitive skin but wants to be tied up so I want to find rope that might not bother her like the one used on jump ropes you know what it’s called (also trying to find a 100 ft of it if you know any places that will be very helpful

It sounds like she might have a sensitivity to oils if the natural ropes are bothering her. In that case, a cotton rope might be best. You can wash it, which is a big plus with skin prone to break-outs.

For 100’, check your local hardware box store, or online.

Hope that helps!

<3 Hazel

Round 2! Answers about shibari in seifuku, the illusive male bodied bondage guide, and easing into kink~

Anonymous: Do you know of any ties that look good while the tied person is wearing a seifuku?
Hazel: Yeah I’ve found that skirts get all scrunched up in bodysuit type rigs. I think two separate ties would be the cutest option…


Bottom (under the skirt):

Anonymous: Hey, I saw a earlier anon asking about male-specific bondage. This is a very NSFW PDF that covers cock and ball ties. Not super harsh, just kind of crotch ropes for them’s that got dicks. Google “bondage for cbt - tonyBuff” and it should be at the top of the page.
Hazel: Thank you! Here’s the direct link (nsfw!)

Anonymous: Hi there~! I love your blog and most of your tutorials are super easy to follow along with! I’m having problems with one of them though, the Weave Harness, I’m stuck on step 8. Would you ever consider doing a video to better explain how to do that harness?
Hazel: Thank you! Unfortunately we don’t have the time and equipment to do video right now, but I can explain step 8 a bit more:
The rope in your hands, if you’re at step 7, cross it over at your back, like you were tying it off in a knot at your spine.
Then when it comes back to the front, it’s up through the 4 bottom ropes, over, and down through the 4 bottom ropes again.
If I lose track of where a tie is going, I find it helps to trace 1 rope in MS Paint (or whichever program) with a bright colour so it becomes clearer.
I hope that helps!

Anonymous: Hey Hazel, I was wondering if you could help me out. My partner loves bondage, she adores the thought of being tied and being controlled.. However, she is pretty shy in terms of saying what she wants during sex. I have to figure it out, what feels good and what excites her. I have asked her before to tell me what she enjoys the most but she can’t get herself to tell me. I have ropes and a blind fold but I can never find a good way to incorporate them during sex.. ideas?
Hazel: If she’s not too shy, you could discuss it ahead of time. Some of the nervousness from talking about sex might be taken away if it’s in a more “here’s a list of things I like”, ‘clinical’ setting.
If that’s still too much, maybe role play? Get in a chat room, separated in real life, and cyber it up. The degree of separation between her and the screen might be enough for her to open up.
For starting out: blindfold first. The minute that goes on, you’ll feel a lot more free to try out some rope. The pressure to be sensual every minute is gone- but make sure to throw in a few caresses here an there so she knows you’re still present, even if you’re figuring out a knot or untangling :) 

Anonymous: Hello I love your blog! Big question…I really want to bleach my rope white! Is there a tutorial you can share that teaches you??
Hazel: That all depends on what your rope is made of. Once you know that, give it a search. There are loads of professional fabric wranglers out there who know way more than me!

Anonymous: Hi Hazel~ Any advice for introducing a lover to shibari in the bedroom? (We’re both female, if it changes anything.)
Hazel: There’s two camps on this- the 'do it in the moment, when it feels right’ folks, and the 'talk about it before’ folks.
I’m solidly in the second one. I think that introducing something entirely new while having sex can result in some seriously uncomfortable weirdness. Even if the person is open to the idea of kink, its sudden appearance can be a bit shocking.

But discussion doesn’t have to be super scary 'time for a sit-down talk’.
My preferred method is pictures (no surprises there). I’ll show my partner a photo of something I like and just ask “what do you think?”

This leaves a lot more room for anything from a curious “looks interesting” to a graceful rejection “looks overly complicated”.

Hopefully some helpful tips in there, and another thank you to the anon who provided the male body bondage link! 
♥ Hazel 

There’ve been a slew of anonymous asks recently, so I’ve answered them all together. If you asked a question as an anon, it’s probably here, if not answered before!

Under the break: questions about beginner bondage, self tying, eeling, orgasms, and more ♥

Anonymous asked: Hey I was wondering if you had many self-bondage tutorials
Hazel: Yes! I made a post here featuring a few very nice ones.

Anonymous asked: Hi there! I was wondering if I could ask about some easy harnesses and ties for newbies? I would love to get into bondage and was hoping there was a way I could work up to the more complex ties. Your blog is incredibly helpful and lovely by the way! Thank you so much for everything you do!
Hazel: Our pleasure! Honestly all ties take a certain amount of practice to master, but here are a few that don’t require complex knots and have the least steps:

Anonymous asked: Do you have any ties that are extremely restricting and allow for no movement? Like ones that bind the arms, legs, torso, maybe go around the neck, etc. Basically tie up as much of the body as possible? And also very hard to escape from? Thank you in advance, and your blog and shoots are lovely, have a wonderful day you beautiful person! ^w^
Hazel: I’m definitely not an expert on “eeling” (trying to squirm out of bondage), but my best suggestion would be to use wrist cuffs at intervals up the arms and legs.
While the hog tie is definitely hard to get out of, it doesn’t “feel” restrictive in my opinion, but the multiple wraps of the cuffs sure do. Any eelers out there with better suggestions, please comment <33
It’ll take time to cut it all off if something goes wrong. So go slow, stay alert, and be super safe, okay?

Anonymous asked: What are your favorite things to wear?
Hazel: PINK! Anything pink, white, and frilly. I also like cute prints (stars and hearts and so forth), as well as Hello Kitty and Sailor Moon stuff. (o´▽`o) Oh, and I would never say no to Agent Provocateur lingerie, but that would be under what I’m wearing~

Anonymous asked: A lot of your stuff is in Japanese as well, and it made me wonder what languages you speak/write?
Hazel: Just the two. I’m actually super slow at learning stuff. Even English still has so many mysteries (>﹏<)

Anonymous asked: I just wanted to say your photos are excellent and I really appreciate your educational tidbits too.
Hazel: Thank you! I’m always so happy & touched when people take the time to say stuff like this

Anonymous asked: I have a lot of questions, however I first have to say love the blog. So anyways both my boyfriend and I (gay couple) like bondage, however there isn’t much on gay bondage, so if you can, can you link me to anything? Or do you have any tips for us?
Hazel: I’ve had a few questions about male bondage, but I’ve never found anything specific (readers, please comment if you have, I’ll even make a post just for that!)
But, on the bright side, all our tutorials are unisex. The only bondage I’ve seen that doesn’t work on all body types are those that rely on an ample bust to support the rig.
My only tip would be to try out anything you can- you never know what feels good until you’ve been tied up in it (^_−)☆

Anonymous asked: hey so ive been sexually active for a while, but i dont know if ive ever had an orgasm or not?? as a fellow female, is there anything you could tell me that might help me figure that out?
Hazel: Hm, how to describe an orgasm… it’s like a rising wave of pleasure, that hits a peak (or multiple peaks) and will subside a bit from there. I’m tempted to say if you don’t know, you probably haven’t had one - but it may have just bee a “light” orgasm, for lack of a better word. There’s definitely an “oh my god” moment.
If you don’t have any vibrating toys, I would suggest trying some out. Those tend to be guaranteed orgasm makers. If you can’t get ahold of an official toy, a vibrating toothbrush works just as well. Try applying light pressure to your clitoris, gradually getting harder as sensation increases.

Hopefully some of this is at least a bit helpful! Thank you so much for your interest & support everybody 
♥ Hazel 

Getting my dash under control, so I KO’d anybody who wasn’t following me.

Because I’m lazy I used an ap- so if I unfollow(ed) you and shouldn’t have, send me a message & I’ll add you right back!

♥ Hazel
