#scene feature chance


We know you guys are probably already tired of hearing us say this but we’ve reached another major milestone and just want to say thank you again and try to do something involving YOUR input that we haven’t seen before! But before we get to that, we just want to remind you guys of how grateful we are to have you here and supporting us in our journey! <3 It truly means so, so much and seeing you interact with us makes our day, every day.

Thus far, our submissions have been closed, but we are opening them for the next 96 hours for a very special reason! We truly do strive to make Blue-Blooded an enjoyable experience for you all and we want to do whatever possible in order to deliver that. For this milestone, we have opened submissions so that you guys can send in a scene/scenario idea you would like to see in the demo! It doesn’t have to be super long or descriptive or anything, it doesn’t even have to feature an RO! It could just be a scene you’d like the MC to be able to experience and make choices during. Send in your ideas through THIS SUBMISSION LINK and we’ll selectONEto be featured in the demo as well as the final version of Blue-Blooded. We will credit you for the idea once we publish our demo release post, and we’ll carefully consider all submissions!

Hope all of you are staying warm and healthy this winter— happy submitting!
