#school plot


school/college plot prompts

  • At the library, you keep shushing me because I’m watching funny videos and laughing too loud
  • I have to print my paper before class, you’re trying to fix the paper jam while i freak out
  • We have a group presentation to do in 15 minutes, you forgot to save our work, i’m going to kill you
  • I’m locked out of my room, please let me sleep in yours, kind stranger
  • I’m showering in the wrong bathroom, thanks for awkwardly handing me a towel
  • You asked me to hide your contraband stash from the RA, now you owe me a favor
  • I was staring at you while reaching to the top shelf at the bookstore, now you have to dig me out of a book avalanche
  • There’s no money on your meal card, I have cash and a vivid memory of you publicly correcting me in class the other day
  • You cut me in line and took the last chocolate croissant, clearly we’re going to fight
  • I fall asleep in class at least once a week because i’m overwhelmed by life, you let me copy your notes
  • We sit next to each other every day, i lend you pencils, you share snacks with me, people are assuming we’re a couple, let’s go with that
  • We made it through pledge week together and I learned you’re a horrible person, but hey we’re roommates
  • We’re doing a joint charity event with the other greek organization on campus, omg you’re so cute on top of being a good person, why are you dating my sor sister/frat brother instead of me??
  • This is the best party i’ve ever been to, what’s in these brownies anyway?