







Advantages to being short

*walks around in NASA joggers and an oversized Denver hoodie*

Note that Virg secretly loves it when his bros wear his clothes cos it kinda makes him feel as if he is helping them just a little? He’s too embarrassed to admit any of it and will just grump if prodded…but never demand the clothes back.

100% it’s got to provoke the protective streak. Wrap them up in warm clothes, thereby make everything better

::eyes Gordon::

::says nothing::

::goes back to his coffee::

::hides the smile with his cup::

//casually takes sip from hot chocolate, while wearing a very oversized USA airforce hoodie, and paint stained joggers//

* raises an eyebrow before returning his attention to a report *

[mumbling] I wondered where that got to…

::picks up his coffee and wanders over to stand by Scott and catch the view of his little bro’s attire::

“I think he pulls it off well” Takes a sip of his coffee. “One could almost say he’s in competition with its owner.”

::grins into his cup again::




I can only take a guess at what Virgil was insinuating by sending me this, but I am NOT overly emotional by 5:30

* folds arms across chest *

::raises an eyebrow::

I find it interesting that you immediately assume I’m referring to you.


//falls to the ground laughing//

Oh! You-haha-did-haahha-that to yourself @scott-flyboy-tracy ! Haha!

//ribs begin to ache from laughing so much//

Good one @vgtracy!
