





There’s a common misconception that the Romans named their children in the order of their birth - First, Second, Third, etc. 

This is untrue.

You only hear of some numbered names such as - Sextus, Septimus, for example, but there’s no like… Secundus. So, the numbered names are believe to actually be the months in which they were born. And the calendar initially started with March. 

There’s also an idea that the Julian family added two months to the calendar.

This is also untrue. The months Quintilis and Sextilis were *renamed* July and August after them, but the two months already existed though there was bunch of month misalignments and days not matching and all sorts of things, so probably all of the below is wrong but I don’t care.

So, Scott, sorry my dude, there’s no record of what Aprilis would be. Guess you don’t exisssssst. But Alan, you’d be a Marcus. Virgil, you’d be Sextus (sorry, big guy). John, Octavius is the really a family  name, but sure we’ll go for it. And I…

Well the two months that were added to the calendar were January and February, so I wasn’t around until 700s BCE and February was at the end of the calendar initially, then eventually moved in 452 BCE between January and March.

So, I guess I get to go hangout nameless with Scott. 

And this has been your pointless Gordon’s Latin lesson for the day because I went down a rabbit hole I couldn’t get out of while mistyping the scientific name for a species of rockling fish. 


I’ve been calling Alan “Marcus” and no one understand why or who I am talking about. 

nO onE GeTS iT!!!

@gordonthesquid Remember I dropped out of history in favour of physics…

If you start calling Virgil “Sextus” on missions I will put a stop to this.

I’d like to see you try.

@selene-tempest the highest honor.

@vgtracy asked me to inform you @gordonthesquid that he will not answer to that particular name and a certain fish may have to swim home if he chooses to use it.

Note from me: Virg had to grow up with the name Virgil…this may lead to one of two things - sensitivity to name calling or immunity to name calling. He has yet to decide. Either way, Squid, I would watch it




I can only take a guess at what Virgil was insinuating by sending me this, but I am NOT overly emotional by 5:30

* folds arms across chest *

::raises an eyebrow::

I find it interesting that you immediately assume I’m referring to you.


//falls to the ground laughing//

Oh! You-haha-did-haahha-that to yourself @scott-flyboy-tracy ! Haha!

//ribs begin to ache from laughing so much//

Good one @vgtracy!
