#scoups au


Scoups AU! A sulking husband

Imagine you come home to Seungcheol sulking. You were catching up with your colleagues after a long time and forgot to inform your husband about it.

He prepares you some light meal for dinner and goes upstairs to get the tub ready for you.

“Awwh~ You bought my favorite scent?” You strip naked in front of the tub without care and jump into the large bath tub. Seungcheol restraints himself from ogling your body and comes out of the bathroom. “You’re not joining me, honey?” Your question meets silence.

You are aware of his odd behavior but never once thought that you are the reason behind it. After the refreshing soaking, you see him in pajama behind his working desk in the room. You pick up a white translucent lingerie and walk up to him. You catch the motion in his Adam apple and laugh. You straddle him effortlessly as Seungcheol ignores you and turn his face to look at you. “Is it me this time?”

“What do you think?”

Smooch. Unbothered.

“Hm, exactly my fault,”

Smooch. Unbothered.

“Come on, look at me. Aren’t I like an angel, wearing all white~”

“Oh, now your work is more sexy than I am, huh?” “Maybe you should sleep with your laptop tonight-” you are about to leave his laps when he pulls you softly and you land in the same position.

He stares at you and purses his lips for you to do your job.

“What?” you ask nonchalantly and cross your arms just to be unfolded back by your husband and put them around his neck.

“Kiss me,”

You kiss him. Just like that, nothing more.


Smooch. Instantly, he cups your face and plant his lips on yours. He doesn’t waste a moment and includes his tongue in the kiss. You smile. “You’re so unbelievable,”

He finally gets his reward.
