#scoups fluff


Cuddling with S.Coups

Pretty much suggestive ‍♀️‍♀️

  • cheol is the type to be the big spoon but today he decided to be spooned by you
  • Just imagine this grown ass man snuggling in the crook of your neck while you’re scrolling instagram
  • He’d be so pissed and grope anything within his reach to get your attention
  • “Enough with your phone, it’s late” dominantly he pulled your hand down
  • You knew he’s annoyed that you’re not being attentive toward him but it was fun to see him like this once in a while
  • You made a noise like “aww” while pinching his cheek which caught him off-guard
  • He shifted from his position, turned off the lamp and returned to your arms
  • “You’re so big! My arms hurt,”
  • His eyes went wide and his cheeks puffed in the dark “No way! You never complained before,”
  • “Now I’m complaining,” you retorted, trying to push off his head. You almost laughed out loud when seungcheol was acting like a dog who adores its owner
  • You gave up finally
  • He’d be giggling over your failure and found his most comfortable spot on your body
  • “Did you use the lotion i bought you?” You sniffed his hands that were wrapping loosely around your neck
  • You recalled that he didn’t like applying lotion to sleep because he won’t get to smell your scent
  • He nodded slowly and grinned. You could feel his lips smooching your chin and it tickled
  • “Didn’t you oppose against it before?” He liked to be stroked in his hair so you did the favour
  • His reply was more like a seduction in your ear
  • “I changed my mind” he breathed “they said women turn on when their significant others smell nice”
  • And you weren’t going to let him ride the night
  • “I guess you’re in the right server”
  • He froze
  • “We run out of the thing. Should i go buy now?” He sat up and switched on the light back
  • His eyes were dripping with lust and it made you laugh
  • “Shit i guess you need to hold it in for awhile-”
  • You’re not ready to tell him that there’s a bun in the oven so you have to turn down his suggestion tonight
  • “Let’s just cuddle tonight,” you winked and tugged at his hand
  • “This is very much not like you,” with a doubtful expression, he eventually lied.
  • Silent
  • “Are you serious you don’t want to make love right now?”
  • “Yes,”

  • “I swear I’m harder”
  • Maybe you should learn to constrain cuz it’d be a long waiting time till then
  • “Go take a shower,”


If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!

Scoups AU! A sulking husband

Imagine you come home to Seungcheol sulking. You were catching up with your colleagues after a long time and forgot to inform your husband about it.

He prepares you some light meal for dinner and goes upstairs to get the tub ready for you.

“Awwh~ You bought my favorite scent?” You strip naked in front of the tub without care and jump into the large bath tub. Seungcheol restraints himself from ogling your body and comes out of the bathroom. “You’re not joining me, honey?” Your question meets silence.

You are aware of his odd behavior but never once thought that you are the reason behind it. After the refreshing soaking, you see him in pajama behind his working desk in the room. You pick up a white translucent lingerie and walk up to him. You catch the motion in his Adam apple and laugh. You straddle him effortlessly as Seungcheol ignores you and turn his face to look at you. “Is it me this time?”

“What do you think?”

Smooch. Unbothered.

“Hm, exactly my fault,”

Smooch. Unbothered.

“Come on, look at me. Aren’t I like an angel, wearing all white~”

“Oh, now your work is more sexy than I am, huh?” “Maybe you should sleep with your laptop tonight-” you are about to leave his laps when he pulls you softly and you land in the same position.

He stares at you and purses his lips for you to do your job.

“What?” you ask nonchalantly and cross your arms just to be unfolded back by your husband and put them around his neck.

“Kiss me,”

You kiss him. Just like that, nothing more.


Smooch. Instantly, he cups your face and plant his lips on yours. He doesn’t waste a moment and includes his tongue in the kiss. You smile. “You’re so unbelievable,”

He finally gets his reward.

✨700 followers celebration! ✨

I recently reached 700 followers and as a thank you, I decided to open drabble requests for seventeen, using this prompt list..


  • I’ll be using these prompts only for Seventeen.
  • Send in the prompt number along withe the member of choice
  • These requests are closing when I reach 20 requests.
  • Ask here.

pairing: svt x reader, fluff, a tiny bit suggestive

: a quick kiss on the lips as he leaves the house, that usually lasts longer than intended…. And then maybe one more (ends up on a full make out session, cheol is late).

: a sweet kiss on the cheek after he just knows his teased you a little too much, always letting you know you by that it’s just a playful bander and that it doesn’t mean anything, laughing sweetly as he sees you lose your words every time (he’s a simp).

: a playful kiss just under your jaw because he perfectly knows it’s your weak spot and he enjoys seeing the effect he has on you (such a fake saint).

: a kiss on top of your head as he comforts you, rubbing your back, saying sweet words with a smile and then as you smile, a bonus kiss on your cheek as well.

: a big, exaggerated kiss on your temple to great you after seeing you after a long time, and some more loud smooches afterwards. The sound may be loud but you are giggling at how affectionate he is with you.

: a comforting kiss on the back of your hand while he’s holding it with his own, warmth and comfort spreading in your body and a warm smile on your face, as you look him, while he chuckles and leans his head on your shoulder.

: a light kiss on your shoulder as he stands up from the bed to go wash and start his day. The kiss is sweet and intimate, and you can’t help but start smiling in your sleep.

: a kiss fight where you kiss each other noses and then giggle afterwards like little kids and the loser becomes the small spoon (cause you both are babies).

: a kiss under your ear, as he wraps his arms around your waist, caressing your sides and pushing you back, towards his body. (expect hickeys afterwards in that spot cause he doesn’t want to let go).

: a tender kiss on your forehead after he pushes your hair behind ear, sweet glances and tight hugs, not wanting to let go.

: a chase kiss on the cheek while he finds something you do cute and someone he ends up kissing your cheek. Understands what he did right afterwards and because very shy.

: an awkward kiss, where he misses your lips during your first kiss and instead kisses the corner of them, throws you an awkward thumbs up and dashes away.

: a kiss on lips, as his members look away, not wanting to get teased, but still having fun with doing stuff like that out there. (I bet minghao actually noticed it).

a/n: hello everyone!! really had fun with this, I would be really happy of you send me reaction requests and drabble requests! Thank you!!

genre: fluffity fluff (and a smudge of angst)

pairing: Choi Seungcheol x reader

series:Song Fic Series!-Our Dawn is Hotter Than Day

word count: ~800

summary: a scenic beach walk with a child your man (no but seriously I’m insanely soft please hug him)

author’s notes: are posted separately!! take a look if you’re feeling bored LOL


Seungcheol carefully closed the door of the shared bedroom, making sure none of the boys woke up from the sound of the creaking door.

6:47 AM the digital clock read, as the excited boy shuffled his way out of the beach house to you.

You silently waited for him in a summer dress and cardigan, one hand on the house’s gate to the beach and a flashlight in the other. A bright smile made its way to your face when you saw Seungcheol close the door to the house clad in a bomber jacket and white shorts and a matching bucket hat. A water bottle and second flashlight in his pocket, along with a blanket tucked under his arm. A gummy smile meeting yours as he bounded towards you, clasping hands with yours before heading out to the empty beach.

The night was still evident, some stars still shining in the dark sky. The moon was slowly descending and was getting ready to welcome the brilliant light of the sun.

With your flashlights acting as your only light source, the two of you spread the blanket that Seungcheol had brought with him and settled down on it, your hands in each other’s as the two of you watched the stars slowly move, side by side. You pointed out some of the constellations that you remembered and while he jokingly made jagged shapes out of the stars.

You snuggled into his side taking in the familiar smell of his cologne and the salt from the sea. A sigh escaped from him as he wrapped an arm around you, his other hand holding onto your free hand. He continued to stargaze, looking deeper into the night wondering how in the world he gained someone as precious as you. It almost brings him to tears how lucky he was to have someone like you. Someone who remained by his side no matter what happened, through thick and thin, and someone who comforted him whenever he felt anxious.

You were always there to hold him when he needed you the most.

The sky’s blue became more evident, the night slowly fading into day.

Seungcheol felt your thumb softly rubbing against his, bringing him back to reality. He twisted his head a bit to bury his nose in your hair and left a kiss there. You nuzzled into his side one last time before looking up at him and watched a bright smile appear after cupping your face and leaving a tender kiss on your forehead.

Your eyes rivalled the stars, your smile brighter than the moonlight at midnight, he thought quietly to himself as he gazed down at you with loving eyes. You then sat up and leaned towards him, lightly pressing your foreheads against each other. Seungcheol slowly sat up, an arm secure around your waist so your touching foreheads didn’t part, as the two of you closed your eyes and enjoyed the present, each other’s presence, and the sound of the waves crashing on the surface.

His long eyelashes tickled your cheek and you giggled, the both of you opening your eyes to look each other with starry filled eyes. You pressed a quick peck on his lips. And before he could even pout for more, you shot up from your seat on the blanket and playfully ran away from him. A wide grin stretched Seungcheol’s face, a small chuckle escaping him before playfully yelling while running towards you.

The sun began to peek out of the horizon.

His laughs increased as the distance between the two of you decreased. You ran where the sand and water met, squealing as he closed in on you. The sound of splashing water was louder now, you released a loud squeal as he wrapped his arms around your wiggling body from behind, his burly laugh bringing you to release a string of laughter as well. A faint heart with both of your initials inside engraved in the sand near your feet was being washed away slowly by the sea.

Seungcheol held you tightly against his chest and placed a quick peck on your neck as the two of you swayed in place. Your back against his chest, hearts beating in sync, the feeling the sea’s waves softly tickling your feet.

The two of you watched as the sun rise out of the horizon together.

A new dawn,

A new memory,

A new adventure,

With you.

Our dawn is hotter than day



When everyone’s asleep

It’s so beautiful

Your smile resembles the moonlight

Your wave-like laughter brightens the night

And tickles my ears

The faraway light Becomes our memory

Under the overflowing waves

We leave our letters Engraving our names…


Our dawn is hotter than day

Till morning comes.


Hii! Can I request a fluffy best friend scenario with S. Coups and a tomboy reader (I hope you don’t mind) in which they’re, idk, just chilling around playing football or something (you can decide!) and then later while they’re just talking, they tell each how grateful they are for having each other and that they’ll always have each other’s back and stuff. Something like, slice of life? I’m sorry if this goes against your rules or something! Looking forward to the new set of scenarios!! <3

» You’re playing football with your best friend Seungcheol, which ends with talks about how happy you are to have one another in your lives.


With summer ever so slowly turning into fall, the weather remaining warm yet not hot, you and your best friend had decided to enjoy a slightly cloudier - the slightest bit more fresh - day by playing football, or at least play witha football. It was something you both really enjoyed, and what you had actually bonded over to begin with, and with a series of hot days and busy schedules, you hadn’t really gotten the chance to play together for a long time.

It was with a smile that you packed your backpack, just making sure you had a towel, wallet and other simple necessities, and grabbed your football before leaving your home. While walking to the field you had agreed to meet Seungcheol, you moved the ball from hand to hand, and upon reaching the large park the field was in, you began walking while kicking the ball lightly, treating it as a warm-up of a kind.

Having fallen deep into thought, you shrieked when you felt hands on both of your shoulders. “Gotcha!”

“Seungcheol, what on earth,” you groaned quietly, stopped your ball with your foot and turned to look at your best friend, who merely looked at you with a bright grin. You punched his shoulder lightly. “Haven’t we talked about this?”

“I couldn’t resist,” he snickered, and was quick to steal your ball. “You should’ve seen your face!”

Seungcheol ran to the football field with your ball, laughing heartily all the while, and you rolled your eyes with a grin spreading to your lips, too, as you ran after him and swung your backpack next to his on the grass on the side of the field on the way.

The two of you easily fell into the activity of kicking the ball into one of the goals, sometimes in turns and sometimes making it more fun by simply stealing it from each other while also catching up and talking about whatever you’d wanted to share with one another and wherever the topics led you later.

Time passed, and with the sun still fairly prevalent in the sky and the warm weather in general, the two of you eventually worked up a good sweat, and with that came thirst - and the realization that you’d both forgotten the most important thing: hydration.

Panting, Seungcheol nudged his head towards the grass where you had left your bags, leaning against each other’s. “Wanna take a break?”

Tapping your sweaty forehead with the wristband you had on, you grinned and nodded. “The last one is buying drinks.”

While Seungcheol took a second to process your words, you had already dashed to your bags, and ended up winning him. He laughed when he reached you again, and shook his head with a wide grin on his face while digging his wallet out of his backpack. “What do you want?”

“Just get me whatever you’re getting,” you hummed and stretched a little before contently lying down on the grass, having spread your hoodie a little to lie on. Seungcheol, on the other hand, jogged to the nearby convenience store, and soon he returned with two drinks - not matching.

Before you were able to say anything, he chuckled and opened his own. “I know you really like that one, I couldn’t just not buy it.”

“Of course,” you snorted and opened your drink while Seungcheol sat down next to you on the grass. Smiling to yourself, you nudged him lightly. “Thanks.”

He gave you the gummy grin you’d grown fond of, as the mere sight of it was able to make you feel like things would eventually fall into place. Seungcheol then got an almost teasing glint to his eyes. “Just for the drink?”

His question sent your mind way back to how you had first met; how he had joined you in kicking ball after a school day back in high school, despite not even going to the same school as you. It had been and in a way it still wasbeyond you how he had so comfortably taken your ball when you’d kicked it a bit too far, and casually joined you - and how natural it had felt for you to play with him even though he had been a complete stranger.

From there on you’d played together every now and then and got to know one another well in the process, and somewhere along the way the friendship had reallydeepened, and you became best friends.

“For everything,” you hummed with a shake of your head and slowly moved your gaze to the park where the football field was located. “For always lending me a shoulder, helping me keep my mind on what’s important and, I don’t know, keeping me on track.”

Recalling some of the times he’d had to be a bit harsher on you in order to get you back to your senses, as well as the times you’d bothhelped one another when the other was vulnerable, Seungcheol nodded. “I’m thankful, too.”

“Who would’ve known we’d end up here just because you couldn’t resist kicking a ball,” you snorted quietly, and Seungcheol laughed heartily at your comment.

“Wasn’t my plan either, but I don’t regret any of it,” he noted with a warm smile that practically reached from ear to ear. “Thanks for not pushing me away.”

“Why would I have? The only time I considered my choices was when you turned out to reallyenjoy your hugs,” you laughed and took a sip of your drink. Then, you grinned and quirked an eyebrow a little at Seungcheol. “You also realize that you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon, right?”

“I was hoping I wouldn’t, and it goes both ways,” he grinned, and with a warm look in his eyes, looked into your eyes. “I’ll always have your back, Y/N.”

“Likewise, Seungcheol,” you smiled brightly, and as though you were getting too mushy, stretched out a little. “Think we should go back to play a little? I feel like I still want to score a few times.”

“You can try,” he said challengingly, but was right up for it, and it wasn’t much later that you had returned to the football field, trying to beat one another in your amount of scores as well as showing off the tricks you could do with the ball.

Even while playing, all you could think about was how incredibly lucky you had been to find a best friend like him; someone who accepted you justthe way you were, enjoyed being with you and made sure you knewthat, too. You had quite likely never felt as safe and comfortable with someone as you did with him, and for that you were grateful.

Even if being his best friend meant receiving the sweatiest hugs like now, after he’d successfully done a trick he’d been practicing for a while.


Admin Scooter


Hii! Can I request a fluffy best friend scenario with S. Coups and a tomboy reader (I hope you don’t mind) in which they’re, idk, just chilling around playing football or something (you can decide!) and then later while they’re just talking, they tell each how grateful they are for having each other and that they’ll always have each other’s back and stuff. Something like, slice of life? I’m sorry if this goes against your rules or something! Looking forward to the new set of scenarios!! <3

» You’re playing football with your best friend Seungcheol, which ends with talks about how happy you are to have one another in your lives.


With summer ever so slowly turning into fall, the weather remaining warm yet not hot, you and your best friend had decided to enjoy a slightly cloudier - the slightest bit more fresh - day by playing football, or at least play witha football. It was something you both really enjoyed, and what you had actually bonded over to begin with, and with a series of hot days and busy schedules, you hadn’t really gotten the chance to play together for a long time.

It was with a smile that you packed your backpack, just making sure you had a towel, wallet and other simple necessities, and grabbed your football before leaving your home. While walking to the field you had agreed to meet Seungcheol, you moved the ball from hand to hand, and upon reaching the large park the field was in, you began walking while kicking the ball lightly, treating it as a warm-up of a kind.

Having fallen deep into thought, you shrieked when you felt hands on both of your shoulders. “Gotcha!”

“Seungcheol, what on earth,” you groaned quietly, stopped your ball with your foot and turned to look at your best friend, who merely looked at you with a bright grin. You punched his shoulder lightly. “Haven’t we talked about this?”

“I couldn’t resist,” he snickered, and was quick to steal your ball. “You should’ve seen your face!”

Seungcheol ran to the football field with your ball, laughing heartily all the while, and you rolled your eyes with a grin spreading to your lips, too, as you ran after him and swung your backpack next to his on the grass on the side of the field on the way.

The two of you easily fell into the activity of kicking the ball into one of the goals, sometimes in turns and sometimes making it more fun by simply stealing it from each other while also catching up and talking about whatever you’d wanted to share with one another and wherever the topics led you later.

Time passed, and with the sun still fairly prevalent in the sky and the warm weather in general, the two of you eventually worked up a good sweat, and with that came thirst - and the realization that you’d both forgotten the most important thing: hydration.

Panting, Seungcheol nudged his head towards the grass where you had left your bags, leaning against each other’s. “Wanna take a break?”

Tapping your sweaty forehead with the wristband you had on, you grinned and nodded. “The last one is buying drinks.”

While Seungcheol took a second to process your words, you had already dashed to your bags, and ended up winning him. He laughed when he reached you again, and shook his head with a wide grin on his face while digging his wallet out of his backpack. “What do you want?”

“Just get me whatever you’re getting,” you hummed and stretched a little before contently lying down on the grass, having spread your hoodie a little to lie on. Seungcheol, on the other hand, jogged to the nearby convenience store, and soon he returned with two drinks - not matching.

Before you were able to say anything, he chuckled and opened his own. “I know you really like that one, I couldn’t just not buy it.”

“Of course,” you snorted and opened your drink while Seungcheol sat down next to you on the grass. Smiling to yourself, you nudged him lightly. “Thanks.”

He gave you the gummy grin you’d grown fond of, as the mere sight of it was able to make you feel like things would eventually fall into place. Seungcheol then got an almost teasing glint to his eyes. “Just for the drink?”

His question sent your mind way back to how you had first met; how he had joined you in kicking ball after a school day back in high school, despite not even going to the same school as you. It had been and in a way it still wasbeyond you how he had so comfortably taken your ball when you’d kicked it a bit too far, and casually joined you - and how natural it had felt for you to play with him even though he had been a complete stranger.

From there on you’d played together every now and then and got to know one another well in the process, and somewhere along the way the friendship had reallydeepened, and you became best friends.

“For everything,” you hummed with a shake of your head and slowly moved your gaze to the park where the football field was located. “For always lending me a shoulder, helping me keep my mind on what’s important and, I don’t know, keeping me on track.”

Recalling some of the times he’d had to be a bit harsher on you in order to get you back to your senses, as well as the times you’d bothhelped one another when the other was vulnerable, Seungcheol nodded. “I’m thankful, too.”

“Who would’ve known we’d end up here just because you couldn’t resist kicking a ball,” you snorted quietly, and Seungcheol laughed heartily at your comment.

“Wasn’t my plan either, but I don’t regret any of it,” he noted with a warm smile that practically reached from ear to ear. “Thanks for not pushing me away.”

“Why would I have? The only time I considered my choices was when you turned out to reallyenjoy your hugs,” you laughed and took a sip of your drink. Then, you grinned and quirked an eyebrow a little at Seungcheol. “You also realize that you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon, right?”

“I was hoping I wouldn’t, and it goes both ways,” he grinned, and with a warm look in his eyes, looked into your eyes. “I’ll always have your back, Y/N.”

“Likewise, Seungcheol,” you smiled brightly, and as though you were getting too mushy, stretched out a little. “Think we should go back to play a little? I feel like I still want to score a few times.”

“You can try,” he said challengingly, but was right up for it, and it wasn’t much later that you had returned to the football field, trying to beat one another in your amount of scores as well as showing off the tricks you could do with the ball.

Even while playing, all you could think about was how incredibly lucky you had been to find a best friend like him; someone who accepted you justthe way you were, enjoyed being with you and made sure you knewthat, too. You had quite likely never felt as safe and comfortable with someone as you did with him, and for that you were grateful.

Even if being his best friend meant receiving the sweatiest hugs like now, after he’d successfully done a trick he’d been practicing for a while.


Admin Scooter

seungcheol x reader
word count:1.8K

a/n:Hi lovelies! I just thought it would be cute to write a drabble where seungcheol is just really really soft and in love with his partner, so that’s all this is. Not much plot, they’re just smitten. (and idk how good this is :/ be kind lol) I hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading! :)) 

You met Seungcheol in the winter. Your first date consisted of drinking hot coffees and walking around a park after a fresh snowfall. With your glove-covered hands intertwined amid your nervous and infatuated giggles, the date was so perfect, he was so perfect, that it almost felt too good to be true.

Then came the third date, when he took you to a movie. Simple and classic. The second time your fingers brushed each other’s as you reached into the popcorn bucket, you sighed before leaning toward him. As your lips neared his ear, you noticed the way his breath hitched. “If you want to hold my hand, just say so, Cheol,” you whispered to him, and when he turned to face you, you flashed a teasing smile at him. Seungcheol scoffed at you, beaming from ear to ear as he decidedly interlocked his fingers with yours. When you whispered, “finally,” to yourself, a content grin on your face, and Seungcheol giggled in response, you realized you were wrong before. Some things can be perfect without being too good to be true, and Seungcheol was one of those.

After the movie, neither of you wanted to go home quite yet. As you sat in the passenger seat of his car while he drove aimlessly around the city streets, buying time, the windows surrounding you fogged up as the defrost worked overtime to keep the windshield clear. He was intent on stretching out the night for as long as he could, and you were grateful for it. With every streetlight he drove under, he snuck glances at you, not wanting to miss the opportunity to catch glimpses of your features. And every time, you caught him, but he never stopped looking.

In the spring, you and Seungcheol were still smitten with each other. Pulling up to the convenience store, Seungcheol stared at you questioningly for a moment.

“What?” You asked him, a smile threatening to spread across your face.

The man chuckled, shaking his head as he grinned. “You really want an ice cream bar right now?” Nodding at him, as though it was totally normal and reasonable, he sighed fondly. “It’s pouring out, you do see that right?”

“I’m not blind, Cheol,” you defended with a roll of your eyes. “My cravings obviously don’t coordinate with the weather, I can’t help it.” When you flashed him a small pout, the man’s lips spread into a stunning smile that made you feel special to be on the receiving end.

Without another word, just that same smitten beam, Seungcheol unlatched his seatbelt and began crawling out of the car. “Stay put,” he told you, pointing an accusatory finger at you in warning. “Let me get your door.”

Sighing dramatically, you settled into your seat more, waiting for the man to round the vehicle to let you out. “You know what I don’t think is very fair?” You asked, just as the man opened the door.

“What’s that?” He questioned, his hand instantly finding yours as he interlaced your fingers together, helping you to crawl out of the cab.

“You always open doors for me, but who’s opening doors for you?” You posed, widening your eyes as you pressed him.

“That’s what’s not fair?” He chuckled, flashing an amused smile. “Do you want to open the door for me, then?” He nodded to the convenience store.

“I do actually, yes,” you informed him, letting go of his hand to bound over to the store and pull the door open for him. “Sir,” you welcomed him inside with a wave of your hand.

“Wow,” he said in dramatized awe. “Is that what that feels like? I feel so special,” he teased, though you could read the sincerity in his smile.  

“You deserve to be taken care of like that too,” you teased. You were certain, however, that with the way you slipped your hand back into his and slightly curled into his side, he knew there was an edge of seriousness in your comment. Leaning towards you, he pressed his lips to your temple, hoping the sweet gesture relayed the gratitude he felt for you.

As you exited the convenience store, the door dinging with your departure, Seungcheol raised his arms up in defense as you glared at him. “Hey, I’m allowed to buy you a treat.”

“I’m the reason we’re even here though I-”

“Exactly. You’re the reason. Let me take care of you, stop rejecting everything chivalrous,” he pouted, his tone almost taking on a whine as he huffed. Staring at his lips, you bit back a smile as you sighed.

“Fine,” you rolled your eyes as your hands began unwrapping the ice cream bar. “But I’m opening your car door.”

Chuckling at you, he shook his head. “Fine,” he relented, knowing when to pick his battles. His fingers toyed with the end of his own iced treat as you neared the vehicle. Marching to the driver side of the vehicle, you opened the door, gesturing for him to step inside.

“Your carriage,” you joked, Seungcheol bursting into adorable giggles that had your heart filling with adoration and… something more.

“Thank you,” he spoke through his wide smile, climbing into the car. “But who’s opening your door?” He asked, just as you took a bite of the ice cream.

“Me,” you mumbled through the cold treat that chilled your mouth. “You know I can actually do that.”

“But you shouldn’t have to,” Seungcheol yelled as you closed the door with yet another roll of your eyes.

As you rounded the front end of the car, making your way to the passenger side, his eyes followed you adoringly. Then, in a burst of last minute planning, he lunged across the console, tugging on the handle to barely shove the door ajar. You couldn’t have held back the beam on your face even if you had wanted to as you giggled at his antics.

When your gazes met through the window, you realized what it was that you felt for him. You found it in the way it gleamed in his own orbs, reciprocating the feeling, your eyes sharing the words before your mouths could.

And suddenly it struck him too, the screams from his heart finally reaching his brain in a triumphant choir of I love you’s. He loved you. It was so clear to him. As you stepped into the car, his feelings for you taking over his entire being, he couldn’t stop his mouth from filling with the words, the sweetness of them coating his tongue and rolling right off into the humid air in the vehicle.

“I love you,” he blurted out, wearing a dopey smile as he chuckled at himself. You froze for just a moment, the confession halting your movements to latch the seatbelt across your frame. Turning to look at him with wide eyes, you noticed the way he was shy but certain, and it had your heart sighing in relief.  “I-I’m in love with you.” You stared at him for just a moment longer, your eyes still wide as a smile slowly curved on your lips. When your grin formed into a full-blown beam, Seungcheol felt his heart pound against the inside of his chest, demanding to be heard again. “Like so in love with you,” he told you, as though he was in disbelief with how deeply he felt the words and with how he was just now realizing.

“I love you, too,” you replied simply, taking another chunk off your ice cream bar. The action was so casual, so you, that Seungcheol couldn’t help but chuckle. “So stupidly in love with. Like, you’re my favorite person in the world,” you admitted giddily, covering your mouth as you chewed the treat.

As he laughed, shaking his head, you swore you had never been happier than that moment with him voicing his reciprocation of your feelings. Reaching across the console, his hand found the side of your face as he directed you toward his lips, the man kissing you hard and with need, the meeting relaying the feelings all over again. When your free hand grabbed onto his wrist, holding him there as you deepened the kiss, you realized that along with the elation, you had also never been so nervous.

It was a beautiful mixture of feelings. There you were, standing on this ledge, overlooking an abyss. You could feel yourself slipping, and you were scared, but he was there, falling with you. Suddenly, the person you held most dear was holding you in the same regard, and that meant there was a lot at stake, a lot to lose, so much to miss if he ever went away from you. But you never felt more alive. Having someone to lose was the best feeling you’d ever known. And you hoped he was feeling all of this at once as well. You loved him. And he loved you. It was scary and beautiful and you wanted to feel that way forever.

When you both broke out of the kiss, Seungcheol slowly leaned back into his seat. Letting out a huff of disbelief, a dazed smile planted on his features, he shook his head and simply appreciated the giggles that flowed from your lips. Scrunching your nose at him, you could see the way he suddenly became bashful as he evaded your gaze by turning toward the window.

“You really love me?” Seungcheol asked you but refusing to meet your eyes, a soft smile overtaking your features. Leaning over the console, and reaching over his frame, your hand made contact with his jaw. Turning his face toward yours, your smile widened.

“Obviously,” you whispered, catching his lips in a sweet kiss just after speaking. When you pressed your forehead to his, you could feel his lips curve up into a grin.

“Are you scared?” He then asked, just as your lips pressed a peck to his chin.

“Terrified,” you replied gently. “But happier than I can ever remember being.”

At your confession, Seungcheol’s hand came to rest at the back of your head as he exhaled. “Me too.” His lips pressed to the corner of your mouth, just before you lowered your face toward his neck, burrowing yourself against his skin. “I’m gonna keep being chivalrous.”

Groaning, teasingly, you both giggled in each other’s embrace. “Good,” you mumbled, just before looking up at him. “I’m gonna keep fighting you on it.”

Smiling at you as he chuckled, he nodded once. “Good,” he whispered. Your heart was beating against your chest from all the excitement and giddiness coursing through your veins as you allowed yourself to finally fall, letting the man slip into the unknown with you. As your hand came to meet the side of his face, your thumb aching to gently swipe against his soft skin, he leaned into your touch, his eyelids fluttering shut at the sensation. “Never stop.”
