#script mod


Non-Wedding Cakes

Just updated my Non-Birthday Birthday Cake mod to include a version for wedding cakes.

If you had the old version installed and want Non-Wedding Cakes, you need to redownload zoeoe_Non-Birthday_BirthdayCake.zip.



Read more and download at MTS!

Knitting for TS3 - Alpha version

Hello everyone

I have been working on a knitting interaction and skill, and I am at a point where I would love some feedback as well as testers to make sure things are generally working okay.

It isn’t super perfect, like the animations can do with some tweaking, and most of it is quite a basic set-up rather than fully fleshed out/finished, but the overall activity does work.

You can knit objects, and level up in the knitting skill, and the more you level up, the more likely you will succeed at knitted objects with higher recommended skill levels.

If you’d like to test and give me feedback and ideas, that would be amazing.

There are several package files that need to be installed, and they are all together in a folder for you to put in your Mods folder.

The download also includes a text file with more detailed information about what I have done and planned to do, which is a good idea to read before trying it out.

Thank you for any help and I hope you enjoy!

Download testing version at MTS

Don’t Bee Stupid - stay in your bee hat please

I found it really annoying when my sim is tending her bees and she keeps changing in and out of the bee hat at the beeginning and end of each interaction. Stacking up interactions on just 2 boxes is already 8 lots of switching in and out of the bee keeping outfit, and so to get this bee out of my bonnet, I decided to edit the interactions to stop this :p

This is a pure script mod, which replaces the 4 beekeeping interactions with custom ones that stop the sim from changing back into the regular outfit at the end. So if you start a set of interactions on the bee box, your sim will change into the hat, and carry on with the interactions until done - no changing out of the hat and back in again every time.

This does mean that you need to manually change back into everyday clothes afterwards, as the sim will stay in the hat once the interactions are done, but that’s a small price to pay.

The rest of the beekeeping functionality should be exactly the same.

The interactions that are replaced:

  • Smoke Box
  • Clean Box
  • Feed Bees
  • Harvest Honey

So this mod will conflict with any other that replaces any of these.

Also note that ITUN and XML (XMLs should be fine) tuning mods for the original interactions will no longer function, and so if you want these new interactions to have those tuned values, you will need to edit the ITUNs provided in the package.

If there are any issues, please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions for more tweaks/improvements of the beekeeping interactions, feel free to let me know and I can look into adding them.


Toddler Food Bowls!

This is a new way to feed toddlers. No more bottles, no more brown goo - it is time for some decent food around here!

These are standalone objects - bowls that can be filled up with different types of food:

  • Main Meal (Finger Food)
  • Cereal
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Sweets

Your toddlers can toddle up to the bowls and eat away! And they will get different moodlets depending on the type of food, their traits, and the alignment of the planets.

There are a total of 9 custom moodlets, including positive and negative ones, so look forward to some mild chaos.

Read more and Download at MTS!

If you want to tag me if you use it in game or make a custom bowl, I would love to see!


brown goo? no thanks


normal food? yeah okay


flawless textures? beyond any doubt


pees? pees?! peas!

…should be ready soon-ish!
