#sdr2 akane


In other zine related news today- (that tumblr is lovingly compressing to hell.)

Permission was granted for everyone to post their pieces from the @danceofdespairzine and here’s mine!

This piece was a total challenge but was totally worth it in the end.

You can pick up the Digital Zine here:https://enderslime.itch.io/dance-of-despair

and if you want a physical copy (which you should totally get) that can be found HERE:https://dodpromzine.bigcartel.com/

Preorders have recently been extended until July 1st and to get additional information (along with maybe a discount code ) check out this post here:https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRA8-bLPpz/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

I’m glad to have gotten to work on this project!
