

In other zine related news today- (that tumblr is lovingly compressing to hell.)

Permission was granted for everyone to post their pieces from the @danceofdespairzine and here’s mine!

This piece was a total challenge but was totally worth it in the end.

You can pick up the Digital Zine here:https://enderslime.itch.io/dance-of-despair

and if you want a physical copy (which you should totally get) that can be found HERE:https://dodpromzine.bigcartel.com/

Preorders have recently been extended until July 1st and to get additional information (along with maybe a discount code ) check out this post here:https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRA8-bLPpz/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

I’m glad to have gotten to work on this project!


There’s something inhuman within these wooden walls.

Chapter 2 of The Golden Heart drops tomorrow!

Chapter 1 can be read on Ao3, I hope you look foward to the continuation of this monsterous AU.

Art by @doodles-by-noodles , show them some love!

Oumota Day 2022 - Purple This piece was a STRUGGLE. I fought with it every step of the way but hones

Oumota Day 2022 - Purple

This piece was a STRUGGLE. I fought with it every step of the way but honestly I had a good time. Thanks to everyone that made it to the live stream today for following my frustrating journey.

Post link


The local waffle house is under attack not only by Akane’s endless appetite, but also the chaos of many DR2 students! The fun of prom comes from being with friends, and it shows perfectly in this piece drawn by our lovely contributor Noodle’s spread piece!

Preorder a physical copy of the zine here: https://dodpromzine.bigcartel.com/


I’ve got the go ahead to post my Twunk Ouma piece for all to see!

The@twunkoumazine was a blast and I wanted to say thanks to the mods once again for having me!

So fun fact this is actually my SECOND try at my piece for this and because I’m feeling generous- I put the original cut under the read more :).

and some work in progress sketches because I like em

I was actually closing all my medibang tabs and fond these gorls. I know some of you guys like ponies soooooooo- them.

Not currently Commission o'Clock

(5/5) Slots Filled


The original rules are below the cut for reference~ but commissions are now CLOSED.

It’s the long awaited commission sheet drop! Have you ever wanted art from me? Now is the time to get it!

I will draw: Mainly oc’s and fandom characters (preferably Danganronpa, but other’s are open for discussion.) Ships are on the table as well!

I WON’T draw: NSFW, Mechs, and Furry ocs (ngl I would if I could draw them but I can’t).

To begin with I’m opening up 5 slots, so that I don’t get too overwhelmed, hit me up off anon in asks if you’re interested!

I’m alive, heres some art from lately. (Bottom stuff is from my fig. drawing class.)


Chapter 1 of The Golden Heart drops tomorrow! I hope you guys look forward to it!

Art is by @doodles-by-noodles ! Make sure to show them some love, they’re an incredibly talented artist

I was… in a mood. Have a Yumeno.

The Twunk Ouma Zine is finally nearing completion, and I’m incredibly glad that I got to participate in such a project alongside so many other talented creators. @twunkoumazine

Orders should be starting up today, and it’s a charity Zine so all proceeds go to the Trevor Project! (Isn’t that neat?) If you’re at ALL interested I’d suggest checking it out!


A massive thank you to @doodles-by-noodles for the commission!! It came out even better than I could have hoped for and it’s amazing to see Blaize and Skye finally drawn out. Go check out their blog to see more of their art!

It makes me SO happy to see you enjoying the piece! It was fun to work on, and I hope we can work together again in the future!

[Click for better quality~]

So uhh… Have you read Amalgamate yet?

I… I have… and you can probably tell I really like it…

Even if you aren’t a big fan of romantic Oumota I would recommend this fic. I will say there’s some scenes that are NOT for the faint of heart, but the fic makes up for those scenes with a lot of humor and some top tier banter!

The fic is still updating and it’s been a wild ride so far.

I did- I did the thing.

Rest in Piece to august tho I has MAD artblock because life was stressy.

(The december piece is a surprise for probably tomorrow, I have a few things I need to clean up before I can completely post it but I AM really proud of it~)

One step closer to the end and imma bout to-


I know I haven’t posted much art lately, I’ve been a busy bee lately, but with permission I wanted to share a lil’ bit of what I’ve been working on.

I was once again commissioned by my dear friend StelliaLupis, this time to update her icon so it fit her avatar better. Working with Stellia is always a pleasure, and seeing how much my art has improved putting the two icons side by side really makes me grin.

You can check out StelliaLupis on her Twitter and live weeknights on Twitch!

Thanks again to Stellia for commissioning me, and for all of my regular followers thank you for your patience!

A frog, a positive frog, frog I drew on my phone during a plane ride.

Do you hear buzzing?

Okay so… guilt symbolism and entomophobia- accept I’m bad at making my symbolism clear so it’s just a nifty drawing.

It came out a bit dark, and I’m too lazy to fix it but I’m still really happy with the results on this one.

Fire fire burns much brighter, when Oxygen is the supplier~

[Click for better quality]

A day or two ago I thought to myself “I should draw something for Momota’s birthday :D” and instead of drawing something sweet I drew THIS. Shout out to the song this was based on! It’s very good and makes me feel things!

This was fun to make. Actually just playing around in a style that wasn’t my usual was a blast and it WAS a great break from zine things. Sorry Momota .

First post of mARTch. A self portrait that I only kinda like lol.

But I’m using these as warmups so I don’t feel too bad :).
