#seamus finnigan x reader


Pairing: Seamus x reader 

Requested: Yooo sum shamus x reader potions partners would be sickkkkkkkkk

Warnings: none



  • You were partners with Seamus in potions since first year
  • It seemed you both always ended up getting paired
  • If it were up to you, you’d do everything
  • Never letting Seamus get anywhere near the ingredients
  • You somehow managed this every once in a while
  • Happy that he didn’t cause an explosion happen in potions like other classes
  • For most classes you would sneakily put the ingredients in the correct order for Seamus
  • Always telling him to make it look like he was doing something
  • Unfortunately Snape caught onto this sooner that you expected
  • Scolding you and taking five points away from your house made you huff
  • You went off to your own cauldron and did your own potion
  • The sound of an explosion made you jump and turn around
  • It made your stomach twist when you saw the mess on his face
  • Everyone in class laughed 
  • You could’ve sworn that even Snape gave a small smirk
  • You grabbed him by the wrist and took him to the sink away from everyone else
  • The both of you stayed quiet while you wiped him off
  • You weren’t going deny that you were staring
  • But you were definitely going to use having to see his face as an excuse for the stare
  • You never broke eye contact
  • Only faltering when you’d almost wiped the air instead of his cheek making the both of you laugh
  • If it weren’t for Snape you would have kept going
  • But he’d told you to sit back down
  • Making you kiss his cheek before you handed him the towel and made your way back to your seat


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