#second thoughts


It’s Called Tomorrow


Steve opens his eyes slowly, aware of both a slight ache in his right arm and a deep sense of contentment filling the rest of him, as though the warm sunlight streaming in through the open curtains has suffused his skin. Blinking in the light, he turns his head to the right.

Billy Hargrove is lying asleep beside him, his naked back facing Steve and his head resting on Steve’s outstretched arm - and therefore causing the dull pain radiating through his forearm.

For a few minutes, Steve just looks at him, conscious of a small and irrepressible smile on his face.

He took Billy on a date yesterday. Their first date, which sort of implies that there might be more - and Jesus, Steve hopes there will be more. He liked sitting opposite Billy at dinner, hearing the sound of his laughter across the table, seeing the surprised pleased smile on his face when Steve insisted on paying. He liked the feeling that he was finding things out about Billy that no one else knows. Who else could have believed that Billy is a secret science fiction nerd?

Read the rest on AO3.


This is part 10 of Kitten.
I know it’s been a while since I posted anything. I’m sorry about that. Life is crazy. Anyways. Here is the next part please don’t hate me for it. It’s not what I planed on writing but writers block sucks. Hope you like it.

Fic Summery: Sophia has never known love, her always picking the “good guy” him always turning out to be like a snake in the weeds. What will happen when she's took home one night by a “bad guy” him showing her things she never knew about herself.

Part Summery: Sophia suspects the truth about the brothers and what they really do for work. 

Warnings: Blood.

Let me know if you want to be tagged would love to add you: @vicmc624@deanwanddamons@that-one-gay-girl@akshi8278​ @loelizabeth100 @nihilismworld@grungebbygurl@lettuceheadjerry@suckmyapplejacks@goddessofmischiefs@naretional​ @michellethetvadidict @stuckupstucky@olichat

Part 1​ Part 9

After we ate dinner Dean led me back to my room. Him casually talking about things that didn’t matter. I knew he was doing it for my benefit to help me relax.

But before we could get down the hall the door opened at the top of the steps Sam walked inside.

He turns to see us, greeting us with a simple Hey.

I smile and wave back thinking about trying to reply but stop myself. Wanting to save my words for Dean. Well at least for now.

“Dinners in the kitchen.” Dean says, nodding his head towards that direction.

“Thanks.” Sam says, taking a breath as he reaches the bottom of the steps. Him running his fingers through his hair.

“Everything okay?” Dean asks, prompting me to look Sam over.

I stop when I spot a dark stain on Sam’s shoe. It was dried telling me it’s been there at least an hour.

That also made me realize that Sam was wearing different clothes. He was still dressed in a nice suit but it was a different color than before. Faint scratches were on his neck as well.

There was blood on Sam’s shoe. Why?

I felt a wave of fear run through me as I took a step away from him.

“What’s wrong Sophia?” Dean asks, turning to face me.

I ignore his question only pointing to Sam’s shoe. My stomach drops when Dean looks at it, seeming to be unfazed.

Sam look’s down and clenches his jaw as he looks back up at me.

“Look, it’s not what you think.” He says taking a step towards me but I ignore him.

Turning a bolt down the hall my mind screamed at me to run to get out of here as fast as I could.

I ran as fast as I could hearing both Dean and Sam call after me. Reaching my bedroom I close the door behind me, locking it and moving to slam the desk against it.

I frantically look around for something to defend myself with suddenly not wanting to be around either of them. Every shady thing the brothers did came to mind all at once.

I was living with bad men. Killers it seemed.

I jump and even scream as someone knocks on the door.

“Sophia, it’s me. Calm down.” Dean says his voice is gentle and even.

“Sophia I’m sorry I scared you. Let me explain.” Sam says, him sounding just as kind. Even a bit sad.

I shake my head as if they can see me and run to lock myself into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me.

I hear them knocking and trying to get me to open the door so I cover my ears to block out the sound.

Tears stream down my face as I picture them breaking down the door and dragging me out to kill me too.

I knew too much right? What did I expect? Trusting complete strangers I met at a club. The banging gets louder, making me cry out in fear and sobs.

I never saw either of them angry but I was about to. Curling up tighter into a ball I can only blame myself for my fate.

But neither of them come. Soon the sound of their muffled voices and knocking stop. Only the sound of my crying is left. I stay that way crying myself to sleep.

When I wake up I’m still in the bathroom, it feels like hours have passed. My stomach twisted in hunger telling me maybe it was longer than that.

Sitting up from the hard floor I move to my feet and open the bathroom door seeing the desk is exactly where I left it. Pushed against the door.

I walk cautiously towards it half expecting them to still be standing there. I look over at the clock to see it’s well past midnight. Nearly five in the morning.

I wonder if Sam and Dean left for work. Work? What really was their job? Dean said it wasn’t exactly legal. What did that mean?

I push the desk back into it’s palace quietly hoping they are gone and I could get out of here. The thought of leaving fills me with mixed emotions. I wanted out, scared they were gonna hurt me but I also wanted to stay the feelings I was growing for Dean still very much there. It also didn’t help that they saved me.

Opening the door slowly I jump seeing Dean there but I quickly realize he was sleeping. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and his bend down. Gently snores leave his mouth making me wonder how long he’s been there.

Since I locked myself inside my room most likely.

I leave my bedroom door open and walk down the hallway not really sure what my plan was.

Was I leaving? Where would I go? Was I going to stay? I didn’t really know either one of them.

I carefully move down the hall towards the exit. The whole bunker is pitch black except for the red lights lighting my path along the wall.

Walking past the kitchen I ignore the very loud growl my stomach lets out. I jump when a light clicks on my head snapping to the source.

Sam sits at the wooden tables, the lamp in the middle being turned on by him. Him most likely hearing my stomach.

He looks as if he’s been up all night, a deadly serious look on his face.

I glup at the sight of him, scared of what he will do to me.

He pushes a chair away from the table, pointing to it.

“Sit. We need to talk.” 

Do you want me to add some supernatural things to this fic? Do you want some Sophia x Sam action? Thank you for reading :)

Second thoughts always come too late.  They wrap around your gut like a tumour, stealing space and s

Second thoughts always come too late. 

They wrap around your gut like a tumour, stealing space and squeezing, until you try to pull away, back out and retreat. Fear wears you like a glove, works your mouth and makes you plead. Anxiety becomes you. But it’s too late for second thoughts. It was always too late, the instant you had the first. 

It’s your uncertainty that drives it, the fact that you're unsure about all of this. It’s uncharted territory, and you’re missing dry land, but we’re not here because we wanted to be safe. We’re here because you want to be here, just as much as you don’t. Your first thought was the right one, and any you have thereafter are just your body scared of what you might do to it. What I might do to it. 

We’re going to explore, you and I. We’re going to write some maps, and define some new territory. I’m going to flood your mind with thoughts, good ones, bad ones, desperate ones, and the kind that you wouldn’t even tell me if I asked you especially nicely. So let’s not worry about your anxiety. Forget about your uncertainty.

Embrace the unknown, and come over here. 

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