#see ordo -- wipes away twilek jelly -- handwashable ddd



You know what really bugs the fuck outta me every time I think about the Republic Commando books? Aside from the usual, I mean. Lookin’ at you and your problematic writing KT

So there’s multiple references to the spaceport siege in relation to Fi and the CSF. Any chance Obrim gets he reminds anyone who will listen that he owes Fi a drink for what he did. And the ONLY THING that anyone ever says about it is that Fi jumped on a bomb and saved some of the other officer’s lives. Like that’s it, just he jumped on a bomb. And every time they say something about it, I always pictured that scene in Captain America with skinny Steve (you know the one) except Fi has his armor. No big deal, right?


Unless you’ve read the mini-story at the end of Triple Zero you don’t know that the bomb was strapped to a person. A dead person. Actually, a dead Jedi. A dead Jedi who had literally just been killed trying to negotiate with terrorist hostage takers and was then thrown out into the open with said bomb strapped to his body.


I don’t know when exactly this takes place in the timeline, but it’s within the first year of the war. So this Jedi, Kaim, was probably late teens or early twenties and just made a master because of the war, looked much older than he should, and was sent to negotiate with terrorists. He’s then killed not long after going in, thrown out into to open with a bomb strapped to his chest, and Fi jumps on his body and closes his eyes while waiting for the blast because he doesn’t want to see the “shattered face” of Kaim.

Not to mention, there was a chance that Fi’s armor could have already been compromised at that point because Atin shot him with a verpine shatter gun to test their new katarn armor literally right before Omega was called to the spaceport. Could it survive a verp? Yes. Could it survive a verp and an explosion right after? Fi’s just like, fuck around and find out. So he’s potentially got milliseconds to live and he doesn’t want to see a dead Jedi’s face.

But according to any other reference to this moment, Fi just jumps on a bomb. Yeah fine, it’s technically correct, but there’s so much more to it. Even later in the series when it’s brought up they keep saying it was just a bomb.

Also, Fi has exploded twi’lek bits all over his armor afterwards. He’s covered in death. He smells like death. He uses humor to cover up what he’s actually feeling like he always does. How about instead of drinks, Obrim, you buy him some therapy? Please?

But sure, let’s never mention what that bomb actually was because KT hates Jedi unless they’re in Kal’s pocket and constantly downplays this event by ignoring that detail whenever it’s mentioned.
