
My gift for this year’s Hanami Exchange at @seisubhanamiexchange, for @graqsceve ❤️ The prompt I cho

My gift for this year’s Hanami Exchange at @seisubhanamiexchange, for @graqsceve❤️

The prompt I chose asked for a fashion editorial, and among the styles suggested for it was also Leyendecker. I couldn’t say no to something Leyendecker-inspired<333 I took inspiration from one of his illustrations and tried a different way than my usual with the colors to deliver something more similar to his strokes, and I like the somewhat rough feeling it gives.

(also all on a single layer. I never thought I would ever be able to mix lineart and colors together like this but it was an interesting experiment out of my comfort zone)

I hope you will enjoy your gift, Graqsceve! It was so fun to work with! Happy Hanami ❤️

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My entry for this year’s SeiSub Hanami exchange, based on one of the prompts from @subarusakurazuka:

My entry for this year’s SeiSub Hanami exchange, based on one of the prompts from @subarusakurazuka: AU where Subaru meets an injured Seishirou and nurses him back to health, unaware of his true nature. I think it would make a very interesting fanfiction, so I was immediately drawn to choose this one!

I hope you’ll enjoy it Lilith! It was really fun to draw ❤️

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