#self defence for girls


I am proud to announce my attendance of the March4Justice Rally today in Perth. There was a huge turnout of women from all backgrounds, as well as male supporters in light of the reasoning for this march and protest

Unfortunately, the treatment of all women across every race, age range and sector that they work in, as well as outside the workplace, is still rife with misogyny and sexism, with women and girls being afraid of pursuing their dream education and career because of males and their behaviour, of which is never held to account, until now, with Christian Porter and case involving a staffer. The protest was great in terms of solidarity and finally, with someone like me having a voice and to be believed.

However, I noticed that the men were small in terms of number and that yes, rapists rape and we do need to hold them accountable, but, the protest did not mention the possibility of women perhaps arming themselves legally, i.e, bring able to obtain a firearm for defense, or even a taser or pepper spray, because some males won’t admit that they harass, rape and stalk and some still uphold the status quo via keeping silent, for fear of standing up to other males, which makes them weak and unreliable. We women need more than just telling the System to change and males to have more self-control.
