#self ship asks



To go with the Halloween ask prompt, for the last few days of October (up to the 31st), here’s a special Halloween-themed ask meme for your platonic, familial, and QP F/Os! If Halloween isn’t your thing, feel free to ignore this. Otherwise, reblog to participate and remember, inbox karma is a fantastic treat

1. What would your F/O’s solo costume be?

2. What duo/group outfit would your S/I and them wear together?

3. Do they stay in, or go to a party, or even trick-or-treat?

4. What’s their favorite scary movie?

5. What’s their go-to Halloween movie, scary or not?

6. What’s their favorite candy?

7. How hard do they go on decor?

8. Do they like haunted houses?

9. What kind of jack-o-lantern do they carve?

10. What’s their least favorite kind of candy?

11. What are your Halloween traditions together?

12. Do they play any tricks?

13. What’s their favorite kind of monster?

14. Do they tell good scary stories?

15. Do they actually believe in ghosts, curses, anything like that?

16. What are they scared of?

17. (If they were still trick-or-treating age,) would they eat all their candy the night of, or save it?
