#senju hashirama


How did Madara and Izuna got their Mangekyou Sharingan?

They both had ms before Izuna died but who was that soooo important to Izuna and Madara that made them awake their ms? Maybe it was Tajima for Izuna but who was it for Madara? I doubt he loved anyone as much as he loved Izuna and Hashirama. It can’t be his best friend because his best friend was in the other clan so who was it???

“Madara…come back…PLEASE!”

It’s midnight and I don’t know what I’m doing

Okay so here is my headcannon of @hashimadaheadcanons ‘s Hashimada

And the kids as individuals

Both of the kids has Madara’s dark wavy hair, Obito is pale white just like Madara but Kagami is a bit sun kissed tanned (not as much as Hashirama but not pale as Madara or Obito)
