

a comic where serizawa and reigen get into a tense conversation about counsellors and moms (and maybe actually about other things, too).

this is a bit experimental, and may be a bit rough around the edges. i mostly did it bc 1) i wanted to explore reigen and serizawa’s flaws and relationships, 2) try to make smth out of serizawa mom’s OVA drama cd gag, 3) explore the idea of courage, again.

(i think it’s also hilarious that reigen just insists on not telling seri abt his lack of powers despite telling mob and tome(after like a month??). and seri just knows and rolls with it. despite sincerity being his whole thing, i think he’s good at accepting lies.)

some dialogues are also intended to have extra weight with context from reigen separation arc and final ???% arc. i’m not sure if they came across well. but if not, i hope you enjoyed it anyway!

thank you for reading!

edit: now also on ao3.
