#serizawa katsuya


mob pyscho brain rot ft. my friend’s among us art



thinking about winter clothes..

gay people real

reigen teaching them how to get free robux

reigen teaching them how to get free robux

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Scene from @simpleidiotpsychic‘s mp100 fic Out of Body

Oof, that’s it, that’s all I got in my storyboards.
I’m still confused by how this stumbled its way so craftily from “let’s maybe key animate one shot” to “okay fine all shots but no inbetweens” to “not gonna stop till the whole dang thing moves”


Tall brave and kind, boyfriend material

Spirits and Such Consultation Office After HoursSpirits and Such Consultation Office After HoursSpirits and Such Consultation Office After Hours

Spirits and Such Consultation Office After Hours

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bonesnail: There’s few things more powerful then knowing that you’re not alone in your experiences,


There’s few things more powerful then knowing that you’re not alone in your experiences, and that can be the first step to moving forward.

Sketched this on Sunday in anticipation of 100% Friendship! (I knew it was coming but being anime-only I didn’t know how it was gonna pan out).  The episode itself really struck an emotional chord with me so I had to draw something!

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There’s few things more powerful then knowing that you’re not alone in your experiences, and that ca

There’s few things more powerful then knowing that you’re not alone in your experiences, and that can be the first step to moving forward.

Sketched this on Sunday in anticipation of 100% Friendship! (I knew it was coming but being anime-only I didn’t know how it was gonna pan out).  The episode itself really struck an emotional chord with me so I had to draw something!

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Serizawa!!! He’s my favorite character in a series full of favorite characters! He’s wonderful!!!

If Joseph really wanted Claw to implode he should have encouraged Mario Party

Jokes on you if you think that I only do serious MP100 art HAHAHAHA!

caiabresebun: recently learned serizawa goes to night school 


recently learned serizawa goes to night school 

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annual spirits n’ such bug hunting trip ⭐️

them in their ridiculous mafia outfits

skrunkly and such consulting

helllooo everyone currently selling stickers and still have some available ⭐️


hc that serizawa takes reigen to try trendy food places that his night school classmates talk about

a comic where serizawa and reigen get into a tense conversation about counsellors and moms (and maybe actually about other things, too).

this is a bit experimental, and may be a bit rough around the edges. i mostly did it bc 1) i wanted to explore reigen and serizawa’s flaws and relationships, 2) try to make smth out of serizawa mom’s OVA drama cd gag, 3) explore the idea of courage, again.

(i think it’s also hilarious that reigen just insists on not telling seri abt his lack of powers despite telling mob and tome(after like a month??). and seri just knows and rolls with it. despite sincerity being his whole thing, i think he’s good at accepting lies.)

some dialogues are also intended to have extra weight with context from reigen separation arc and final ???% arc. i’m not sure if they came across well. but if not, i hope you enjoyed it anyway!

thank you for reading!

edit: now also on ao3.

anybody else crying in the club right now???  i can’t even explain how much i love this seriesanybody else crying in the club right now???  i can’t even explain how much i love this series

anybody else crying in the club right now???

  i can’t even explain how much i love this series! it’s wonderful and wholesome and i enjoyed following it for this long!

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Season 3 Serizawa Hype!

various sketchesvarious sketchesvarious sketchesvarious sketchesvarious sketchesvarious sketchesvarious sketchesvarious sketches

various sketches

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