#seriously i’m in my feels over jim


Can we talk about Jim and how easy it was for the entire crew of the Revenge to simply accept Jim as a non binary person and then get on with their lives? Sure at first they had questions but must of those questions were about Jim’s earlier disguise. The questions weren’t about whether Jim is a man or a woman or whether they are more male or more female. Nobody threw a hissy fit over using they/them pronouns in regards to Jim. Nobody asked Jim what their given/dead? name was. Jim said “You know me as Jim so keep knowing me as Jim.” And they all just DID. And that was the end of it. Jim’s story went on to be about something entirely unrelated to their non-binary gender. They’re just they. I can’t remember seeing a non-binary character played with such easy conviction before. I’m blown away. I can relate to Jim in a way I don’t relate to to a lot of non-binary characters because so many times their stories revolve completely around their gender and like that’s not what my life is. I’m not constantly walking around relating every minute of my life to my non-binary gender. Like Jim is just Jim, I’m just Megs. Jim makes me feel SEEN.
