#sero x kaminari




Can I Tell You A Secret?

  • rated: pg-13
  • genres: fluff, humor
  • ship: kamisero
  • status: complete

When Sero gets stood up for a date, Denki offers to go out with him instead to take his mind off things. That’s what bros are for, right? It’s not like there’s any genuine romantic intent behind it or anything…

If anybody were to look at them now, they’d probably see a real couple. It makes Denki a bit giggly, the idea that he and his best friend could be so close, arm in arm, and look to all the world like men in love. It makes the butterflies in his stomach begin to stir again, though he tells himself it’s the wine. It’s the wine and it’s the handsome man opening the door for him and it’s the situation. Anybody would feel like this.

Read it here!

