#service dog day off


We’ve got snow, had it on and off for a few days now. The dogs are both super excited and happy, especially on days like today where it’s snowy, but not cold. Ponyboy hates the cold, especially the wind. I also noticed how dirty his white bit looks compared to snow. 

I know I haven’t been posting much here, but it’s been a big old struggle lately. I’m trying to get things figured out. Ponys been helping out a lot- but I simply don’t go out and about other than doctors appointments. Been trying to fix that, but It hasn’t been going great. Pony’s been doing lots of dpt, lpt, picking stuff up, and alerting to skin-picking, which he still isn’t flawless at, but he’s getting there. I’ve been focusing more and more on self-care. Not that fancy meditating, green-smoothie, bare-foot-yoga kind. More of drinking more, heating up my food instead of eating it cold (or only partly thawed), and finding more reasons to smile and laugh. Because sometimes the most basic of stuff is really hard.

Please note- I do always make sure Ponyboy and Ziggy are taken care of. ;) They get better care than I ever have, and they always will. 

Ponyboy and I have been getting out much more often now that we have our rollator and the weather isn’t -30f out. Also, he has a new pastel rainbow bandana he is rocking- gotta show our Pride.

[Image Description: We are on the sidewalk, and this is a top down veiw of Ponyboy, you can see the wheel of my red rollator. Ponyboy is wearing his new bandana, and his blue head halter with pink and white patterns resembling abstract hearts. His ears are perked, his forehead is wrinkled, he is waving, and licking his front lips in atincipation of a treat.

End description]
