

Met with my sister and neices. It was nice. :) Pony was better at ignoring them then last time (last time he wanted to sniff my sister). Tomorrow we will be trying to go to my councler together for the first time. My anxiety is killing me!

Does anybody have any tips?

Hey yall. Pony And I went black Friday shopping accidentally.

And it was great! We needed to grab dog food, then went to a dollarstore, and then went to Lowe’s so Pony could meet new friends and have fun in the chaos, and then we went to Dunkin Donuts. I have only just started to recover lol. But it was super fun and nice. Pony did amazing, and absolutely nailed it at Dunkin donuts, which was a new very different place for him.

When your service dog is more photogenic than you’ve ever been.

[Image Description first photo:

Ponyboy the pitbull is sitting in a empty shed, wearing his head halter, collar, and a purple, green, white tie-dye bandana. A black leash is hanging from his halter. He has green boots on his front paws, grey on his back. He is looking past the camera to his handler, and his left lip is stuck folded under itself, while his ears are perked causing his forehead to be wrinkly. His right paw is lifted up and under himself, mid wave.

Second picture description: Seconds after the first picture. His paw is lowering now, and he has shifted his eyes from me to the treat in my hand.

End image descriptions. ]

A huge accomplishment - our second time using a bathroom in public! Pony used to refuse to go into the bathroom, but today I REALLY needed to go- so I tried leaving him with my mom. That was a big old NOPE for Pony. He was convinced he needed to go with me- He didn’t want to keep his downstay, and he was trying to get away from my mom to follow me. So I took his leash and let him come- and he didn’t even hesitate to enter the bathroom or stall. He wasn’t relaxed, but he wasn’t past threshold.

Ponyboy and I have been getting out much more often now that we have our rollator and the weather isn’t -30f out. Also, he has a new pastel rainbow bandana he is rocking- gotta show our Pride.

[Image Description: We are on the sidewalk, and this is a top down veiw of Ponyboy, you can see the wheel of my red rollator. Ponyboy is wearing his new bandana, and his blue head halter with pink and white patterns resembling abstract hearts. His ears are perked, his forehead is wrinkled, he is waving, and licking his front lips in atincipation of a treat.

End description]

Today has been chaotic, and I haven’t slept the past 24 hours, we had two pet dogs in stores, we went to 6 places, 3 of which Pony and I went into alone, and we just got back from getting my brand new rollator. :) A big, chaotic, but good day. Tonight I’m going to sleep REALLY well, and so is Pony. <3 More pictures to come in the next few days… Right now, time for resting.

Edit: Posted this a good 26 hours ago, finally Tumblr uploaded it

[Image Description

Ponyboy is standing between my legs, wearing a black collar, his vest, and a head halter with blue, pink, and white hearts and swirls on it. Pony is looking at my phone, with his ears perked and a focused look. We are in a store isle, the floor is concrete.

End description]

Pony and I got out to do some work today, after about a month of life being too hectic and crazy. He was beyond thrilled to work again, I wish I had taped how excited he was when I was getting his things together. we went to quite a few places for quick errands, but the one we hung out in for awhile was this one. A health food store we’ve never been in before. He did amazing, although the floors confused him a bit. All the stores we go to that are just concrete are pet friendly places where he doesn’t need to work, and he gets to be friendly. So he was extremely confused that he couldn’t see people, but once it clicked that he still had to work, he was great. <3

Pony rocked at chilling at a buffet style restaurant that was crowded, and did well while we were getting food. I was even able to leave him under the table when I got up to hug someone i recognized, although after about a minnuet of chatting he got up and walked out from under our table and over to lay down next to me. Oh well lol… It was the first time I’ve ever left him to do a down-stay in a public place that had people in there. It’s something to practice, but I am proud of him. :)

(Also, sorry I’ve been gone awhile. Life has been too bad to post much, and it just got a lot worse. I’m hoping coming back on here will be a bit therapeutic, but I won’t be focusing on posting too often. I do have some videos though.)
