#service dog tasks


Met with my sister and neices. It was nice. :) Pony was better at ignoring them then last time (last time he wanted to sniff my sister). Tomorrow we will be trying to go to my councler together for the first time. My anxiety is killing me!

Does anybody have any tips?

Sadly for me, I’m just itchy from allergies. No harmless scratching or rubbing for me anymore I guess. 

Yall there is so much dust in my house. No wonder I have problems with my asthma. Need to clean more often.

But here is a video of Ponyboy running to grab my med bag. I need to upgrade to a bigger one, and I’m planning on getting one that has a blue pattern, this brown one is very hard for him to see. He’s learning to scan entire rooms and look for it. This time it was hidden on the table.

We were going to go inside- but I forgot his vest. Darn brain fog! But we went out to train in front of dollar general anyways, and I am proud of how well he did out of vest, at night, after his first snow storm. Especially after not heading out for the past week, and even longer since we went out vested. Such is the life of a hermit, lol…

Would anyone be interested in more videos like this? Where we are either practicing tasks he already knows, or training new ones? I also have older videos I can post of us training, all the way back to when he was 8 weeks old! 

[Video Description: Ponyboy is wearing a red and green sweater with a snowman on the back, who has a scarf. He has on his head halter and typical black leash, along with his head halter and his blue collar. He also has on his Ruffwear boots. We are outside of a store at night, on the pavement- it is wet from the snow. He is working on picking up a small white paper card from an old doctors appointment. At the very beginning of the video, he gets distracted by the snow, but then redirects to picking up the card. 

End description.]

Guess who’s insurance is going to help pay for a rollator!

So tell me- what are your tips? Do you have your dog tuck under it while your sitting? Do you let your dog do DPT while your sitting? What are your favorite accessories? What leash do you suggest? Over the shoulder, traffic lead, or in hand? I can’t wait to be able to travel more, have fun, have some freedom! Do you have any safety tips or cautions? Do you have ways of winterizing yours? Would zip ties on the wheels work like they do with wheelchairs? I live in new york, we get what feels like half a year of snow and ice.
