#seven nights



Tiers of canon-compliant transformative media:

1. Retelling canon events.

2. Giving extended treatment to events which are present in the source material, but which the text addresses only briefly.

3. Filling in events which the source material omits, but which can reasonably be inferred from the text.

4. Exploring dimensions of the source material about which the text has nothing to say one way or the other.

5. Solving the intellectual puzzle of how some unlikely series of events could have happened without directly contradicting the text.

6. Preserving the integrity of the text by contriving for all the really wild stuff to happen while the viewpoint character isn’t looking.

7. Prove me wrong, fucker.

Trying to write a fantasy post-apocalyptic story and trying to trim down this 8k word chapter like…

  • What coffee brew would best match their character style?
  • Shit, do they have electricity?
  • Oh wow I can just buy a French Press, I’m gonna do that
  • This character also feels useless and out of place, of course!
  • Western cowboys liked their coffee ‘strong, scalding, and barefooted‘ and now I have to use that
  • Wait how did this chapter get longer? Dammit.