#seven sentence sunday


Seven Sentence Sunday

Tagged by @rewritetheending (thank you Morgan ❤️), here’s a snippet from a 5b AU where Buck is stuck in a time loop. This part was written pre-5b. Apologies for the heavy angst but things eventually will work themselves out.

“Eddie—” Buck starts, but Eddie cuts in.

“I want you to sleep on this,” Eddie says. “Please. Before you do anything, I want you to think about what you’re leaving behind—”

“I’m not leaving anything behind,” Buck yells, and it’s a miracle Eddie doesn’t crash the car with the force of Buck’s outburst. 

“What?” Eddie asks quietly. 

“I’m not,” Buck continues hotly. “Everyone is leaving, the team is completely different now, and you’re not there anymore, and even when you were, you stopped talking to me! So forgive me for thinking that I have nothing left here anymore!”

The silence that follows Buck’s outburst is loud, and Eddie keeps driving like nothing’s happened. It’s only his tight grip on the steering wheel that belies any hint of how he actually feels. Buck thinks that for all the times he’s come close to death and escaped, sitting in a car with Eddie right now feels like the death of everything he’s ever known. 

What did you do, a voice inside Buck’s head says dully, slowly, like even his conscience has given up. 

“You’re not talking to Chris tonight,” Eddie says finally when they pull into Buck’s apartment complex. “You can come by tomorrow if you’re serious about this and I’ll let you talk to him.”

“Let me,” Buck echoes. “So that’s what it’s come to now.”

Eddie looks at him coolly. “If you’re leaving for good, I’ve got to get used to making all the decisions here again.”

I think I’ve seen most people tagged already so have at it if you’d like and say I tagged you!

Seven Sentence Sunday

tagged by @gayeddiaz@queerpanikkar@rewritetheending@eddiediass (thank you all ❤️), here’s more from the pre-5b time loop AU that won’t leave me alone. I swear the rest of this fic isn’t as angsty as the snippets I’ve shared lol

“I’m not refusing,” Buck says tiredly. “I’d do anything for Chris, you know that. Youjust seem convinced that I won’t be there.”

“You won’t,” Eddie throws back at him. “Buck, you’re not moving to San Clemente. You’ll be across the country. You’ll be miles, time zones away. Even if you get on the next flight, you’ll be here six hours later. You’ll come to visit every month in the beginning, and then it’ll be every other month, and pretty soon it’ll be a trip down for Christopher’s birthday and that’s it. We’ve seen this happen to people, it’s the way the world works.”

“What do you want me to do, Eddie?” Buck asks quietly, pleading. His chest feels entirely hollow, like it’s never known the warm rush of blood through its cavity, never held a beating heart that once lived there. “I have no one here. Why shouldn’t I follow the one person who asked me to go with her?”

“You have us,” Eddie says again heatedly. “You have all of us! If you can’t see that, Buck, then maybe we’re done here.”

Buck nods and opens the door. “I guess we are.” His legs feel disproportionately weighted down by his body as he steps out and shuts the door of Eddie’s truck behind him.

“I’ll drop by to talk to Christopher tomorrow,” Buck calls out. “I’ll—I’ll explain it to him so he understands.”

Eddie looks at him through the window. “So you won’t even reconsider this? For him?” Eddie hesitates before he adds, “For me?”

I’ve seen so many people do this but if you’d like @evandiaz@kitkatpancakestack and anyone else!

Seven Sentence Sunday

Tagged by @mellaithwenand@clusterbuck thanks pals!

(Edit: also @sibylsleaves what did we do? Post at exactly the same time?)

Have a little bit of my very silly “Come here often?” fic

“Say when,” the bartender says, opening the jar of maraschino cherries and scooping them out one at a time. They’re fancier than Eddie buys for ice cream sundae nights at home, the syrup dark and thick and deliciously sweet. Buck may talk a big game about his palate and his mixology skills, but when it comes down to it, he still takes his drinks as sweet and strong as he is. 

“You know I’m charging you for these, right?”

“Go ahead,” Eddie answers as the fifth cherry sinks slowly to the bottom of the rocks glass. 

Six. Seven. 

“Are you sure you don’t want me to just throw a spoon in the jar?”

Eddie snorts. But actually…

“Do you have a fresh jar?”


“Add it to my tab.”

“I don’t even have a price for them. The jars are like twenty dollars retail.”

“Charge me forty.”

The drink he’s had is not that strong. Eddie doesn’t have any excuse for what he’s doing and the look the bartender’s giving him like he might have a traumatic brain injury is completely warranted. But if he’s doing this. If he’s really going to do it after all this time. Then Eddie’s not going to hold anything back.

Tagging@fleurdebeton,@princessfbi,@annabethwrites,@buckactuallys,@queerpanikkarand@rewritetheending if anyone would like to share on this lovely June Sunday.
