#seventeen angst


Lilac Lace | k.mg (M)

genre ➳ roomates au, fluff, pwp, humour, roomates to lovers.

pairing ➳ roomate!Mingyu x female!reader

warnings ➳ profanities, too much domesticity even tho they ain’t dating, lots of awkward convos? yn is horny af, pinning, kissing, an underwear thief , male masturbation, yn spies on him , size kinkkk, dom!Gyu, panty sniffing, fingering, dirty talk, female oral, massive dicc mingyu, titty sucking, marking, unprotected sex(don’t do this irl), virgin sex(surprise?), multiple orgasms, creampie, aftercare.

word count ➳ 6.8k

synopsiswithout much options left on your hands, you become Mingyu’s roommate. things take a wild turn after a few weeks.

A/N: This was supposed to come out on the 6th but we all know the news regarding wonwoo(may his mom rip) so it was only right to postpone it. A late happy birthday to dear Mingyu. Ik the banner is shitty so let’s just ignore it. As always, let me know your thoughts and I’ll retire to my penthouse in hell <3.

“I mean it’s the opportunity of a lifetime man. Why are you hesitating?” Seokmin groans in frustration from beside as you sit and stare at the cafeteria table as if burning holes into it will bring you answers.

“I know it is!” You cry. “I just— I don’t know…I’ve never lived with a guy before. What if he’s messy? What if he doesn’t clean up after himself? What if he stinks?”

Jeonghan sighs exhaustedly from opposite you, rubbing his hand frustratedly over his face. “Everyone on this campus knows how clean and neat Mingyu keeps his house! Is that really your concern?”

No, it actually isn’t.

The concern is that you have a teeny tiny crush on Kim Mingyu. And you’re not sure if rooming with him will help this fleeting feeling. But it’s also true that you’ve never been roommates with a guy before. You’ve lived by yourself ever since you got into college no matter how much your parents forbade you. It was until last week that your landlord abruptly announced that he was going to sell the whole building, giving you two weeks to pack your things and move out.

It doesn’t help that it’s the middle of the senior year and all the dorms are completely booked. It will take months to get an empty room if you are lucky. And the prices of one-bedroom apartments, even studio apartments near your campus are astonishingly high and way out of the budget for a college student with limited funds like you. So when Jeonghan announces that Mingyu has a spare room in his apartment and doesn’t mind a roommate, in fact, is looking for one, the idea definitely tempts you. But your feelings make you think twice.

What if he’s noisy? What if he brings a different girl over each night? It is no news how the whole campus crushes on Mingyu’s extremely blessed visuals, height, body, mannerisms— the list will go on. Everybody, including you, agrees that they’ve never seen a person as perfect as him. Which makes it all harder to share a house with him.

But you don’t have the luxury to ponder over it because you have about five days until your stupid landlord kicks you out. The best option you have now is to stay with Mingyu until you’ve found another solution.

“You know you’re lucky.” Seungkwan pouts, sipping on his iced americano. “Mingyu’s house is one hell of a place, trust me. And you get to stay there paying half the rent. I’m jealous of you. I lived there so you can take my word. I can’t believe that beanpole kicked me out just because I left tangerine peels on the coffee table once.” He mutters under his breath, making Jeonghan roll his eyes. “That was because you didn’t pay rent, idiot.”

The younger man glares at him, pinching his arm as Jeonghan groans in pain, making you roll your eyes at their antics.

“You know what,” you sigh, finally arriving at a conclusion. “I’ll take the offer.”


Sharing a house with Mingyu proves to be an extreme sport. The sport being ‘try not to fall for the husband material of a man he is.’

Like, the man is the epitome of perfect. It has been a little less than a month since you’ve moved in and the way Mingyu has been treating you is definitely not good for your heart. You thought they didn’t make guys like this anymore but here he is, respectful, polite, neat and handsome as fuck.

The day you moved in, you had arrived to see his apartment clean and pristine, not a speck of dust anywhere as you marveled at how beautiful the place was. It was sleek, modern and spacious; something very few college students got, especially with the amount of money you agreed to pay. He later told you the landlord is a close friend of his family so he offered this place to them at a minimum price.

Mingyu had settled in the master bedroom so you took the second spare bedroom without hesitation. Though your room is a bit smaller than his, it’s still spacious, having enough room to fit all your stuff that you brought in two pieces of luggage.

Mingyu had some ground rules established and you were more than happy to follow them. Clean after yourself, do not enter each other’s room without permission, if you’re having people over let your roommate know beforehand. These are no issues; you are actually glad because you hold the same mindset and it sets boundaries.

The issue, however, is the way Mingyu walks around the house half naked. You were first blessed (tortured) with the sight one morning, on a weekend, when you had just woke up and stumbled into the kitchen looking like a little gremlin to make yourself a coffee. As you downed a glass of water, he appeared from his room, only clad in a pair of grey sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips. The sight of Mingyu’s perfectly sculpted, taut chest and biceps made you choke on the water as he rushed closer to you, asking what was wrong with a worried look on his face. You literally ran from him, seeking refuge in your room where you stayed locked up all day to recover from the harrowing memory.

Another issue is how kind and helpful he is, diving the chores evenly, cooking every night, helping you with your papers whenever you were stuck, helping you reach the top shelves when you were looking for something.


It was no news how tall he was but whenever he’d appear next to you, you would feel like a microorganism, his immensely bulky form towering over you. He didn’t hesitate to tease you, making harmless jokes about how tiny you are which sent your heart racing and face burning.

Maybe the only imperfect thing about him was his clumsiness but honestly, you find it endearing. It makes you adore him even more; how he completely forgets how giant he is and bumps into things, how he often drops utensils while cooking and then picks them up with a sheepish smile. It all makes your heart race.

Your roommate, Kim Mingyu, his simple existence makes your heart race.

Like right now, as you watch him stir fry the shrimp for the fried rice he’s making, wearing a sleeveless tee that shows off his ungodly thick biceps. You are supposed to be studying, your laptop and notes sprawled out on the coffee table but your eyes keep wandering over to him, how his biceps bulge whenever he grips the pan as he hums a tune, too lost in his own head to notice your stare. Swallowing, you reach for your water bottle beside you for the nth time, trying to quench the thirst that water will not satisfy. You wonder how it’d feel to be wrapped around those humongous arms and you desperately wish he’d just pick you up and throw y—

“You’re not hungry yet are you?” He suddenly questions, making your eyes widen as you snap out of your thoughts and quickly avert your eyes like he can read the scandalous thoughts going through your mind. “Um- n-no. No, I’m not.”

He smiles, “Good. I’m planning on making some stir fried tofu. Your favorite.”

“Thanks, Mingyu.” You offer him a kind smile, trying not to stare at his arms or broad shoulders as he busies himself again.

That night, long after you have gone to bed, you toss and turn, trying hard to sleep which never comes. Your body is tired but your mind isn’t, probably because you are still thinking about how much you want to be dicked down by Mingyu.

When you realize you won’t be able to sleep this way, you get out of bed and pad towards the dining room to get yourself a cool glass of water. You don’t bother turning on the light as there is sufficient light coming not only from the outside but also from the small led bulb above the kitchen counter.

As you gulp down the cool liquid, a tiny sliver of light catches your attention and you realize it’s coming from Mingyu’s bedroom. It’s nearly one am but Mingyu has a habit of staying up late and finishing his work, so it doesn’t come across as a surprise. However, as you set the glass down and start heading back to your room, a noise alerts you, making you stop in your tracks.

You remain still, holding your breath and focusing on the sound which doesn’t return for a while. Just when you’re about to decide you heard wrong, it floats through again and you hear it clearly this time.

A moan. A deep, throaty moan.


Your eyes widen as you realize what that must mean. A civil, well-mannered person would ignore it and give him his privacy but you’re none of that so you start tiptoeing towards Mingyu’s room. All types of thoughts race through your mind. Did he bring a girl home? But he didn’t mention anything and neither did he go outside. This leaves one possibility: he’s pleasuring himself.

As you stand right by his door, your ears on alert, the sounds become much clearer and you rub your thighs subconsciously. The little gap between the door and the doorframe is not enough to see what’s inside so you take a deep breath and decide: fuck it.

Without much thinking, your shaky hands move, praying he doesn’t notice as you push the door ever so slightly as it creates barely a one-inch gap. Small but enough for you to peek in. Which you do.

Mingyu lies in his bed, his back resting against a bunch of pillows as half lays there. But that is not the cause of your concern. The issue is how he’s half naked, his pajamas bunched around his knees as his cock stands up proudly. Eyes closed tightly in bliss, his hand fists around the flesh of this length, up and down repeatedly as soft grunts slip from his lips.

Your throat dries up.

But you have yet to see, you realize, as your eyes shift over to his other hand in which lies a small piece of clothing. With your life in your hands, you move even closer to the door and squint, holding your breath. When he shifts and opens his fist, you realize what the material is.

It’s your underwear.

Your. Underwear.

It’s your favorite lilac purple underwear with lace seams. The one that went missing a couple of days ago. You thought you had somehow misplaced it but looks like you are wrong because your roommate has it.

But that’s not the concern.

Mingyu is jerking off to your fucking underwear.

What the actual fuck?

And there’s more in store for you as Mingyu’s hands move to bring your panty towards his face and absolutely mortified, you watch with bated breath as he holds it over his nose and takes a deep inhale.

Your legs nearly give up.

Like a shameless, horny bitch you stay rooted to your spot and watch as Mingyu’s moans increase in pitch, his hands moving faster on his cock, eyes tightly shut and your panties on his face. The erotic sight has your pussy leaking.

It is the epitome of filth and sin. Nothing can company to how vulgar yet erotic this feels. Half of you just want to barge in and jump on top of him, make him help you with the ache between your legs while the other half wants to run to the north pole, never wanting to face this man again.

A particular deep groan jolts you out of your head as you watch your roommate reach his climax, his deep moans echoing in your ears as his body slightly arches off the bed, thick spurts of cum flying out of his large cock.

And then silence.

Mingyu lays on his bed, a hand over his head as he catches his breath while you do so on the other side of the door. It’s like you’ve run a marathon. Beads of sweat shine on your forehead as your heart rings loudly in your ears, your underwear sticking uncomfortably to your core.

You need to leave now if you don’t want to get caught snooping.

The little sensible part of your brain hisses at you, making your feet move as you carefully, shakily, tiptoe back into your room, your throat now dryer than it originally was.


For the next few days, you avoid Mingyu like plague. You know how crazy you look, how obvious it is but you can’t help how your mind displays the sight of his naked body whenever you see his face and how your pussy starts throbbing. At first, Mingyu brushed it off but now he looks at you with concern and you feel extremely bad.

But what do you say to him?

Hey, I snooped on you like a creep as you jerked off and also, do you mind returning my favorite panties?

“_____?” Mingyu snaps his fingers in front of your as you blink and look at him, realizing he’s been calling you for a while. “You okay?”

“Uhm- yep!” You manage the fakest smile. Mingyu’s face falls, “Stop lying. You’ve been so weird the past few days. Did I do something wrong?”

Oh god.

“No! No, not at all,” you immediately clarify, feeling guilty. “I just—” you stare helplessly at his face. “I just have a lot on my mind right now.” You whisper making him sigh.

He says nothing for a while and you expect him to scold you or something but he just says. “Okay. How about a movie tonight? It’ll help you get your mind off of the things you’re so worried about.”

The expectant and puppy-eyed look he gives you breaks your heart and you know you’d rather die than say no to that face. So you let out a defeated sigh and grit your teeth. “Okay.”

“Great!” He grins excitedly. “I’ll make some pasta! You can choose the movie!”


It’s nine pm when you two sit down with your food and start the movie. It’s a studio Ghibli movie, one you’ve watched many times but you don’t mind watching a few times more. You two sit on the couch, maintaining a certain distance from each other, watching the TV screen in silence as you stuff your face full of the pasta. Like always, Mingyu’s cooking is exceptional and you devour the food within the first ten minutes. All this thinking and worrying had you starving the entire day. As you refill your plate Mingyu gives you a happy smile seeing you enjoy his cooking.

Ten more minutes later your belly is full and your plate is clean like Mingyu’s and you two sip the red wine in silence. You haven’t been able to pay much attention to the movie, instead, feeling hyperaware of his proximity and how you can smell a faint whiff of his musky scent.

It does things to you.

Veryvery bad things.

Shifting in your seat, you try to push those thoughts away but they come back in stronger, bigger waves, making you want to bang your head against the wall in frustration. There’s no way you can live like this. You’ll go crazy or die from a heart attack.

Huffing, you chew on your lower lip and try to concentrate on the movie playing, your eyebrows unknowingly shaping into a frown which Mingyu seems to notice.

“You okay?” He asks making you blink a few times. “Do you feel sick or something?” He questions, genuinely concerned. You sigh, rubbing your temples and murmuring a 'no’ which doesn’t do much to convince Mingyu as you can feel his stare burning into your skin.

An awkward, tensed silence settles as the volume from the TV fades into the background due to the stillness in the air while you try to avoid Mingyu’s gaze and focus hard on the floor. But you can only do that for so long before growing restless. So, without much thinking, you throw caution in the air and meet his eyes.

“Have you…by any chance seen my underwear? It’s lilac in color. I can’t seem to find it.” Half of you feel unequivocally mortified at how bluntly you asked the question while the other half patiently waits for his answer, eyeing his reaction carefully.

And it is something that you expected. A tiny hint of red appears in his ears as he watches you with wide eyes, stuttering, “I- um, n-no I haven’t. I- I’ll keep an eye out though.”

Disappointed, you only nod, “Okay.”

“Is that what has been bothering you all day?” He asks tentatively.

“What? No!” Now it’s your turn to feel embarrassed. “I just- I just suddenly remembered it…”

“I see.” He watches you cautiously for a few beats before setting his eyes back on the TV screen. Out of the corner of your eye, you take a look at him and you realize he is thinking hard. Unlike before, there’s a little frown on his face, his focus not on the movie but somewhere deep in his thoughts.

You desperately wish he’d make a move, say something, do something. It doesn’t make sense for him to jerk off to your underwear unless he feels a special way about you? Or…is this a bad, perverted habit of his? Does he steal any woman’s underwear and jerk off to it?

“Mingyu?” You call for him, the thoughts racing in your head finally exhausting you and paired with the little liquid courage in your blood you ask. “Can be honest with me?”

You don’t miss the look of panic that flashes across his face. “Sure.”

“Do you… do you like me?” It’s embarrassing to say it out loud, so much that you want to cringe into yourself and disappear forever. Maybe he actually doesn’t like you and you are getting ahead of yourself. Now that you’ve laid out all your cards, dread swims through your every vein but there is no going back.

“W-what?” He half chokes.

“Do you like me?” You repeat, voice softer this time, your eyes pleading with him silently to say yes, to assure you that you haven’t made a fool out of yourself. Except he doesn’t say anything but gapes at you like you’ve grown another head on your shoulder. Disappointment starts to settle in your bones but you decide you won’t go down like a coward.

“Because…I like you. I like you…a lot Mingyu.” You whisper, eyes straying from him in shyness.

There. You’ve done it.

You should probably start looking for a new place to live.

“____…” He breathes your name softly, his voice a little shocked as if he didn’t just expect you to say that. Hell, you didn’t expect to say that.

“____,” he starts again, clearing his throat as you mentally prepare yourself for a rejection. You have half a heart to interrupt him and run but you decide to hear him out before doing something more stupid. “I- I like you too. I really like you.”

You blink. Once. Twice. Thrice. Waiting for him to say it’s a prank, waiting for you to wake up from this dream because there is no way—

“W-what?” You choke.

Mingyu turns shy under your gaze. “I-…yeah. I like you…too.”

“Why- why didn’t you tell me!” Your voice is incredulous.

“Because I didn’t know that you liked me too!” He defends. “I didn’t want to confess and then make it uncomfortably for you to stay here. I…I don’t know. I just thought you didn’t like me back.”

“I’m literally crazy about you, you know…” You whisper bashfully. “I have had a crush on you since the junior year…like every other girl.”

Mingyu snorts. “Well, I’ve had a crush on you since you moved in. God, you’re just so… adorable. I saw you dancing in the kitchen in those skimpy shorts you wear one morning while making pancakes and…I just fell for you.”

“Oh my god.” You hide your face in your hands in embarrassment making Mingyu laugh. “You saw that!” You whine, embarrassed.

“Yes. I did.” He shuffles closer to you to pry your hands off your face and offers you a sweet smile, one that displays his canines. Your heart starts racing and you have this desperate urge to feel his lips against yours and just thinking about it makes your toes curl. So you whisper, eyes focused on his lips. “Will you kiss me, Mingyu?”

He looks surprised for a second before he grins cockily, “With pleasure,” and then captures your lips in a kiss. They melt against his soft flesh perfectly as he takes his sweet time, kissing you softly, passionately while his other hand cups your jawline to tilt your head.

Soft sighs of pleasure release from your lips as your hands bunch the fabric of his t-shirt in a tight grip. Mingyu pulls back for a second, locking his eyes with yours and the desire blazing in them has you embarrassingly wet. Desperate to feel him again you dive back in for another kiss, this one stronger and needier as you chase his tongue in desperate motions. His tongue wraps around yours, waltzing together and the sheer messiness of the act, the subtle taste of wine on his lips, the string of saliva connecting from your tongue to his, all have you desperately rutting on the couch. This is your wildest dream and it is coming true.

“Mingyu…” You pant. “I n-need you.”

He smirks. “You do baby? Where?” He softly trails his lips on your cheek before they hover over your ear. “Where does my pretty roommate need me?” He whispers, his hot breath tickling your ear, making you whine softly. “I-inside me.”

He hums, satisfied, grabbing a little flesh of your neck between his teeth and sucking. “Then let’s take this to the bedroom shall we?” He doesn’t wait for your reply, instead latches his arms underneath the back of your thighs and lifts you, his feet quickly moving towards his bedroom where he drops you on the bed rather unceremoniously, hastily starting to take off his tee.

Biting your lip, you watch him with dilated pupils and bated breath as his sculpted figure comes into view. He’s extremely large and bulky, in all the right places which does not come to you as a surprise because you know how much of a gym rat he is. But seeing his protruding, firm muscles without any barrier for the first time has your throat dry, pussy wet and size kink shooting up the roof.

You really want him to throw you around like a fucking ball.

Mingyu watches you watching him hungrily and with a cocky smirk, he lets you enjoy the view for a while before he reaches for your shirt. “Let’s take this off, hmm?” You can only nod as you help him with the act and as soon as your top half is bare, his lips lock with yours once more, his hands traveling towards your breasts to cup them in his palm gently. Your body arches, moving towards his touch as he hums in satisfaction, massaging your soft flesh and kneading them in his large hands. When he’s had enough of your lips, his mouth ventures downwards, following the column of your neck and then your collarbone before stopping on your tits. He latches his mouth around a nipple and sucks hard, not breaking eye contact with you as you let out a high pitched moan.


Seeing your response, he sucks harder before softly nipping around the sensitive bud and then moving onto your other breast, doing the same. Your hands tangle in his hair as you hold him against you, hooded eyes watching him devour you like you’re his last meal.

When he’s done marking your chest, he pulls back to watch your heated face; your hair a mess, temples coated with a sheen of perspiration, struggling to catch your breath before his hands work on removing your leggings. He tugs them off at once and the grin displaying on his face lets you know just how excited he is to see you clothed just in your panties. He inches his face towards your thigh where he presses soft slow kisses before tugging the flesh between his teeth. His lips move from the top of your thighs to your inner thighs where he increases the intensity of his ministrations before finally stopping on your clothed core. Taking a quick peek at your face and holding your gaze he traces his lips over the fabric of your underwear as arousal seeps from your core. His hands skim over your legs, his fingertips leaving tinglings in their wake before they reach to tug your panties.

“Wait- uhm!” You suddenly stop him, a thought occurring to you, voice shaky for no particular reason. Mingyu’s brows furrow in concern as he retracts his hands but you quickly reach for them and whisper. “Uhm…just be gentle. This is…my first time.”

His eyes widen like saucers making you cringe. Did you ruin the mood? Is he going to laugh at you? Unable to withstand his stare you hide your face in your hands, murmuring. “Don’t look at me like that.” Your voice is meek.

He clears his throat. “No! Uhm- I’m just surprised.” He murmurs. “I mean, you’re so hot and I thought…I don’t know…” His voice fades as you take a peek at him through your fingers and you can see a blush coating his face. How can a man be so adorable and hot at the same time?

“You think I’m hot?” You can’t help but tease.

“You’re realizing that now?” He rolls his eyes. “Of course you’re hot.” He says it like it’s the most obvious thing ever. There’s a small moment of silence as you fidget, waiting for him to say or do something as you feel something unsaid hanging in the air. “Well…” He scratches the back of his head. “If it makes you feel any better, this is my first time too.”

Your jaw hits the floor.

No way.

There is no way Kim Mingyu—

“You’re kidding.”

“Wish I was.”

His solemn and somewhat embarrassed look tells you he’s fully serious and let out a small, unceremonious noise of shock.

“I can’t believe you haven’t stuck your dick in something yet.” You murmur, voice laced with disbelief as you gape at him. He flinches at your words. “That’s one way to put it. I just— I don’t know. It just didn’t happen. I was this close though one time. Like, my pants were literally off and so was this girl’s but just as we were about to start her brother barged in—”

“Oh.” You interrupt, not really interested in hearing his failed attempt at having sex.

“Yeah, you get the point.” He mumbles, cheeks tinted pink. “Can we…return to what we were doing?”

“Y-yeah. Sure.” You chuckle breathily, the tingling sensation returning on your skin. Mingyu smiles as he shuffles closer to you and presses a soft, reassuring kiss on your lips. “Just relax. I’ll take care of you.” You nod mindlessly as you hum and chase his lips, his addictive taste leaving you craving for more. So once again your lips tangle in a messy kiss and your hand hovers over the waistband of his shorts. Bravely, you tug at them and it captures Mingyu’s attention as he retracts his lips from yours and gives you a lazy smile. “Impatient, aren’t we?”

“Please.” You only beg.

He chuckles softly, a look of adoration on his face as he gives your cheek a peck that makes your heart dance happily. “All in good time, my love. Let’s get you prepared first.”

You swallow, watching him take off your panties which now have a damp spot in them and toss it behind him. His eyes stay glued to your core and you’re about to close your legs out of embarrassment when he grabs your thighs and pulls them apart. “Be a good girl.” His eyes shine dangerously, his gravelly voice going straight to your pussy and you have half a heart to just jump on his dick.

Keeping his eyes locked on yours, he pops a couple of his digits into his mouth, making a show of licking them which makes you lick your dry lips. Once his fingers are covered in his spit he moves them towards your pussy, gently stroking your lips, eyes never leaving yours, looking out for any signs of discomfort. “Tell me if it hurts.” He murmurs softly rubbing your entrance before inserting one finger inside and immediately you fall back on the bed, a low groan leaving you.

“Good?” He asks.

“Mhmm. S-so good.” You sigh, bunching his sheets in your hands. Humming, Mingyu inserts a second finger before starting to move the two digits in tandem, curling them inside you and stretching your walls slowly. You continue to moan loudly, the feel of his fingers inside your velvety walls driving you mad. His name slips from your lips in lustful pants as he continues scissoring his fingers inside you, sometimes locking his eyes with you, giving you a look that tells you he wants to eat you alive.

Once you adjust to two fingers inside you, he pushes in a third, increasing his pace so much that you feel dizzy and taste your orgasm. “M-mingyu…make me come… please.”

“I will.” He promises before attaching his lips to your clit. “Fuck!” You scream as his lips come in contact with your swollen bud, legs thrashing around him. He flicks his tongue around your clit while working his fingers inside you and when he decides to pull the sensitive flesh of your clit between his teeth, your orgasm crashes you. Toes curling, you let out a wail as you feel the pleasure coarse through your veins, only intensified by his relentless sucking on your clit.

When you can’t take anymore, you half-heartedly try to pry him off of you. “Mingyu… I can’t.” He only hums, giving your clit one long suck before pulling back and sitting on his knees, a proud smile on his face, lips coated with your arousal.

He pushes his fingers inside your mouth, making you taste yourself and feel his fingers deep inside your wet cavern. You moan around his digits, the dark look in his eyes setting sparks throughout your body. Once his fingers are clean he pulls you upwards, meeting your lips in a messy kiss. He devours your face, your teeth and tongue clashing and you moan as you taste yourself on his tongue. His boner pokes into your lower belly, distracting you as you pull back from the kiss to take a look at him.

There’s a tent on his boxers and you can see the clear outline of his thick length which sends shivers down your spine. Instinctively, your hands reach for his member, softly rubbing the sensitive flesh as he lets out a hiss of pleasure.

“Can I fuck you raw?” His blunt, abrupt question leaves you flustered.

“I was hoping you’d do that.”

“Fuck, really?” He groans, closing his eyes for a second. “You’re perfect, you know. And don’t worry, I’m clean.”

“Me too,” you whisper, stealing another kiss from him. “Now t-take this off please.” You whisper. He only smiles sinisterly, pushing you back onto the bed. As you get comfortable against the pillows he shuffles and pries the clothing from his hips, never breaking eye contact with you. You try, really try to hold his gaze but you can’t, your eyes shifting over to the monster between his legs and you suck in a sharp breath. “F-fuck. It’s huge.” You blurt out.

The smuggest look settles on his face as he watches you, a predatory glint in his eyes. “I’ll make sure it fits, love.” He promises and you swallow in anticipation and nervousness. Crawling over to you in slow yet confident movements, he traps you underneath him with his thick arms— literally the size of your face, planting them on both sides of your head as his large, solid chest hovers over yours, his face mere inches away from yours, not quite touching but close enough to feel his breath and you are now more aroused than ever. His sheer size and how he manages to make you feel small and helpless have you mewling. “M-mingyu hurry, n-need you.” Your arms snake around his lower back, pulling him close, his dick brushing on your stomach.

“And here I thought you wanted me to be gentle.” He teases with a smile, leaning down to kiss your jawline before moving back and sitting on the balls of his feet as he spits on his fingers and brings them to lube his cock. Throat parched, you watch him like an eager kid, waiting for her candy.

He teases you as he fists his length and brings it closer to your core, tapping on your sensitive clit but not giving you what you need. Whining, your hips move forward to him, trying to chase his length. “Mingyu!”

He grins amusedly, before finally lining up his length with your pussy and whispers. “Let me know if it hurts, hmm?”

You nod eagerly, sinking your fingers into his broad back, preparing yourself for the stretch. Giving you a reassuring look, Mingyu pushes in and it’s heaven and hell and the same time as the pain of being stretched flickers through your body before you feel the pleasure.

“Fuck!” You scream and he’s just a few inches in. The feeling is overwhelming, pleasurably so, that you don’t know what to do with it. “Fuck fuck fuck-” you keep chanting as Mingyu breathes harshly above you. “You okay?”

“Y-yes. Keep going. S-slow.”

And so he does, pushing himself in, inch by inch and every time you think he’s fully inside he keeps on pushing. Finally, he stops and you can almost feel him inside your belly, your velvety walls stretched to their limits in the most pleasurable ways.

“So fucking tight.” Mingyu hisses as if he’s in pain. Your arms wrap themselves tighter around him, pulling him closer as you needily attach your lips to his. He kisses you softly, careful not to move inside you, one of his hands coming up to play with your breast as a distraction. You chase his tongue with yours, the feeling of his length inside you bringing you a different kind of high that leaves you needier for him.

“You’re so wet and tight I could just come right now.” The man on top of you breathes, his eyes clouded with lust and need. A weak chuckle leaves your lips and you bury your face in the crook of his neck, sighing. “You can move now, I think.”

Grunting, Mingyu shifts inside you, pulling back fully before thrusting inside you slowly, letting you feel every inch of him. You whine and moan as he builds up his pace, slowly at first until his thrusts hit the most sensitive part inside you in precise movements. His hips snap into you harder as your toes curl and the bed shakes, soft whines of need falling from your mouth.

“God- M-mingyu! You’re so…big.” You pant, glazed eyes watching him with need. He grunts. “Oh yeah? And you’re so fucking small. Makes you want to fuck you till you break, little girl.”

Your pussy clenches deliciously at that. “Please do.”

Mingyu scoffs, amused and aroused at the same time as he continues his ruthless pounding, his mouth coming down to your neck to paint the flesh with love bites. “Didn’t know you had a size kink, love. You’re so nasty I love it.” He whispers near your ear making you shiver.

You want to say me neither but the way he’s drilling his cock into you gives you a hard time forming a cohesive reply. Instead, your fingernails dig deeper into his back and your cries of need keep rising. “You’re gonna come aren’t you? Can feel you tightening around me.” Mingyu pants, his stormy eyes watching you with intent.

“P-please.” You whisper mindlessly. He hums, picking up his pace to the point you feel like the bed is gonna break along with your pussy as his lips hover over your breasts. He drags the plump flesh on your soft mounds, kissing them gently before wrapping his lips around your nipple and toying with it using his tongue. You moan in pleasure, the repeated flicks of his warm, wet tongue on your sensitive bud making you clench around him, a new wave of arousal seeping from your core. It only increases as he softly bites your nipple while one of his large hands moves over to your other breast, groping it and pinching the nipple between his fingers.

“Mingyu!” You cry. “Gonna cum!”

“Do it. Come around my cock. Wanna see you make a mess.” He grunts, latching his mouth on the nipple that was being tortured by his hands and moving it towards your clit. His fingers rub over your swollen nub in circular motions and you feel it. White hot pleasure thrums in your veins as the coil wound tightly in your belly snaps, making your body shake as you teeter over the edge.

Mingyu feels your tight walls spasm around him and he groans. “Fuck, fuck. You’re so tight I’m gonna come.” His fingers don’t stop playing with your clit even through your orgasm, instead brings you closer to another one as you feel it develop in your lower belly.

“Gonna c-come again,” your voice is barely above a whisper, tears pricking your eyes at the overwhelming amount of pleasure your body is experiencing. Mingyu only hums and softly commands. “Do it. Come with me.”

And you do. Your body almost arches off the bed as your mouth hangs open in a silent scream, your body experiencing another toe-curling orgasm. Mingyu comes with you, his warm seed filling you up as you ride your high, only prolonging it further. His eyes are screwed shut as he empties himself inside you and the erotic sight of him lost in pleasure makes you clench around him again even though you are extremely sensitive.

His body slumps, his weight and warmth blanketing you as you both catch your breath, his face buried in your neck. After a few seconds, he seems to realize he’s crushing you with his weight so he pulls out and sags beside you, wasting no time pulling you close. You wince as you feel him drip down your pussy but you’re okay with it, for now, the warmth and comfort of his arms making you forget about everything else.

You simply lie next to him, hearing him breathe, feeling his chest rise and fall, his fingers dancing softly on your hipbone. When you almost doze off, he speaks, his voice gruff.

“How was it? You okay?” He supports his weight on his elbow and peeks a worried look at you. A lazy smile etches onto your face. “It was great. I’m really sore but it’s worth it.”

He chuckles quietly, bringing his lips onto your neck and pressing soft kisses that make you sigh in pleasure. “Mingyu?” You call for him softly, making him look at you. “Did you mean it? When you said you have a crush on me. This isn’t a one-time thing right?”

He looks a little offended. “Of course I meant it. And this definitely isn’t a one-time thing. I don’t think I can ever live without fucking you now.”

You flinch at his crude language but laugh nevertheless. “I could say the same.”

“Good.” He murmurs distractedly, his attention on nuzzling your neck. He seems to have an obsession with that part of your body. “Because there are so many places I want to fuck you against. On top of the list is against a wall.” Your pussy seems to be wide awake and alert at his words as you chide. “Mingyu!”

You feel him smile as he presses a kiss on your forehead and then lies back next to you. “After you’ve recovered of course.”

Humming happily, you wrap your arms around him, your face squishing against his chest. “I really like you, Gyu.” You whisper.

“I really like you too, love, in case you hadn’t figured it out yet.” There’s a hint of teasing in his voice but it’s harmless and you grin like a lovestruck fool. There’s a moment of silence after your confession until you remember something.

“Mingyu?” You peek up at his face. “Hmm?” His eyes meet yours.

“I think you have something to tell me.”

“What?” He blinks, confused. An evil smile crawls onto your face as you speak nonchalantly. “The other day…I saw you jerking off with my panties, you know.”

A look of sheer horror flashes across his eyes before his face turns red. Like he’s been zapped with electricity, he flies away from you and to the other end of his bed, hiding his face in his hands. “Oh my fucking God! I swear I can explain!”

Clutching your belly, you only laugh at his reaction.

You have got the explanation you wanted.

