#seventeen seungcheol imagine


Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if you this is the first post of this series that you see.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death
Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader
Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent)
Word Count: Ending A - 4.9k / Ending B - 4.8k

W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist|Masterlists


“What do you mean you didn’t know it was him?” I rise up from the table and stalk towards Mun Hee who stands in the garden entrance, his terror evident.

“He, his hair was different. A-and he had like uh stuff all over his face and, and.” Mun Hee stutters out. “I didn’t realize it was him!” He tries to reason with me.

“And it took you 10 days to realize it?” I question him as I pass him on my way out of the garden and away from my champagne.

“I didn’t see him for ten days.” Mun Hee defends himself, “I’m pretty sure he was locked in his room that entire time.”

“You’re dead if he only has a couple days left.” I threaten him.

Mun Hee is taken aback, “Okay, A: I’m already dead. B: He has 12 days left.”

My feet stop on a dime. “How many?” I ask, turning towards him, not believing what I had heard.

“12 left.” Mun Hee says, “I remembered him cause when I read his palm, it said he had 22. Did you know that’s the most I’ve ever seen?”

Twenty-two. A whole twenty two lives. I knew his soul would live to be wise but I hadn’t guessed it would be 22 lives wise.

“So when I tell you I looked for him everyday cause I was curious and amazed, I really mean it.” Mun Hee says with a nod of childlike sincerity, “And since no one can hide from me, I just kind of assumed he had locked himself in his room.” He nods with a serious pout, “So I didn’t know it was your Seungcheol until he FINALLY stepped out to go to the library. And then it hit me.”

Soon Bok walks up to us, a bit surprised to see us here in the hallway.

“I thought you were in the garden?” She asks, looking between the two of us.

“I was.” I reply, “But then Mun Hee tells me that Seungcheol has been checked in for the past 10 days and I have been clueless about it.”

Soon Bok’s eyes widen and she looks at Mun Hee, “You never told her? I told you to tell her!” She slaps his shoulder.

Mun Hee flinches when her hand makes contact with him, “I got distracted by other guests.” He gives an excuse.

“Where did you end up placing him?” I ask, moving away from the whole Mun Hee not telling me topic.

Soon Bok doesn’t even have to check her folder, “Room 88 with the nice view of the water.”

I smile at her thoughtfulness, “Perfect.”

I don’t have the desire to return to the garden or the champagne so we continue to walk towards the hotel while Soon Bok updates me on a few hotel happenings. By the time she’s finished, we’ve reached the bottom of the main staircase in the lobby and Soon Bok takes her leave soon after.

As we climb the stairs, Mun Hee opens his mouth to ask a question but I cut him off, already knowing what he’s going to ask.

“No, you can not go bother him about his lives.” I say and Mun Hee’s body droops.

“But it’s twenty two lives.” He whines, “Twenty two!”

“And that’s a lot of lives to remember.” I explain to him, trying my best not to let my annoyance creep out.

“(y/n).” Mun Hee drags out my name in a plead.

Closing my eyes, I take a steadying breath, “Fine,” Mun Hee smiles brightly and his body straightens, “BUT! Only if he allows you to ask questions. You must ask him if it’s okay first, you got it?” I point a finger at him.

Mun Hee quickly nods. His smile is so wide that his eyes begin to shut.

I can’t help but laugh at his excitement. “Go back to your post now.” I tell him and wave him away. Mun Hee quickly retreats back down the stairs and happily skips to the front desk.

I make my way up the rest of the stairs and once I reach the top, I lean against the railing of the balcony. I watch as Mun Hee smiles and waves to all the guests in the lobby. For a moment, a loving smile appears on my face but it’s quickly wiped away as Mun Hee nearly runs into one of the very large and very breakable flower vases.

“Clutz.” I mutter to myself and turn away.

~The 22nd Day~

My wrists burn against the ropes that tightly bind them together behind my back. My knees press heavily against the wooden floor boards, trying to keep my balance as the waves rock our boat to and fro. The sharp tip of a blade rests between my shoulder blades.

Glancing to my right, Seungcheol sits in a similar position but his forehead is bleeding from where he was hit. The red blood drips down the side of his face and stains the shirt that I had bought him before we set sail.

“This ship is ours now.” Our captor says, cockily as he stands a few feet in front of us.

“Take it.” Seungcheol says, narrowing his eyes. “It’s yours, just leave us alone.”

‘He’s bargaining.’ I think to myself, 'Why would he bargain his beloved boat?’

“Bargaining, I see.” Our captor smiles, “I thought you’d put up more of fight for the boat you’ve had for almost your entire life.”

“You’ve done your research.” Seungcheol says, pretending to be impressed.

“Every good pirate needs to do his research, no?” Our capture banters back.

“I don’t need to put up a fight.” Seungcheol says through gritted teeth. “I don’t need the boat.”

Our captor tips his head up and taps his chin, “Now, what would a reputable boat captain need more than his boat? Any ideas, boys?” He looks to his men, who all laugh mischievously.

“A girl.” One shouts from behind us.

“A girl!” Our captor claps his hands and my heart stops. “That’s exactly right.”

In a panic, I look over at Seungcheol who has the same panic written on his face. Seungcheol begins to fight against his restraints.

“Take the boat! Take anything but her.” Seungcheol cries.

Our captor is unimpressed by Seungcheol’s efforts and simply nods to the men behind me.

With ease, they grab my arms and lift me to my feet. Now, I begin to fight against their hold, though I go nowhere. Seungcheol fights harder but he’s held back by the shoulders.

With a pounding heart, I continue to struggle but I’m carried towards the side of the boat.

“Please,” Seungcheol begs with tears falling, “I can give you whatever you want. I, I have money. You can have my boat. Anything but her.”

I feel my own cheeks become wet with tears but in the back of my mind, I know exactly why this is happening. And I hate myself for it.

“I want nothing.” Our captor simply shrugs, Seungcheol’s cries not affecting him at all, “Except for your pain.” He finishes and pointedly looks at me. When his steely eyes meet mine, he smiles crookedly and the coldest shiver runs down my spine.

I divert my eyes to Seungcheol who is screaming and fighting against the men who hold him back. I try to catch my breath but before I have a chance to say anything, the two men lift me over the railing and drop me into the rushing water.

The cold water tightly wraps its fist around me and I fight to swim upwards but the current overpowers my efforts and drags me further below the surface. The necklace around my neck floats upwards and I’m reminded of who is above the water’s surface. Not wanting to leave Seungcheol alone, I continue to fight against the current. Just when I think I’ve pulled myself out of the current’s grasp, a strong force quite literally punches me in the stomach, sending me backwards into blackness.

My eyes snap open and I sit up in a panic. The only sounds are my heavy breathing and the echo of my pounding heart in my ears. Feeling the soft fabric that surrounds me, I realize I’m just in my bed and run a hand through my hair. My cheeks are wet with tears and I quickly wipe them away. Looking around, I squint as my blinds do a terrible job of keeping the sunlight out. The clock on my bedside table reads 1:24pm.

I groan and throw myself back onto the mattress. Subconsciously, I rub my wrist as the burning still lingers while I try to settle my racing heart. With sleep abandoning me in the middle of my nighttime, I give up the efforts and clamber out of bed. I walk out of my bedroom while slipping a light robe on.

My office is alight with the bright sunlight and I can see the dust particles floating around in the air as I descend the stairs from my connected bedroom. Immediately, a bottle of champagne on my desks greets me with its green melancholy. I quickly pick it up and raise it to my lips but frown when not even a drop falls from the bottle’s mouth.

Slamming the bottle down, the collision echos into the still air.

'Don’t drink so much out here.’ Seungcheol’s voice rings in my mind. 'We don’t know if the next port will have any alcohol.’ He says, followed by his chuckle.

I cover my ears and shake my head to get rid of the memory.

'Next year, I’ll buy you the most expensive and best champagne that you will never be able to drink another kind.’ Another memory surfaces and this time the shadow of his arms wraps around my waist.

With a scream of frustration, I grab the champagne bottle and chuck it. It hits an empty space on the wall and shatters into hundreds of pieces. As the pieces fall and tinkle against the floors, the fragments of Seungcheol’s voice fade as well.

With a heavy heart, I let my feet wander wherever they please, too tired to fight my body’s desire. The hallways are quiet and the sunlight warms up my skin, ridding it of the cold water memory.

When my feet stop, I’m standing at the base of the main staircase in the lobby. The place I landed and woke up at after I passed out in the water. I wrap my arms around myself as the feeling of cold water returns.

My senses return to the memory and I’m submerged in the past.

The coughing that raked through my chest. Yong and Jiwoo rushing towards me with Mun Hee and Soon Bok not far behind with multiple towels in their hands.

All of them wrapping me in the towels and drying me off. My struggle against them to get back to the living world. To get back to Seungcheol. My employees holding me in place. Yong bringing out a notecard.

The words of the note card burying my heart under 100 tons of concrete.

“Do it again, and we will not be so kind.”

I had disobeyed the Gods’ conditions and I had paid for it. As I move my heel over the spot, another memory surfaces.

'Heels are no good on a boat, (y/n).’ Seungcheol had said, kneeling in front of me and placing my heel back on my foot, 'We need to buy you a pair of flatter shoes.’

'As long as I still look good and they don’t look like trash.’ I had said.

'I’ll find the best ones for you.’ Seungcheol promised with a wide smile.

Anger begins to bubble inside of me. I had it so good with Seungcheol. I was happy with him. So why did I disobey the Gods’ order and ruin everything?

Why did I toss the note card that said 'Time to leave.’ into the trash?

Why did I think I could run away from the Gods?

Why wasn’t I thinking?

“Stupid.” I exclaim, kicking the bottom stair. It causes a low throbbing in my foot but I ignore it, too frustrated to linger on it.

The doors to the front check in room creak open and a pair of dress shoes clicks against the tiles.

“Oh, (y/n).” Jiwoo’s pace quickens slightly to reach me faster, “What are you doing awake?”

I cross my arms, erasing all traces of my painful memories from my face, “I could ask the same of you. You should still be in your home, getting sleep for tonight.”

Jiwoo shrugs, unbothered by the fact that I answered his question with another question. “Well, I’ve been coming in early to make sure everything is in order for the next person who will take over for me once I leave.” He gives me a small nudge with his shoulder, “Not just any spirit can slide right into the human manager’s position.”

I look down at my feet and smile. Out of his family line, Jiwoo’s one of my favorites. Always thinking ahead and planning. Always willing to stand up to me when I’m moody. Plus he’s always willing to drive around the living world and take me to eat yummy foods. He’s a foodie.

“What will you do once I leave?” I wonder.

“Me?” Jiwoo scratches his neck, “You know, I haven’t thought about it much. I’ve been pretty busy with the hotel.”

“What do you want to do?” I reword my question, genuinely curious.

Jiwoo shrugs, “Travel maybe. I’ve heard so many stories from guests here about the beauties of the world and the history so it might be fun to experience them first hand.”

I nod, “That sounds like a solid plan.” I gather up my skirt and turn towards the elevators. “Call me when he’s ready.” I tell him before walking away without another word.

I spend the next many hours laying on the couch. Then sitting at my desk. Then cleaning the broken glass. Then sort of listening to Yong when she brings me the daily debrief. Then sitting on the stairs. Then staring out the window. Then dusting off my picture frames. Then back to the window.

The moon sits high in the sky and I have an unobstructed view of it as the cloudless sky passes by.

A small, timid knock barely makes it to my ears.

“Come in.” I call out to whoever’s on the other side.

The door opens and Soon Bok shuffles into my office. I smile at her, finding her change in demeanor amusing. Out in the hotel, she’s strict and not to be messed with. But in here, she’s nervous and unsure. “It’s been quite a while since you’ve visited me up here, Soon Bok.”

Soon Bok nervously nods, “I think the last time I was in here was the first time too.”

“What do you need?” I ask, hoping to end her nerve wracking visit.

“Jiwoo asked me to tell you that he’s taking Seungcheol to the garden.” She points her thumb behind her.

I nod, “Alright I’ll be there in a second. You can go.”

She bows and takes her leave quickly.

I walk over to my desk and press a hidden lever that opens a hidden compartment. From the compartment I pull out a jewelry box that I haven’t touched in ages. Opening it, I’m greeted with shine of the emerald necklace Seungcheol bought me. The one I was wearing when I was thrown overboard.

The one I had to beg the Gods to let me keep.

I close the lid and with the box in hand, I walk out of my office. The hotel buzzes with the midnight hustle and bustle but I ignore all of it and press on towards my destination.

When I enter the final hallway, I speed up a bit, the tears already filling my eyes. I enter the garden and my feet skid to a stop.

He’s not here.

But then he walks out from behind the tree, a hand running along its truck, his eyes inspecting the branches that spread out.

My heart lodges in my throat as he turns towards me. His eyes are still soft and full of emotion. His cheeks are still high and full. His lips are still set in the perfect shape. The only thing that causes me some pain are the shadows of scars that scatter his face and neck. The places where he’d been seriously injured in past lives.

I eye his forehead and there sits the shadow of the scar I caused.

“(y/n).” Seungcheol whispers my name but I hear it like he whispered it into my ear.

I set the jewelry box on the bench and cover my mouth with my hand, choking back a sob. In two seconds flat, he has me wrapped up in a tight embrace and my tears fall.

“You’re here.” He says, stroking my hair, “I’m here. I’m here.”

Seungcheol holds me as I sob, hundreds of years of guilt finally ripping out of my body. Even as my sobs subside, he still holds tightly onto me.

“So this is where we finally get to meet again.” Seungcheol mutters as I sniffle. “When my soul is at its end in the living world.”

I sniffle and focus on steadying my breath.

“I lived a lot of lives, did you know that?” He continues to talk.

I nod, still sniffling but not as frequently.

“A whole twenty two.” I can hear the smile on his lips, “I’d say that’s pretty good for a measly ship captain.”

I smile, his attempt to make me laugh a success.

“You weren’t measly.” I counter.

Seungcheol pulls away, “I couldn’t even buy you a home.”

I shake my head, “I didn’t need a home.”

He smiles and dries my cheeks. “I know but still.”

I release myself from him and sit on the bench, staring at the tree. Seungcheol follows suit without taking his eyes off of me.

“What happened that da-?” He wonders, scooting closer and his hand runs into the jewelry box. “What’s this?”

“Open it.” I instruct him and he does so.

Seungcheol’s eyes widen as the necklace comes into view, “I thought the sea took this.”

I shake my head, “Those pirates weren’t from this world.” I answer his original question of what happened that day on the sea, “I’m sure someone’s explained my punishment to you?” I check with him.

“Yong did this morning over breakfast.” Seungcheol nods. “It seemed fitting until I realized they controlled essentially when it ended.”

“We’re talking about thirteen souls. In my world, killing a single soul is like murdering at least 10 people in the living world.” I smile that he sort of took my side. “Anyway, a week before it all happened, the Gods had delivered a note saying it was time to leave you.” I continue on with the story, “But I had decided that I was going to stay with you because you made me that happy. So I threw the note away and thought I could run away so the Gods wouldn’t catch us.” I tuck my hands underneath my legs and lower my gaze to the floor. “I was reckless thinking that they wouldn’t find us. But they did. And they forced me to leave. When they dropped me in the sea, I tried to return to the surface, I swear I tried, but they used the currents to pull me back to the hotel.”

Seungcheol leans against the back of the bench in awe.

“Because I had disobeyed their conditions for my punishment, I was forced out and caused you all the more pain.” I say in a roundabout apology. “I never did it again.”

“How do you still have the necklace?” Seungcheol asks, glancing down at the open jewelry box in his lap.

“I begged.” I tell him, “I pleaded with the Gods to let me keep it even though I’d disobeyed them.”

Seungcheol lifts the necklace out of the box and my eyes follow it. “Thank goodness they did because I spent way too long searching for this for it to be tossed to the side because a girl was in love.” Without asking me to move, he places the necklace back on my neck and clasps it closed. “There. Back where it belongs.”

My hand instinctively goes to my neck to feel the metals and gems again.

“After you were,” Seungcheol clears his throat, unable to say the exact words, “I was immediately knocked unconscious. And when I woke up, I was laying on deck, my hands free of their binds. My men scattered around deck. The boat was docked in a port and had no evidence that any pirates had boarded. Now that you’re saying they weren’t from my world, it makes sense how they disappeared so quickly.”

He runs a hand through his hair, still fluffy and full. “We grieved after that. I grieved. Of course thinking you’d died. And you know, did the whole sha-bang and everything.”

I smile as love for this man swells in my chest. I had never once 'died’ in front of a love so Seungcheol’s the only one who held a funeral for me.

“What did you do after?” I asked, wanting to keep the conversations going, mainly so I could listen to him talk. Like how we used to spend days in the sun, him telling me stories of his previous travels while his small crew manned the ship.  

“I continued shipping goods from port to port with the crew.” Seungcheol recalls, “Nothing exciting.”

I rolled my eyes, his consistent I’m-not-really-that-interesting jab still present. “You never once met someone interesting?”

Seungcheol scrunches his nose in thought, “I mean, once met a young man named Samuel. Real spunky kid. He had run away from home and was looking for a job.”

Hoshi’s Samuel? I wonder. Did he keep the same name in a different life?

“We gave him one and he was the hardest working kid. Always helping out around the boat, always wanting to learn about every aspect of running a boat.” Seungcheol smiles at the memory, “He was also really athletic and flexible. Sometimes made me wonder if he was a dancer.”

My ears perk up immediately, “Maybe in one of his lives?” I suggest.

“That would make sense.” Seungcheol agreed, “Samuel was with us for about five years or so before some girl swept him off his feet. Literally.” He whispers into my ear with a giggle. “But he won’t tell you it that way.”

I laugh. “What about Yeon Woo?” I ask remembering some of his crews’ names.

“Yeon Woo?” Seungcheol says with some surprise that I remember his name. “Yeon Woo stayed with me for a while. He finally married the girl he had been with for ages. The one with glasses.” He adds for my benefit, “It sounds so silly now, but on the morning of his wedding, he went down to the water, poured two cups of alcohol, set one at the water’s edge, and just sat there.”

“For me?” I ask, eyes large, touched at Yeon Woo’s affection.

Seungcheol nods, “For you.” He confirms.

Yeon Woo had been Seungcheol’s right hand man and quickly became one of my closest friends. I’m sure he took my 'leave’ as hard as Seungcheol.

“He was always such a softie.” I lean on his shoulder and loop my arms around his.

“Who else?” Seungcheol wondered, “Oh, Ren!” He lists off the next member of his crew and proceeded to tell me stories he thought were memorable.

We went through all the members of his 5 man crew. Then we diverged into his life and what he went off to do.

He never married though he had a long list of attempts. He says it was cause all the potentials had wanted to move inland but he wanted to stay on the water. We chat about the different places he thought were remotely interesting and about the time he tried to eat a live octopus but chickened out when it stuck to the inside of his cheek. He had to pull it out with both hands.

I laugh when I hear the story. The image of Seungcheol struggling with a tiny octopus tentacle from his mouth being just too funny.

Seungcheol keeps me laughing, constantly telling me how much he loves the sound of my laughter. Even as the sun dips low in the western sky, we can’t seem to stop giggling.


As our laughter dies down, Seungcheol stares into the sun and sighs.

“So, now it’s my turn, huh.” He mutters thoughtfully.

I look at him confused for a second before the setting sun closes the lid on my bliss. “We could-”

“We are not disobeying the Gods again.” Seungcheol cuts me off before I could even finish, “You did it once and look how that turned out. I’m not letting you do it again.”

I pout and he nuzzles his nose into my hair.

“We’re going to do it right this time.” He mumbles.

“This way is sucky.” I pout and Seungcheol chuckles.

“Come on.” He whispers and places a kiss on my head before helping me up to my feet along with himself.

“Are you not sad that you’re leaving me?” I wonder as I search his eyes for even a hint of sadness.

Seungcheol smiles softly, “I am but then I see those.” He nods towards the chrysanthemums sitting at the base of the tree, “And they remind me that you have others to wait for. And they love you as much as I do.” He grabs my hand tightly, “So in reality, I’m quite happy that you were loved so much.”

I smile as his words slowly seep in. 13 loves is a lot. Not every soul spends all their lives loving a person so one could say I am pretty fortunate in that aspect. Though the way I encountered this love fortune was not fortunate.

Seungcheol turns and I let him lead me out of the garden. On our way we run into Mun Hee who just happened to be sweeping around the doorway for transfers.

“Just one more question.” Mun Hee quickly says before I can even open my clenched jaw.

Seungcheol chuckles, loving my employee. “Alright, one more.”

Mun Hee smiles brightly, “What was (y/n) like?” He asks, glancing at me.

I relax my shoulders and roll my eyes. Of course he would want to know what I was like. Was I the same? Was I somehow vastly different?

“Weren’t you around?” Seungcheol questions.

Mun Hee readjusts his posture, “She’s different when she’s not inside the hotel. In here, she’s… her.” He says as if he’s obscenely offended that I would change personalities.

I scrunch my face at him in annoyance as Seungcheol answers.

“She was… herself.” He finishes, looking over at me and squeezing my hand.

I smile and we walk around Mun Hee, continuing towards the awaiting car.

“I like him.” Seungcheol comments with a glance back, “You should keep him for a while.”

“I have to keep him. He’s assigned to work here.” I inform him and I step from the firm concrete to the soft dirt path.

“You’ll be okay here?” Seungcheol asks as we step closer to the car.

I nod, tears already lining my eyes. “I think so.”

“You won’t mourn for me for too long?” He asks and meets my gaze. His eyes sad but tearless, wanting to be strong for me who still has time left.

I shake my head, not trusting my voice to be stable.

“And you’ll tell the next fella that I say thank you?” He continues.

“For what?” I stutter out.

“For loving you just as much as I did.” Seungcheol says and a tear slips down my cheek. But before it ever reaches my chin, he wipes it away with his thumb.

I nod and wordlessly, Seungcheol lowers his lips down to meet mine. The warmth of the kiss wipes away all traces of the cold memories and my senses are filled with just him. When he pulls away, I have to fight the urge to pull him back. Partly because Shin is watching but also because Seungcheol’s holding my arms to my sides, as if he is already guessing I would try.

He presses a final kiss to my forehead and I close my eyes, trying to memorize every detail of the moment. How his lips are pressed firmly to my skin. How his hands tighten ever so slightly around my arms. How he’s close enough that I can hear the echo of his heart beat, beating strong and proud.

I keep my eyes close as he pulls away and releases my arms. I only open them when he steps away and towards the car.

Shin gives Seungcheol a curt nod, holding the door open for him. Seungcheol returns the nod and slides into the car without another glance back. But I’m grateful for it, because if he did turn around, I wouldn’t have stayed still.

With a hand gripping my necklace, I watch with fresh tears as the car drives forward and disappears into the fog.

I don’t bother to wipe away the tears the same way I don’t bother to acknowledge the fact that I’m one love closer to ending my punishment. Or the fact that back in my garden, one chrysanthemum sinks to the ground as its life leaves and follows Seungcheol.

I know I’ll mourn his leaving for days. But it’s something I need to do alone. So I turn back towards the hotel and walk inside to allow myself to grieve. Then wait for the others to arrive.

Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel)to choose the next guest.


“So this time, I’m leaving with you?” Seungcheol asks the air while staring into the overly bright sunset.

I nod, “This time we do it together. And not against our will.”

Seungcheol chuckles, “Sometimes I think that we laugh too much.”

I stand up, hands on my hips, “I can erase all laughter if you want?” I raise an eyebrow as he also rises to his feet, shaking his head.

“Nope, laughing is good.” Seungcheol says and grabs my hand. “Are you ready to say goodbye to your staff?”

My heart suddenly feels heavier as I remember that I’m leaving for good. “No. But I have to.” I say and hold my head up.

“We’ll do it together.” He reminds me as we walk out of the garden.

We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.

“So this is it?” Mun Hee asks with tears in his eyes. “This is the day you leave us?”

I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he’s being so sappy. “Maybe I’ll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year.” I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.

“Don’t you dare say that. You better not return here.” He says angrily through his tears.

I chuckle, “I won’t come back. I promise.”

Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should’ve done more.

Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family’s service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.

“When you leave today, you won’t be able to find this place again.” I inform him, “I hope that you’ll be able to go and live your life happily.”

Jiwoo nods, “Thank you for letting me work with you. I won’t ever forget you.”

I smile sadly, “You will. But thank you.”

Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.

“You’d think after all these years of waiting that I’d be prepared for this day.” She says through sniffles.

“Thank you, Yong.” I rests my hands on her shoulders, “For everything. Thank you.”

With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.

We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.

“Keep this hotel running beautifully.” I tell her before Seungcheol grabs my hand again.

With final waves of goodbye, Seungcheol and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.

At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.

“(y/n).” He says when we reach him, “It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest.” Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.

“The honor was mine.” I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.

I’m free. I served my years of punishment and now I’m free to let my soul rest.

I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opting to experience the hotel’s many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.

“(y/n)?” Seungcheol softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, “Are you ready?”

I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. “Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s go.”

I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Seungcheol securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.

In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.

내가 원해서 한거예요. I did it because I wanted to.

Description: You don’t eat seafood, much like Wonwoo, and during a dinner out with the group, Seungcheol does what he can to make sure you are well fed.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Idol!SeungcheolxFem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k


Pulling open the door, the warm air from the restaurant blows in your face and you quickly shuffle inside to shield yourself from the bitter winter winds. Even from the front door you can already hear the commotion that the thirteen members of Seventeen were making. Without needing to ask the hostess where to go, you just follow the sound to the back room and slide the door open.

As expected, they’re happily chatting away with smiles on their faces.

Woozi and Seungkwan sit at the end closest to the door so they notice you first.

“Oh! (Y/n), you’re here!” Seungkwan cheers happily and rises to give you a hug.

Once he says your name the whole table is turning their heads to greet you. After being released from Seungkwan’s hug, your eyes drift to where Seungcheol is pulling out the empty chair next to him.

“No trouble on the way here?” He asks you when you near him.

You shake your head. “Nope. Surprisingly there were hardly any people out so I didn’t have any run ins.”

He nods happily, “Good, good.” He breathes out and helps remove your jacket off your shoulders.

“Did you guys order yet?” You ask aloud and slide in your chair next to Wonwoo.

Jeonghan who sits across from you nods his head, “But you can order other things if you want. Mingyu said he’s paying.”

“Did I say that?” Mingyu perks into the conversation upon hearing his name. “When did I say that?”

“Yesterday, in the morning.” Hoshi reminds him with a point of his finger.

You lean in closer to Seungcheol and ask, “Did you order for me too?”

He looks over at you with a smile, “Yes, I made sure they ordered things without seafood as well. For you and Wonwoo.”

“Thank you.” You say sweetly and peck his lips.

Vernon grabs your attention and asks your opinion of the drama you are both watching.

As the meal progresses, dishes get passed around and bellies get fed but the conversations never die down. Throughout the meal, Seungcheol keeps an eye on the dishes that are within your reach, making sure theres always a dish that you can enjoy. Of course he’s also doing it for Wonwoo but he won’t hesitate to admit that making sure you’re well fed is his priority.

Towards the ends of the meal, he notices that all the seafood dishes somehow made it in front of you and Wonwoo. Knowing neither of you will touch the dishes, he searches up and down the table for dishes that you would eat.He spots a couple but they’re at the other end of the table. Discreetly, because he doesn’t want to make it a big deal, he waves down Vernon who is sat right in front of one of the dishes he has his eye on.

With a wave of his hand, Vernon understands Seungcheol’s unspoken words and quickly passes the dish over. Seungcheol quietly swaps it out one of the seafood dishes before figuring out how to the get the second dish in front of you.

Jeonghan notices his search and gives him a confused look. To which, Seungcheol nods towards you and eyes the dishes in front of you. Jeonghan still doesn’t understand all the head nods and the looks so he goes back to ignoring Seungcheol.

The other dish he is searching for is on the other end of the table in front of Minghao. And so, with the behind-the-scenes-skill of a leader, he manages to get the dish down the table and in front of you.

You notice the second dish being set in front of you by Mingyu and you give him a weird look.

He shrugs, “Minghao gave it to me,”

You look further down the table at Minghao.

Minghao also shrugs, “Seungcheol hyung was looking at me weird and then he started doing weird motions until I grabbed the dish.”

By now, the members in the path of conversation all have their attention to what’s going on.

You turn your head 180 degrees and look at Seungcheol who is busy giving himself a bit more food.

He knew you were looking without even looking himself.

“Gotta make sure you eat.” Seungcheol mentions giving you a glance and picking up some food with his chopsticks.

You try to suppress the big fat smile that was threatening to spill but it’s really hard when this man makes you feel all loved and cared for with even the smallest of actions.

“Thank you.” You throw your arms around his shoulders making him drop his food back onto his plate. “You are the sweetest.” You tell him before planting a large kiss onto his cheek.

A red blush creeps onto his cheeks. He loves your praises but he’s not used to being showered with them in front of all the guys. Being extra squishy in front of them is something he knows they will never let him forget.

A chorus of ‘oooooh’s erupts from around the table and Seungcheol’s hands immediately cover his face.

“Coups’ face is bright red!” Jeonghan teases with a wide smile on his face.

“Of course, S.Coups is that type of boyfriend.” Hoshi gives two thumbs up with his signature squinty eye smile.

“Seungcheolie is the greatest! As expected.” Dino compliments the leader.

You giggle and squeeze Seungcheol a little tighter.

“You know,” He mutters quietly for you, “I meant to do that all without anyone noticing.”

“Too bad. We did.” You smirk and give him another kiss before letting him go and resuming the meal.

The end of the dinner finishes with Mingyu paying for the meal as Jeonghan said he would. But instead of going back with the boys, Seungcheol decides to spend the night at your place since nothing particularly important was happening the next day.

After the cars with the rest of the members drives off, Seungcheol grabs your hand and begins walking towards your apartment.

“Did you have a good time?” He asks, looking over at you.

You nod with a smile on your face. “Of course, I always have fun with you idiots.”

Seungcheol chuckles, “I’m glad. I’m glad.”

“Seungcheol.” You call him, press yourself into his arm, and warp your free hand around his arm.

“Mmm?” He hums in response, unfazed by your sudden closeness.

“For real, you didn’t have to do that, you know.” You tell him.

He shrugs, “I did it because I wanted to.”

“I didn’t have to.” You say with a teasing tone.

Seungcheol catches on and teases you back, “You didn’t like it?” He asks with big puppy eyes. “Well, if you didn’t like it, then you can think it wasn’t for you.” He says with a pout.

You pull back slightly, “Then who was it for?”

He smiles smugly at you. “Wonwoo.” He answers before slipping out of your grip and skipping ahead, completely content with himself.

You shake your head and laugh. “Seungcheol, wait for me!” You say and go running to catch up with him.

With a smile, Seungcheol turns and jogs backwards while holding out his arms for you to collide with.

You don’t slow down as you near him and the force of you hitting him releases a grunt. But once his arms are securely around you, he sighs contently.

He snuggles into your hair and whispers. “It’ll always be for you.”

나는 그의 연락처를 바꾸는 것으 잊었다. I forgot to change his contact name.

Description: During an appearance on a talk show about all things woman, YouTuber (y/n) reveals some cute relationship facts about her relationship with Seventeen’s Seungcheol. The hosts asked to call him and then his voice appeared in the interview as he’s asked a couple questions about you.
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Idol!Seungcheol x Fem!Youtuber!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k



“Alright,” Sook, one of the panelists clapped her hands together, “Shall we move onto the next topic?”

My hands got a little sweaty with nerves, “This is the topic I’m most nervous about.” I commented, looking at the other women sitting at the camera facing tables.

“The fans love ‘Inside My Phone.’” Narae said and I couldn’t deny that because I also really enjoyed watching this segment also.

A staff member handed me my phone and I looked to Sook who had a cord that would display my phone on the screen behind me.

“This,” She said, holding the cord in front of her face, “Is the magically cord that will reveal what is on your phone. Are you ready, (y/n)?” She asks me with a quirked eyebrow.

I let out an airy chuckle, “I hope so.” I tried to burst all the bubbles of nervousness but they still bubbled.

“I’m so curious!” Oh My Girl’s Seunghee squealed excitedly from the spot next to Narae as Sook handed me the cord and I plugged it into my phone.

“Won’t it be similar to what’s on your phone?” Youngja wondered.

Seunghee shook her head, “Youtubers and singers are similar but she’s totally different than me.” She explained, “Plus, she might have cute photos with her boyfriend.”

Narae clapped her hands, “Right! You don’t have anything we should be worried about, right?” She asked her heavily hinted question, tilting her head down and rapidly blinked her eyes.

I shook my hands and head, but played into her joke. “There aren’t any. I double checked last night.” Though, there were never any naughty pictures on my phone to start with. We kept those somewhere else ().

“So, should we start then?” Sook asked everyone once the PD’s gave us the clear connection for my phone.

“First up, your lock screen.” Narae reads from her cue cards.

I awakened my phone and my lock screen shined up at me. The picture of Seungcheol and I surrounded by cherry blossoms graced my phone screen, only the time and date distorting the picture. The memory of the day made me smile and made the others coo.

“As expected.” Youngja nodded her head in approval.

“When was this taken?” Sook asked me with curiosity.

“Mmmm, about…” I trailed off in thought, trying to pinpoint when we took this photo, “3-4 months ago, I think…” I answered her and gave her a slightly apologetic look for not remembering more clearly.

“Yah, that’s so cute.” Seunghee sighed, staring at the screen. I nearly blushed from all the compliments about us.

“Next, if you would unlock your phone.” Sook pressed forward and I quickly followed her instructions. “What’s the most recent photo you took?” She finished her part.

“Uh…” I opened my photos app, “Like selfie or screenshot or…?”
“Selfie.” Seunghee piped up excitedly.

I smiled at her answer and scanned my pictures for the last selfie I took. Which just happened to also have Seungcheol in it. I clicked on it and it filled my screen.

In it, Seungcheol has his post-practice face smooshed up against my left cheek and my face shows a smile of shock that he had done that. In the background, however, are a few of the members doing some interesting things.

“Stop being so cute!” Youngja exclaimed and swatted her hands in my direction.

“Can you explain what is happening?” Narae wondered and I nodded.

“A few days ago, I went to pick Seungcheol up for a small date and he was a little sweaty.” I explained, “But he had asked to use my camera to fix his hair. Then he smooshed his cheek against mine and took the picture.”

“All sweaty?” Sook asked.

I nodded with a laugh, “Yeah. It was gross.”

“But the picture is cute.” Narae complimented.

“But what is happening in the background?” Seunghee asked, pointing up to the screen with a little bit of worry.

I squinted at my phone and zoomed in on the background where Hoshi and DK were caught posing in some really weird ways and Vernon and Woozi just stare at them with their arms crossed over their chests.

“Ah, I think that’s Hoshi and DK, uhm, yeah, I don’t really know what they’re doing.” I laughed, “Probably some thing that only makes sense in their minds.”

“They sure are characters.” Sook chuckled. “Shall we continue on?”

I nodded, ready to get Hoshi and DK’s weird poses off my screen.

“Last song or album you downloaded onto your phone.” Narae said.

“That’s easy.” I opened my music app and scrolled down a bit, “It was Monsta X’s new album.” I tapped on the album but Seunghee’s squeal made me quickly swipe back.

“OH!” She covered her mouth with her hand, “You have our album on your phone?”

I scrolled down a little more and there it sat. “Yeah, I really enjoyed it.” I told her with a smile.

“Wait, how did you see that? It was like not even halfway visible.” Sook wondered, looking at Seunghee with bewildered eyes.

“An artist knows their album cover from anywhere.” I said, recalling the many times Seungcheol would point out their new release from a ridiculous distance away.

“Exactly.” Seunghee said smugly, liking the fact that I defended her, “I could find our albums anywhere.”

“Don’t test her, Seunghee.” Narae warned her as Sook pointed a playfully threatening finger at her.

“I really like their album.” Youngja said absentmindedly and we all whipped our heads toward her, “The Monsta X album.” She clarified, pointing up at the screen.

We all dropped our jaws slightly in realization and chuckled.

“Next question: what is the last text message you received?” Sook tapped her cue cards against the table and my heartbeat jumped.

“Uh, last text message I received…” I said slowly, and opened my messages app. Preparing for it to be a really embarrassing conversation in the group chat, I’m relieved when my most recent conversation is a private conversation with Seungcheol.

“Cheollie?” Narae read out his name and I almost bursted into laughter. He definitely told me to change his contact name yesterday and I definitely forgot. Oh, he was going to be so pouty when this show aired.

“I forgot to change his contact name.” I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment. “He’s going to be pouty.”

“Why?” Youngja wondered, “It’s cute!”

“Hey, you sound like a fangirl.” Narae pointed at Youngja with a laugh.

“I’m just stating facts.” Youngja defended herself.

“What did Seungcheol send you?” Sook wondered, ignoring the other two women.

“Uh, he said,” I opened the conversation and the last message he sent made my heart fill with love.

'Hey, you, I don’t remember when you said your filming thing is but good luck! You’ll do amazing! Call me when you’re done and we can do something. Love you!’

Seunghee giggled and Narae and Sook put their hands over their hearts and leaned back in their chairs. Youngja just awed at the message. It was a little weird having such large reactions to a simple, pretty normal, text message so all I could do was laugh at the awkward position I was in.

“Ya, I don’t think any of my friends get messages like that and they’re married!” Sook said, regaining some of her composure. Seunghee was still very much still in the feels.

“It’s pretty normal for us.” I told her, “We don’t do it often but if we know the other has a really big schedule, we’ll send supportive messages like that.”

“By chance,” Narae started with an unexplainable excitement in her eyes, “Do you think you could call him?”

I paused to glance at the PD’s behind the cameras but they were saying it was okay to go off script.

“If he’s free.” Sook added, quickly taking in my silence, “If he’s busy, we don’t want to bother him.”

“I don’t think he has anything going on today.” I tried to recall if he told me of any plans he had for the day, “I can try calling him.”

Narae and Sook clapped their hands for me while I tapped on Seungcheol’s profile picture and hit the call button before turning it on speaker.

We all sat in silence, listening to the first ring. Then the second. Then the third.

“Maybe he’s busy…” Seunghee whispered.

“Maybe his phone’s off.” Youngja suggested.

I shook my head, “He doesn’t really turn his ringer off if he-”

The receiver picking up cut me off.

“Hey, love.” Seungcheol’s deep voice rings through the phone. “Are you already finished?”

All four women got really giddy and their jaws dropped open.

“No, not yet.” I answered him before he got worried. “Do you have time to call? Are you busy?” I asked.

“I’m not busy. I’m just hanging out at the dorm.” He told me and I felt relief spread across my shoulders. “Are you good?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” I chuckled at his question, “We’re just recording and we are doing 'Inside My Phone’ segment. They saw the text you sent and wanted to call you.”

“Ah, that text.” He chuckled over the phone in embarrassment. “Wait! That means you’re recording right now?”

“Yeah.” I told him and he instantly cleared his throat.

“Hello, I’m Seventeen’s leader, S.Coups. Also known as YouTuber (y/n)’s boyfriend, Choi Seungcheol. Nice to meet you.” He introduced himself with his leader voice and I nearly busted a lung from laughing.

“Nice to meet you, S.Coups.” Sook said, getting closer to my phone. “I’m Kim Sook and Park Narae, Lee Youngja, and Oh My Girl’s Seunghee are also with me.”

“Seunghee’s there?” Seungcheol asked, clearly surprised.

“Yes I am, sunbae!” Seunghee jumped up with excitement.

“Oh, Seunghee, I didn’t know you’d be on the show.” Seungcheol commented.

“(y/n) didn’t tell you, sunbae?” Seunghee asked, shooting me a glance but I just shrugged. I didn’t even know she was coming until I showed up for the recording.

“No, but I don’t think she knew.” Seungcheol explained and I clicked my tongue.

“S.Coups.” Narae spoke up, “(y/n) said that you guys send texts to each other before big events.”

“Yes, that’s true.” Seungcheol said.

“So when was the last time she sent you a text like that?” Narae finished her question.

“Uh…” Seungcheol trailed off in thought, “Last month when I had my first solo magazine shoot.” He answered and the studio erupted in reactions.

“Yahhh. You two seem to match each other really well.” Sook commented and Seungcheol let out an embarrassed laugh.

“What is your favorite thing about (y/n)?” Narae suddenly asked, turning the show into a special on our relationship.

“This suddenly?” Seungcheol chuckled nervously.

“You don’t have to answer.” I quickly tried to save him from having to answer it but he decided to answer anyway.

“No, no, it’s fine. It was just unexpected.” Seungcheol said and took a couple seconds to collect his thoughts, “Well, my favorite thing would have to be how considerate she is.”

“Can you explain that?” Sook wondered and I lightly smacked her arm while giving her a 'why?’ expression.

“She’s just very caring towards everyone.” Seungcheol explained, “The Seventeen members, our staff, other staff, and even the fans. She’s very kind to them.”

“That’s right. She is really kind.” Sook nodded her head in agreement and patted my shoulder.

There was some noise on his end of the line and I leaned forward to take over the conversation again.

“Everything good?” I asked, knowing the noise was probably the other members talking to him.

“Yeah, but I think I’m going to have to go. I’m being summoned by Woozi to fix some lyrics or something.” Seungcheol said with an apology laced into his tone.

“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.” I told him, “I’ll call you when I get done.”

“Okay, sounds good.” He replied, “Thank you Sook, Narae, Youngja, and Seunghee! (y/n), have fun!”

We all said bye before I hung up the call. After settling back into their chairs, Sook was the first to speak.

“That was so nice that he was able to talk for a little bit.” Sook commented, scooting closer to the table.

“It was.” I mirrored her content.

“So, tell us, (y/n),” Narae turned to me, “Do you have any big projects coming up?”

“Of course, I have many projects planned for the next few months.” I teased her with a smile, “But they’re all secrets for now.”

Seunghee let out a small whine, “Can’t you tell us about one of them? Like just who it’s going to be with?”

“Yeah,” Sook agreed, “Just give us a little hint. A tiny baby hint.”

Youngja sat in her chair nodding aggressively.

I rested my hand over my lips, contemplating if I can or if I should. Glancing at my manager, she gave me a small shrug of indifference.

“Okay, I’ll give you three hints for certain upcoming videos.” I caved and the others clapped in excitement. I listed off the hints with my hands, “First hint is shopping. Second hint is colors. Third hint is boyfriend.” I said and then clamped my mouth shut, not giving any other information.

“That’s it? You’re not going to explain?” Youngja said with a pout.

“She can’t do that.” Sook calmed the other woman, “They’re hints. The fans have to try and guess, right?”

“Right, that’s how hints work.” I nodded, confirming Sook’s guess.

“Well, thank you for coming, for talking with us, and for giving us those hints.” Narae began the ending. “We’ll see you at the Girl’s Table next week.”

“On Wednesday night.” Sook continued.

“At 8:45.” Seunghee stated the time.

“On KBS!” Youngja finished and we all smiled and waved at the camera.

Once the cameras were off, I moved to pull the cord out of my phone. But just as I do so, a text from Seungcheol lit up the screen.

It read, “You did remember to change my contact name, right?”

Description: It’s finals week and you join them on a study date.
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff




“Whatcha studying?” Seungcheol asks, coming up behind you, peering over your shoulder, and placing a coffee cup down for you. His cup remaining in his hand. “Chemistry?” He asks after two seconds of reading over your notes and the textbook page.

You sigh heavily and reach for the coffee cup, “Unfortunately.”

“I’d say.” He chuckles and reclaims his seat. “Is it a big final?” He asks and opens his laptop.

You nod, “It’s over the whole semester and don’t even get me started on that.”

“Why not?” Seungcheol nods his head with confusion.

“My professor is the only professor in the entire department who’s making us take a final on the entire semester.” You roll your eyes while explaining. Seungcheol listens but his eyes are trained on your notebook, attempting to figure them out. “I mean like we’re all in the same class but why is mine the only- ugh.” You groan and lean back in your chair.

“Uh huh….” Seungcheol drawls absentmindedly, “Hey question, how is your brain not mush? I mean does all of that make sense? With all the levels and the things and all?” He asks with his hands emphasizing his words.

Your eyes snap to his in surprise at the conversation switch. “Uh… I mean I guess it makes sense?” You say as more of a question because his questions majorly confused you, “Otherwise I wouldn’t be studying it.” 

Seungcheol pouts in thought, “Yeah, but like how does THAT make sense?” He asks and points towards what’s written on your notebook page. “Or that?” He points to another spot.

“Well, this,” You tap the first spot he pointed at, “Is a diagram of one of the molecules that bonds with another molecule but I haven’t figured out how yet. And this,” You point to his second curious spot, “Is the doodle I drew while watching the dullest review video I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“Oh, yeah, no that I’m looking closer, that doesn’t look like anything remotely close to chemistry.” He says, a wide smile taking over his features and a laugh erupts from the two of you.



“How many hours have we been here for?” Wonwoo lays his head against his arm that lays flat on the table. 

You check your phone for the time and do some simple math in your head, “8 hours.”

“Ugh.” He groans and lets his face fall off his arm and onto the table. 

You glance over at him in amusement before going back to writing out more review notes. 

“I’m so tired.” He mumbles against the table.

“Take a nap here.” You tell him, not looking away from your studying. To be honest, you were in a groove and you didn’t want to leave, knowing the second you do, the urge to study will be chucked out the window.

Wonwoo grumbles. Leaning back in his chair, he opens his literature class’s final book, and rests the open book over his eyes. You don’t hear another word from him so you assume he’s taken your advice and is trying to nap.

But a minute later, his voice alerts you that he is still awake. “I don’t think this is working.” He says, a laugh just under the surface.

You look up and immediately smack a hand to your forehead but if he looked closely, there is a ghost of a smile on your lips. It pulls a laugh out of him and he tilts his head down, catching the book as it slides off his face.

“That’s not what- you know that only works in the movies, right?” You lower your hand and question him.

Wonwoo shrugs, “It was worth a shot.”

You smile at his sudden playfulness, “Let me finish this powerpoint of notes and then we get out of here.”

He nods happily, “Deal.”



“I got it! I got it!” Mingyu exclaims happily and pumping a fist into the air.

“Nice!” You glance up at the excited puppy and smile in congrats. He’s been trying to solve this problem for the past hour. Using different theories and methods and he refused to look at the answer key for explanation. 

“Annnnnd, on to the next one.” He rests the tip of his pen against the paper while reading over the next question in his review packet. 

You return to your studying but a few minutes later, you can’t help but look up at Mingyu as he works through to find the answer. With his torso and head scrunched up it looks like he’s about to literally dive into his notebook. You watch as his lips mouth the progress he’s done so far before stopping. He grabs the eraser and frantically erases the work he’s just done as it isn’t correct.

Putting his eraser back to the side, he notices you staring and peers up at you, “What’s up?” He asks, wondering if you needed anything from him.

You shake your head gently, “You’re cute when you’re studying.” 

A blush creeps onto his cheeks and he smiles in embarrassment. You smile at his embarrassment.

“Stahp.” Mingyu whines, a hand covering his cheek. “I’m trying to study.”

“What?” You chuckle, “It’s true!”

“Yeah, I mean I know, but since you said it I won’t be able to focus.” He complains with a pout. 

You roll your eyes, “You will be fine, Kim Mingyu.” You wag a finger at him, gesturing for his focus to return down to his notes, “Back to it.”

Looking back down to your notes without waiting for his response, you begin writing out a passage in attempts to memorize it. Mingyu quickly writes something on a piece of paper, folds it over, and slides it over to you. You pick it, sending him a look but he’s already back to solving his problem. 

Opening it, it reads, “Just so you know, you’re cute when you’re studying too.”



“What did you get? What did you get?” You grip your notebook to your chest and look at Vernon in excitement. You were certain that you got the correct answer this time and you wanted to know if Vernon got the same answer as you did.

“I got…” Vernon says, finishing up what he is writing, “This.” He finishes and turns his notebook towards you. You also set your notebook down next to his.

You scrunch your eyebrows together. “That’s not right…”

“Yes it is.” Vernon argues, “I remember that lecture like it was yesterday.”

“No, it’s not.” You stand your ground and point to your notebook, “This is the right answer.”

Vernon scoffs, “No it’s not. It’s- Oh my god.” He suddenly stops and starts laughing.

“What?” You ask, hoping he’ll explain before his infectious laughter pulls one out of you. 

“We’re both wrong.” He manages through laughs, then points to your notebook, “You got this part wrong,” He points towards the top of your answer and then points to the bottom of his answer, “And I got this area wrong.”

You realize that what he says is correct and cover your mouth with a fist to hide the embarrassed laughter but it still manages to slip out. Vernon also continues to laugh at your mistake. 

“How are we that dumb?” You asks, rhetorically, when the laughter dies down. Each of you retrieves your notebook back.

“I have no idea.” Vernon answers and shakes his head, “But let’s hope we don’t make that mistake on the test.”

“No kidding.” You agree, “Ugh, I really thought I knew the answer.”

Vernon gestures towards your notebook and bounces his head side to side, “Well, I mean, you were close.”
