#seventeen wonwoo imagine


Description: When Wonwoo nearly accidentally reveals your relationship by doing something to help you eat while your TMJ flares.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Idol!Wonwoo x GenNeut!Reader
Word Count: 808


We sit comfortably on either side of the table, the small grill plate between us. Wonwoo’s phone is on a stand off to the side with his laptop underneath so he can read comments on a bigger screen (curtesy of his terrible eyesight). The plan is simple, I’ll stay out of view while we enjoy a dinner together and he goes on VLive to chat with fans.

“Ready?” Wonwoo asks and takes a sip of his drink.

I nod, eyeing the meat with hungry eyes. I’ve waited all day for this meal so to say I’m excited is an understatement.

Wonwoo chuckles at my hunger, “Alright, I’m going to start it now.” He says and I nod before he begins the live.

“Hello!” Wonwoo smiles into the camera with a tiny wave. “Just a second.” He says and lays a few pieces of meat on the grill with a satisfying sizzle.

I would grill it myself but Wonwoo swears I don’t know how to properly do it so he claimed himself the grill master of our relationship pretty early on. He also placed the plate of meat out of my reach. That, and it might ruin the ploy if the grill suddenly started sizzling while he hadn’t moved a muscle.

“Hello, hello.” Wonwoo greets the camera, “I just came on cause it’s been a long time since I last did a live and Dokyeom has been bugging me about doing another one. So here I am.”

“What am I doing?” He reads off a comment then moves the meat around the grill, specifically so some of the pieces disappear from view for me. “I’m eating dinner. Did you guys eat?”

I wiggle my fists in excitement and I catch Wonwoo smiling at me in amusement.

“I’m grilling some meat with all the fixings.” He answers another question while focusing on the rapid comments.

As the first few pieces become fully cooked, I search the table for the scissors cause my jaw has been bugging me today. But of course, they are on the Wonwoo’s side of the table and it’s almost impossible for me to grab them without being noticed.

Wonwoo notices me searching and pieces two and two together. Quickly, while thinking of an answer for a comment, he picks up the scissors and cuts all the pieces of meat into smaller, (y/n) sized bites. I smile gratefully at him and he places the scissors back on his side.

I eat the first bite without wrapping it to taste the natural flavors. And the taste explodes. It’s so much better than I’ve been imaging all day. I close my eyes and chew with small motions.

We continue or dinner and our plan works for a while. That is until Wonwoo reads a certain comment.

“Wonwoo, why do you cut the pieces smaller when you eat multiple in one bite?” He reads it aloud, trailing off at the end as he realizes the entire question.

We share a nervous glance and I can see his mind racing to find a believable reason.

“Uh,” He stutters and takes a small bite of rice, “I like taking big bites but it’s hard to fit some pieces so I cut them and stack them so it’s easier for me to eat.” He chuckles to cover up his nervousness but I can still detect traces.

I give him a thumbs up with a full mouth when he glances over to check what I think of the ‘reason.’

“Yeah, I just like eating it this way.” Wonwoo reaffirms with a nod.

His eyes scan through the comments but he doesn’t address the reason again so I think the fans believed it. I breathe out a silent sigh of relief but it kind of still feels like my heart is stuck in my throat.

15 minutes after we’ve finished the meal, Wonwoo bids his viewers good bye and ends the live broadcast.

“Okay.” Wonwoo sighs and shuts his laptop, “That was close.”

“Close?” I laugh, “Thank god you think fast cause I really had nothing going on up here.” I say and point to my head.

He chuckles and stands to start cleaning up our dishes, “I didn’t even think about how it would look if I cut up all the pieces to your size.”

“I didn’t either.” I mirror his actions and bring some empty dishes to the sink. “But you gave a believable reason so I don’t think we’ll have to worry about it anymore.”

“You think it was believable?” Wonwoo questions, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as we walk back into the living room.

“I’m really hoping it was.” I say, wishfully.

Wonwoo claps his hands together in front of me in a prayer pose, “I’m praying.”

I giggle and release myself from his grasp to grab some more dishes.

Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if you this is the first post of this series that you see.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death
Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader
Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent)
Word Count: Ending A - 4.8k / Ending B - 4.7k

W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist|Masterlists


“And there’s a problem with one of the elevators.” Jiwoo says sheepishly and I close my eyes in frustration, a scowl growing on my face.

Stopping in the middle of the hall, I look up at the ceiling and pucker my lips together. “What’s next? The front doors break?” I say up to the Gods, not caring if they are actually listening or not.

Jiwoo raises his eyebrows at me, “You wanna be challenging them like that?”

I lower my gaze to him and narrow my eyes, “I will do as I please.”

Jiwoo holds up his hands in surrender.

Taking a deep breath, I compose myself again, “Add it to the maintenance list and I’ll wrestle with it tomorrow.” I instruct him.

“Will do.” Jiwoo nods and we continue on our way.

“Is he still with Soon Bok?” I ask him, getting tired of hearing only the sounds of our shoes hitting the flooring.

“Yes, she should be finishing the tour and should be heading to his room.” Jiwoo answers just before we hit a more open area and guests mill past us.

“What room?” I ask, ignoring most of the guests even though they offer polite smiles.

“Number 177.” Jiwoo informs me. “The one with the huge book shelf wall.”

I smile, already knowing the answer to my thought, “Well, let’s hope he enjoyed books in his …” I look at him to finish my sentence.

“Oh,” Jiwoo quickly realizes what information I’m searching for, “6 lives.”

I nod, “Pretty average. But let’s hope he enjoyed books in at least some of his 6 lives.”

Jiwoo shrugs, “If not, it’s a nice aesthetic wall.”

I pat him on the shoulder, “I’m glad you think it’s good for staring at. Because I definitely spent hours picking each book so that it could be just a good photo opportunity.” I finish sarcastically.

“Not everyone’s a reader.” Jiwoo rolls his eyes.

“They should be.” I retort.

“Anyway…” Jiwoo changes the subject as we reach the edge of the lobby, “Will you be joining the us for the celebration this weekend?”

I open my mouth to give my regular ‘no’ answer but two males cut me off. They barrel through the front office doors, a brunette following a few steps behind a blonde one. Both seem angry and on edge.

"I saw you with my girl!” The brunette shouts.

“I don’t what you saw, man, but I was never WITH your girl.” The blonde one responds and flicks a certain unpleasant finger behind him, “So leave me the fuck alone.”

The lobby slowly gets quiet and not a soul moves, not even me or Jiwoo. Jiwoo out of fear and me cause I kind of want to see where this leads.

The brunette jogs ahead of the blonde and forces him to stop, “Just tell me why you were with my girl and then I’ll leave you the fuck alone.” The brunette seethes.

“Dude.” The blonde holds out his hands, “We’re best friends. Why would you think I’d be with your girl? Do you really think that low of me?”

“You know, after the stunt you pulled with Henry, I wouldn’t put it past you.” The brunette spits.

The blonde gets right up in the brunette’s face and presses finger into his chest, “None of that was my fault. I was the one who got played and yet everyone seems to believe otherwise.”

“The evidence is pretty clear.” The brunette grits his teeth.

Jiwoo slowly leans over as if any faster and the men’s radar would latch onto him. “Shouldn’t you do something?” He whispers.

I shrug and look at him, “They’re only yelling right now. I don’t have to do anything until the-”

The sound of someone crashing against a column cuts me off. I look over and find the brunette pushing off of the pillar, anger steaming off of him. The blonde drops into a fighting stance.

Sighing, I uncross my arms, “Now I do something.” I mumble, quite annoyed that they would cause such a scene when they’re dead. It’s not like they could kill each other here.

I stalk closer to the brawling men who now have a fistful of each other’s shirts. When I’m a few steps away, I clear my throat loudly to get their attention.

They both glance at me for a second before returning to staring at each other.

“Leave us alone, sweetheart.” The blonde says lowly.

“This is none of your business.” The brunette adds.

I scoff, “Actually, this is entirely my business seeing as you are acting ridiculous in my hotel.”

The men land a few punches on each other but remain close.

“You want to kill each other?” I wonder but the men don’t answer, “You’re already dead so there’s no point in trying.”

Both men pause, look at me, then back at each other. And a new kind of fury is awoken in them.

“YOU GOT ME KILLED?” They both scream just as I was thinking they were going to back down.

They begin going at each other again but this time with more anger and all I can do is groan. After giving them a couple seconds, I walk towards them to pull them apart. I grab both of their arms and before I can 'magically’ send them flying away from each other, the men swing the arms I’m grabbing. With their combined force aimed at my stomach, I’m sent skidding backwards on my side across the floor.

When I finally stop sliding, I jump to my feet, ready to kick both of their asses. But when I look up, Mun Hee is restraining the blonde one while the brunette is being shoved backwards by a guest.

“Hey, cool down man. Cool down.” The guest says and my ears instantly recognize his voice: Wonwoo’s.

“(y/n), you okay?” Jiwoo jogs over to my side, worried.

I swat at my pants, “I’m fine.” I answer him without taking my eyes off of Wonwoo as he stands in front of the brunette male.

“You probably shouldn’t have told them they were dead.” Jiwoo states and I shoot him a glare. He frowns and nervously glances around the lobby.

“Let’s try this again, shall we?” I clasp my hands behind my back and look at the brunette then the blonde with cold eyes. They both instantly realize they may have screwed up and lower their defenses.

“If you would’ve actually stopped to look at where you were, you would’ve stopped at the front desk and understood what was going on.” I explain as they step closer, Wonwoo and Mun Hee not far behind. “And what is going on is that you both have died. Congrats.” I give them a sarcastic smile. “And unfortunately, your souls don’t have another life lined up so.” I gesture to the hotel, “You have come here to greet your past lives once more before heading to the place where your soul will rest peacefully…. Hopefully.” I say, mumbling the last word in disgust.

The men look at each other in a bit of shame and embarrassment.

“From my understanding,” I continue, “You both died because you were fighting over some bitch-”

“She’s not a bitch.” Both males cut me off with the same sentence before sharing a menacing look which has Mun Hee and Wonwoo on alert for another fight.

“And you walked right into the street, where, well you know.” I finish, ignoring their intrusion. My words sink in and they both soon realize that I’m being serious and am not joking, which turns them somewhat somber.

“So what do we do?” The blonde asks.

“You go get assigned a room, stay here for the duration of your lives, and then get the hell out of my hotel.” I snarl. “Oh, and stay out of my sight. I’m already annoyed with you two.”

“Oh, actually.” Mun Hee chuckles and raises a hand, “He’s supposed to go to Hotel Blue Moon.” He points to the blonde male who’s eyes widen.

“What is that?” The blonde asks, afraid it might be somewhere along the lines of hell. And man do I wish that is true.

I glower at the lobby wall, “It’s the place where souls go before living another life.” I say, ready to have a very strong word with the Gods.

“What about me?” The brunette wonders, glancing at me like he’s afraid to be left here in my hotel.

“Can I see your palm?” Mun Hee steps forward and examines the man’s palm. “Hmm… You too. You’re not supposed to be here.”

With my annoyance nearing my tolerance levels, I turn away from the small group but before I walk away, I tell them, “Get out of my hotel.”

Without waiting for them to respond, I walk away hoping for silence so I can mentally scream profanities at the Gods and Hotel Blue Moon. But instead of silence, I hear footsteps following me.

I run a hand through my hair and turn to face the idiot following me.

And by idiot, I mean the man who let me sit in his book store for hours and the man I loved.

“Hi, sorry.” Wonwoo nervously rubs the back of his neck, “Uh, I was just headed to the library.” He makes up an excuse.

I press my lips together then point back the way we had come, “The library is back that way.” I inform him.

He turns around and I use the chance to slip down an unknown hallway, hidden by a tapestry.

“Actually, I was…” I hear Wonwoo turn back around, “Going to ask if you were okay.” He finishes before sighing.

I turn my head to the side and look down at the floor, listening to his footsteps retreat back towards the lobby. Part of me feels kind of bad for ditching him like that but another part of me doesn’t want to get close to him until he’s the soul I knew.

Which is going to take 6 days.

~The Sixth Day~

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask Mun Hee who is laying on my couch, his eyes squeezed shut in pain.

“The Wonwoo guy asked me to bring him a bunch of supplies last night.” He groans and I walk to my desk to add some more files to my growing stack.

“What kind of supplies?” I question and lean back against my desk.

“Books, paper, glue, binding, and some book covers if we had them.” Mun Hee says and I chuckle because of course Wonwoo would want those supplies.

He was a bookseller when I knew him but he cared for books just as much and found a lot of joy in fixing old books.

“Ugh. My shoulders are killing me.” Mun Hee rolls his shoulders backwards.

“You’re already dead.” I remind him.

“Way to shoot a man while he’s down.” Mun Hee sasses.

I shrug. “Eh.”

“So much love.” Mun Hee mutters.

I chuckle and move to sit in my desk. But before I can, the door opens and Yong pops just her head in.

“Hey, Wonwoo’s in the garden.” She informs me and I nod with a smile, “And have you seen Mun Hee? He disappeared a while ago and I haven’t seen him anywhere.”

I point to the couch and Yong steps into my office to look, “Right there.”

“Mun Hee!” Yong raises her voice a touch, “Get back to work. Goodness, I am not your mother.”

Mun Hee rises to his feet, “Feels like it sometimes.” He grumbles and then follows Yong out of my office.

When I step into the hall, I hear their echos of laughter floating farther away. After securely closing my office doors, I turn down the hallway and head for the elevators. I rock back and forth in my heels anxiously while the elevator slowly approaches my floor. The elevator finally arrives and opens its doors. I quickly rush inside and furiously press the lobby floor button.

“Come on.” I encourage it to go faster but hey, like everything else about this hotel, it doesn’t listen to me.

Eons later, the elevator reaches the lobby and releases me from its squared hold. I rush out and nearly run into Jiwoo.

“Woah, hey, where’s the fire?” He wonders as I continue past him.

“Can’t keep my man waiting.” I throw a wave at him over my head and his only response is laughter.

About halfway down the hall, I pause to control my breathing and straighten out my dress. After I’m satisfied with the way I look, at least the way I think I look, I walk the last little bit to the garden.

Peeking in, the midnight moonlight illuminates the area with a crisp, clean look. The bare tree somehow looks less dead but only very slightly. The usually hidden bench is out in front of the tree and its subsequent chrysanthemums. And sitting on the bench, with his nose buried in a book as per usual, is Wonwoo. A simple broad striped sweater hugs his shoulders and his glasses sit prominently on his nose. With one leg bent over the other and the book in his hands, he looks like the perfect gentleman.

“Took you long enough.” Wonwoo comments and turns to the next page of his book, “I nearly finished three chapters while waiting for you.”

I roll my eyes and walk around the bench, “I had things to do, Mr. I-can-read-500-pages-in-5-hours.”

“That’s a bit exaggerated.” He closes one eye in thought but then breaks out into a smile. “Come here.” Wonwoo grabs my hand, pulls me down, and securely wraps me in a hug. He doesn’t care that his place in the book is lost as the front cover closes shut.

I chuckle and snuggle close into him.

“I missed you.” He breathes out after a bit of silence.

“I did too.” I mumble into his chest. “I’m sorry for leaving.”

Wonwoo shrugs and I readjust to be sitting properly. “It was what it was. I’m just glad to know that you weren’t dead.”

“Well, I can’t exactly die.” I give him a silly smile and nod towards the tree.

“I know that now.” Wonwoo says a smile on his own lips. The smile that knocked me off my feet every day.

“What were you reading?” I ask, glancing at the book now in his lap.

Wonwoo picks it up and holds it out in front of us. “The one I’ve read a million times.”

I squint my eyes in thought, “You’ve read a lot of books a million times, so which one is it?”

Wonwoo chuckles and knowing that I can still make him laugh with my mundaneness makes me very happy. “Sherlock Holmes.” He says, setting the book aside.

“Is it still fun to read after the first time?” I wonder.

“Of course it is.” Wonwoo answers as if I lost my marbles. “You get to go back and pick up on details that you missed during the first read.”

“Yeah, but you have to read it all again.” I give a small, shy smile.

“But you would rather spend all your time staring at me while I read.” Wonwoo stretches out his arms arrogantly.

I hit his chest playfully and he retracts his arms while laughing.

“I heard you’re the reason Mun Hee was in my office complaining about his back.” I say following a groove in the tree with my eyes.

“Am I? Oh, is it from all the stuff I asked him for?” Wonwoo wonders then clicks his tongue, “I told him I could help if it was a lot. But he said he was fine so I just sat in my room.”

“Sounds like something Mun Hee would do.” I nod my head, “How did you like your room by the way?”

Wonwoo smiles contently, “I loved it. The wall of books was beautiful. You had all my favorites in there.” He nudges my shoulder with his shoulder.

“Took me ages to find all of them. Some of them were quite old.” I say with a slightly apologetic look.

But Wonwoo shakes his head, “Don’t worry. I fixed them all.”

I look at him in wonder, “You fixed all of them?” I ask.

He nods, “Yeah, most of them just needed some binding repairs and the rest weren’t that hard to repair.”

“So that’s why you asked for the supplies and broke Mun Hee’s back.” I realize though I should’ve realized sooner.

Wonwoo laughs and my heart flutters happily at the sound. “That’s why I needed the supplies.”

“You didn’t read all of them in that time, did you?” I double check and give him a questioning look.

He boops my nose and scrunches his face at me, “No I didn’t. It took me a whole lifetime to read all those books.”

“A whole lifetime.” I repeat his words.

“How did you even find all those?” Wonwoo asks, playing with my hand, “I read most of those after you left.”

I smile bashfully, “I kind of guessed.”

'You guessed?“ Now Wonwoo gives me the questioning look.

"After I left, I just kind of kept an ear open in the book world and sometimes I would come across a book that just felt like you would really enjoy. So I brought it back and started a collection in that room.”

“But other guests use that room.” Wonwoo pouts, feeling kind of jealous that other people would’ve read those books before him.

“Nah, only the right touch can get certain books off the shelf.” I tell him with a knowing smile, “I made sure that no one but you or I would be able to read the special ones. To every other guest, it’s just a really aesthetic wall.”

“Well, look at my girl go.” Wonwoo says smugly.

“So.” I say, wanting to change the topic.

“So?” Wonwoo responds, turning his body slightly to face more towards me.

“I wanna know…” I pause.

“Mmhm?” He nods once, encouraging me to keep speaking.

“Did you end up married to your books or did some lucky girl come and steal your heart?” I ask with a genuine smile of curiosity.

Wonwoo chuckles but I notice the light behind his eyes dims ever so slightly. His chuckle dies down but he doesn’t say anything. Instead he just looks at the tree, contemplating.

“You know I’m not mad if you did move on.” I clarify, “I honestly wanted nothing more than for you to be happy and I wanted you to find it after I left. You deserved that happiness.”

I know Wonwoo hears me because he chews on the inside of his cheek but he still doesn’t say anything.

“What you didn’t deserve was falling into the pain of me and my punishment.” I say apologetically, “It happened to twelve others and I never for a moment thought any of you deserved that pain.”

Wonwoo wraps an arm around me and pulls me close again, “Oh, it’s not your fault. It’s that damn demon’s and trust me if I ever get the chance to meet it, I will get revenge for what it did to you.” He presses a kiss to my temple before whispering. “I did marry.”

I smile and ignore the slight pain slicing through my heart. Even though my words about wanting his happiness are true, it still stings.

“I met her like 5 or 6 years after you left.” Wonwoo recalls and the memories sparkle in his eyes, “She first started coming in and reading her own books. Then she’d come in and read the books I had on the shelves. Then she started to watch me while I repaired books.”

“That must’ve been awkward.” I giggle.

“It was at first.” Wonwoo agrees, “But then she did something and I knew she was supposed to be in my life.”

“What’d she do?” I ask, intrigued.

“Remember the first edition book you and I repaired together?” He wonders.

I nod, “How could I forget that? I was finding glue in random places for weeks.”

Wonwoo chuckles at the memory, “You’re the one knocked over the glue can.”

“You’re the one who put it on the edge of the table.” I banter back.

“Anyway.” Wonwoo squeezes my arm, “I kept it in a showcase box near the back of the store. Hardly anyone asked about it and those who did only wondered if it was for sale. But she, she inspected it and then asked if I had put it together.”

“And what did you tell her?” I probed.

“I told her that I had repaired with someone special. I think she could see or hear the bit of sadness in my voice cause she didn’t dig deeper.” Wonwoo explains, “So then I asked her what made her think that we’d done it by hand. And she,” He laughs, “She said cause the back cover was crooked and on the part that poked out, she could see some writing. Somehow made out my name.”

I chuckle and think back to the night we stayed up for hours trying to decide what to write there. Like it was our will that would go down in history as the most important document ever. The warm tea cup in my hands and the burning candles that painted the room in rustic comfort.

“And then that was that really. We dated for a while, got married. and then we raised three kids.” Wonwoo continues his story.

“Three kids?” I inquire.

Wonwoo nods proudly, “Three. Changkyun was my oldest then came the twins, Soyou and Lisa. Changkyun protected the girls well and the girls grew up tough all thanks to him.”

“Nah, I’m sure you had a large part in that too.” I reassure him. “You were always tougher than I. Even in future lives.” I reference the first day of his stay.

“Oh, I totally was going to ask you if you were okay that day, but you just disappeared.” Wonwoo remembers and pouts that he didn’t get the chance to ask then. “Part of the punishment I’m guessing.”

“Actually I don’t know. I never really tried so I don’t know if it’s against the rules or not.” I admit. “But I, uh, I didn’t want to find out.”

Wonwoo gives me an understanding look, “Totally understand. It couldn’t have been easy being stuck here for all those years.”

“For the first hundred years, it was awful.” I tell him, “But after that, I grew numb to the passing of time. It just kind of happened like that.”

“So while you were numb to time, I was terribly sensitive to the passing of time.” Wonwoo ponders the thought.

“Kids grow up too fast?” I guess.

Wonwoo looks at me with confusion cause how am I supposed to know what it’s like to have kids.

“I overhear guests chatting with each other and a big part of the conversations are kids and how they just grow up so fast.” I explain pointing a thumb behind us towards the hotel.

“Ah, I see.” Wonwoo murmurs, “But yeah. They just kept growing and then all of a sudden, my wife and I were empty nesters and then a second later, we had grey hairs on our heads and grand babies in our arms. Completely crazy.”

I giggle at his amazement, “So what did your kids end up doing?” I ask and he dives into the stories of his children and his life with them.

I sit and listen to his low voice tell the tales of the bookstore, how some years the store would be overrun with teens and then next year it would be filled with fresh out of college adults. He immerses himself in the ocean of stories from his life while I float along the with the waves and let his voice take me through the stories.

All too soon, though, the setting sun freezes the ocean and my tree’s crooked branches set me back in reality.


“The setting sun always represented an end with another beginning.” Wonwoo stares at the western windows where the last rays of sunlight are slowly being swallowed up by the night. “But this one is just an end.”

I stare at his face, hoping to memorize all the pieces I missed before. Like he does during a second or third read of a book.

“For your worldly soul, it’s an end.” I say, “But for your true soul, it’s the start of an eternity of peace.”

“What do you think happens on the other side?” He asks, looking back at me.

I give a small shrug, “I don’t know, but you’ll find out today and someday I’ll find out too.”

“Could it be like the books?” Wonwoo wonders.

“Depends on which book.” I tell him with a tender smile.

“Touché.” He tilts his head. “You know,” He leans closer to me, “I know I have to go, but I really don’t want to.” Wonwoo giggles.

I laugh before pressing a kiss to his cheek, “But we do.” I remind him, trying to keep the sadness out of my voice.

Wonwoo sighs, “We do.” He repeats and stands up before helping me up. “Were you always this fashionable?” He asks after looking me up and down.

I raise my eyebrows, “Uh, yes, and fashion has changed since we were together.”

Wonwoo grabs my hand and swings it between us as we walk, “Well, the change looks absolutely stunning on you.”

The lobby is quiet as the hotel’s opening hours are just around the corner. We quickly make it to the back door and like a gentleman, Wonwoo opens the door for me.

The cool night air rushes by us and we both stand on the landing just taking in the scene.

“Remember the night by the river?” Wonwoo wonders when he starts walking towards the forest, Shin, and the car that will take him.

“The night when you said you loved me?” I ask and he nods, “The air feels the same, doesn’t it?”

“Exactly the same. ” Wonwoo nods, gripping my hand tighter. “Do you think the Gods are doing this on purpose?”

I look up at the dark sky that’s littered with tiny little lights from thousands of miles away. “At this point, I’m certain everything that happens to me is because they,” I point upwards, “Want it to happen.”

“Well then, I guess I’ll have to thank them for letting me happen to you.” Wonwoo smiles and I feel his eyes on me.

Lowering my gaze, I meet his gaze, “But I caused you pain. Like freakishly awful pain.”

Wonwoo shrugs, “Still don’t regret meeting you.” He says as we reach the car.

Shin has the door open and is waiting patiently.

“This is the end of my worldly journey then.” Wonwoo comments, glancing at the forest and its fog.

“Now you can rest. Forever.” I place my hands on his cheeks and he rests one of his on top of mine.

“You know, hearing it now, it isn’t as scary as I initially thought.” He says a placid smile on his lips.

I kiss him through a smile, “Says the man who would be willing to jump from the highest heights just for the thrill.” I mumble against his lips.

“Answer me this, will you?” He asks and rests his forehead against mine. I nod and he asks, “If you were to have met me without a punishment, would you have stayed with me?”

I stare into his eyes and move to rest my arms on his shoulders, “Till the very end.” I say with honesty rallying behind me.

“That’s all I need to hear.” Wonwoo says then presses another kiss to my lips. When he pulls away, his eyes are glossy but I know he won’t cry. “I love you, (y/n).” He whispers.

“I love you too.” I tell him, feeling my own eyes fill with tears.

Wonwoo pulls away and lowers himself into the car. After Shin shuts the door behind him, the car drives into the fog.

The tires crunch over the gravel road and Shin stops next to me.

“That was the bookseller?” He asks.

I nod, a tear slipping down my cheek.

“He was a good man. He shall be very comfortable.” Shin reassures me and walks back into the hotel.

With Shin gone, I let the tears fall freely. Letting the tears fill with the sadness and pain of being left then let them fall and land wherever they please. My heart cracks into a million pieces and it takes everything within me to keep it from exploding into more pieces. It is then that a white chrysanthemum withers away in my garden.

After a while, the moon has risen high into the sky and my tears have dry though my heart hasn’t stopped aching. But even now, I have a hotel to run and others to wait for. So I run my hands through my hair, detangling it, and wipe away the left over tears. Just as Wonwoo always told me, I straighten out my shoulders, hold my head level, and walk back into the hotel with purpose.

Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel)to choose the next guest.


“Did you ever think today would come?” Wonwoo wonders.

“I knew it would come but I just could never definitively say when it would come.” I tell him, “Like when an author has a story and a perfect plot in their mind but putting it on paper is harder than imagined and they’re not sure if the story will ever leave their mind.”

“Good analogy.” Wonwoo chuckles, “Come on. Your story has left the author’s mind.“ We stand up together and I instantly grab his hand. Like a child latching onto their favorite toy.

We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.

"Hey, Mun Hee.” Wonwoo calls out, “I would’ve helped you with the supplies. You didn’t have to carry them by yourself and hurt your back.”

Mun Hee vigorously shakes his head, “No, no. I didn’t hurt myself, I’m just sore. I haven’t worked my body like that in ages.” He gives excuses.

“Well, you should start again. Who knows what other guests will request.” Wonwoo advises and Mun Hee gives him a thumbs up.

“So this is it?” Mun Hee asks and looks at me with tears appearing in his eyes. “This is the day you leave us?”

I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he’s being so sappy. “Maybe I’ll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year.” I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.

“Don’t you dare say that. You better not return here.” He says angrily through his tears and I hear Wonwoo chuckle behind me.

I chuckle, “I won’t come back. I promise.”

Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should’ve done more.

Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family’s service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.

“When you leave today, you won’t be able to find this place again.” I inform him, “I hope that you’ll be able to go and live your life happily.”

Jiwoo nods, “Thank you for letting me work with you. I won’t ever forget you.”

I smile sadly, “You will. But thank you.”

Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.

“You’d think after all these years of waiting that I’d be prepared for this day.” She says through sniffles.

“Thank you, Yong.” I rests my hands on her shoulders, “For everything. Thank you.”

With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.

We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.

“Keep this hotel running beautifully.” I tell her before Wonwoo grabs my hand again.

With final waves of goodbye, Wonwoo and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.

At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.

“(y/n).” He says when we reach him, “It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest.” Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.

“The honor was mine.” I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.

I’m free. I served my years of punishment and now I’m free to let my soul rest.

I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opting to experience the hotel’s many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.

“(y/n)?” Wonwoo softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, “Are you ready?”

I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. “Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s go.”

I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Wonwoo securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.

In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.

Description: It’s finals week and you join them on a study date.
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff




“Whatcha studying?” Seungcheol asks, coming up behind you, peering over your shoulder, and placing a coffee cup down for you. His cup remaining in his hand. “Chemistry?” He asks after two seconds of reading over your notes and the textbook page.

You sigh heavily and reach for the coffee cup, “Unfortunately.”

“I’d say.” He chuckles and reclaims his seat. “Is it a big final?” He asks and opens his laptop.

You nod, “It’s over the whole semester and don’t even get me started on that.”

“Why not?” Seungcheol nods his head with confusion.

“My professor is the only professor in the entire department who’s making us take a final on the entire semester.” You roll your eyes while explaining. Seungcheol listens but his eyes are trained on your notebook, attempting to figure them out. “I mean like we’re all in the same class but why is mine the only- ugh.” You groan and lean back in your chair.

“Uh huh….” Seungcheol drawls absentmindedly, “Hey question, how is your brain not mush? I mean does all of that make sense? With all the levels and the things and all?” He asks with his hands emphasizing his words.

Your eyes snap to his in surprise at the conversation switch. “Uh… I mean I guess it makes sense?” You say as more of a question because his questions majorly confused you, “Otherwise I wouldn’t be studying it.” 

Seungcheol pouts in thought, “Yeah, but like how does THAT make sense?” He asks and points towards what’s written on your notebook page. “Or that?” He points to another spot.

“Well, this,” You tap the first spot he pointed at, “Is a diagram of one of the molecules that bonds with another molecule but I haven’t figured out how yet. And this,” You point to his second curious spot, “Is the doodle I drew while watching the dullest review video I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“Oh, yeah, no that I’m looking closer, that doesn’t look like anything remotely close to chemistry.” He says, a wide smile taking over his features and a laugh erupts from the two of you.



“How many hours have we been here for?” Wonwoo lays his head against his arm that lays flat on the table. 

You check your phone for the time and do some simple math in your head, “8 hours.”

“Ugh.” He groans and lets his face fall off his arm and onto the table. 

You glance over at him in amusement before going back to writing out more review notes. 

“I’m so tired.” He mumbles against the table.

“Take a nap here.” You tell him, not looking away from your studying. To be honest, you were in a groove and you didn’t want to leave, knowing the second you do, the urge to study will be chucked out the window.

Wonwoo grumbles. Leaning back in his chair, he opens his literature class’s final book, and rests the open book over his eyes. You don’t hear another word from him so you assume he’s taken your advice and is trying to nap.

But a minute later, his voice alerts you that he is still awake. “I don’t think this is working.” He says, a laugh just under the surface.

You look up and immediately smack a hand to your forehead but if he looked closely, there is a ghost of a smile on your lips. It pulls a laugh out of him and he tilts his head down, catching the book as it slides off his face.

“That’s not what- you know that only works in the movies, right?” You lower your hand and question him.

Wonwoo shrugs, “It was worth a shot.”

You smile at his sudden playfulness, “Let me finish this powerpoint of notes and then we get out of here.”

He nods happily, “Deal.”



“I got it! I got it!” Mingyu exclaims happily and pumping a fist into the air.

“Nice!” You glance up at the excited puppy and smile in congrats. He’s been trying to solve this problem for the past hour. Using different theories and methods and he refused to look at the answer key for explanation. 

“Annnnnd, on to the next one.” He rests the tip of his pen against the paper while reading over the next question in his review packet. 

You return to your studying but a few minutes later, you can’t help but look up at Mingyu as he works through to find the answer. With his torso and head scrunched up it looks like he’s about to literally dive into his notebook. You watch as his lips mouth the progress he’s done so far before stopping. He grabs the eraser and frantically erases the work he’s just done as it isn’t correct.

Putting his eraser back to the side, he notices you staring and peers up at you, “What’s up?” He asks, wondering if you needed anything from him.

You shake your head gently, “You’re cute when you’re studying.” 

A blush creeps onto his cheeks and he smiles in embarrassment. You smile at his embarrassment.

“Stahp.” Mingyu whines, a hand covering his cheek. “I’m trying to study.”

“What?” You chuckle, “It’s true!”

“Yeah, I mean I know, but since you said it I won’t be able to focus.” He complains with a pout. 

You roll your eyes, “You will be fine, Kim Mingyu.” You wag a finger at him, gesturing for his focus to return down to his notes, “Back to it.”

Looking back down to your notes without waiting for his response, you begin writing out a passage in attempts to memorize it. Mingyu quickly writes something on a piece of paper, folds it over, and slides it over to you. You pick it, sending him a look but he’s already back to solving his problem. 

Opening it, it reads, “Just so you know, you’re cute when you’re studying too.”



“What did you get? What did you get?” You grip your notebook to your chest and look at Vernon in excitement. You were certain that you got the correct answer this time and you wanted to know if Vernon got the same answer as you did.

“I got…” Vernon says, finishing up what he is writing, “This.” He finishes and turns his notebook towards you. You also set your notebook down next to his.

You scrunch your eyebrows together. “That’s not right…”

“Yes it is.” Vernon argues, “I remember that lecture like it was yesterday.”

“No, it’s not.” You stand your ground and point to your notebook, “This is the right answer.”

Vernon scoffs, “No it’s not. It’s- Oh my god.” He suddenly stops and starts laughing.

“What?” You ask, hoping he’ll explain before his infectious laughter pulls one out of you. 

“We’re both wrong.” He manages through laughs, then points to your notebook, “You got this part wrong,” He points towards the top of your answer and then points to the bottom of his answer, “And I got this area wrong.”

You realize that what he says is correct and cover your mouth with a fist to hide the embarrassed laughter but it still manages to slip out. Vernon also continues to laugh at your mistake. 

“How are we that dumb?” You asks, rhetorically, when the laughter dies down. Each of you retrieves your notebook back.

“I have no idea.” Vernon answers and shakes his head, “But let’s hope we don’t make that mistake on the test.”

“No kidding.” You agree, “Ugh, I really thought I knew the answer.”

Vernon gestures towards your notebook and bounces his head side to side, “Well, I mean, you were close.”


그래도 안 자면 안돼. 언마나 오래 갈지 모르겠으니까. Don’t stay up though. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. 

Description: After a concert, Wonwoo isn’t feeling well but even if he’s completely determined to make it through the post-concert live, his body is not. When he faints mid broadcast, he’s sent to the hospital to get checked out but it leaves you with time to think that you might be the cause of his exhaustion and it spirals into an attack. And a conversation the next morning.
Warnings: Anxiety attack, fainting, anxious thoughts
Genre: Angst, Idol!Wonwoo x Fem!Reader 
Word Count: 3.9k



Wonwoo comes down from the stage stumbling and coughing but he’s determined to make it through the short V-Live before he retreats to his hotel room to sleep for the rest of the night. He says all he needed is you to hold his hand for the duration of the live broadcast and he could make it through. You agree.

During the after concert V-Live, Wonwoo’s hand grips yours tightly just off screen. He’s still breathing hard from the concert but it’s harder than he should be. You know he’s really not feeling well. But the two of you have made an agreement. He’d do the live and if he, at any point, feels like he can’t anymore, he would squeeze your hand three times in a row. Wonwoo has yet to signal.

You uncross your legs and then cross them in the opposite way again. Wonwoo glances over at you and you give him a soft reassuring smile.

15 minutes into the live broadcast, Wonwoo is tilting his head side to side and blinking like he’s trying to keep his eyes open. You look at him worriedly before sharing a look with Mingyu who stands behind Wonwoo with his hands on the back of the couch, protectively.

Wonwoo knows that this V Live won’t take too long. 30 minutes tops. At the beginning he really thought he could make it through it. But now, he’s not so sure. Every single bone in his body feels like a piece of lead and his head feels like a giant medicine ball sitting atop this pile of lead. Even with his glasses on, his vision goes in and out of focus and he tries his best to focus on the conversation happening around him but his members’ voices keep fading in and out.

The only thing keeping him semi grounded is your hand in his.

You’re pulled out of the conversation the other members are having about Soonyoung’s ment screwup by Wonwoo’s hand squeezing yours three short times. Looking over at him, you nod and get up, preparing to lead him away. He follows your actions under the watchful eyes of Mingyu, Seungkwan, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol-who is on the other side of the group.

But as soon as he rises to full height, his hand goes slack, his legs buckle underneath him, and he crumples to the floor. All within the broadcast camera sight.

Within seconds, Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Mingyu are kneeling at his sides and the V Live has been abruptly ended. Your breath is caught in your throat and your body frozen until Seungkwan gently pulls you to the side so managers can get to him.

“Wonwoo.” Seungcheol gives his shoulder a gentle shake, hoping he hasn’t lost consciousness.

Wonwoo releases a low groan and rolls onto his back. You release the breath you’ve been holding in when you see him move but the tightness in your chest doesn’t dissipate. It stays like tightly coiled barbed wire around your heart. You’re honestly not sure if you can name the emotion you’re feeling. You know he’s okay but you are also worried about what caused this.

Their manager relieves Mingyu and talks lowly to Wonwoo while other staff members scramble around the room. Wonwoo sits up with the help of their manager and Seungcheol. For a couple seconds he just sits there, dazed and sipping the water that was offered to him.

“I think we should get you checked out just in case.” Their manager voices his opinion and Seungcheol nods in agreement.

“I agree. You should go. We’ll stay here and wait for you.” Seungcheol says, his leader instincts kicking in.

The other members stay silent where they’ve retreated to but you and Seungkwan are still in the same spots.

Wonwoo raises his head and his eyes immediately find yours staring at him with a look he can’t quite read. Weakly, he holds out a hand and you kneel next to their manager, taking his hand in yours. The barbed wire around your heart tightens every so slightly.

“I think you need to get checked out.” You voice your thoughts and before Wonwoo argue against you, you cut him off, “It’s just a precaution. For my peace-of-mind, go get checked out at the hospital. Please?” You stare at Wonwoo and he can see the concern that’s painted in your voice.

“Okay.” He agrees quietly and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze.

Their manager stands and starts giving out instructions while Seungcheol and Jeonghan help Wonwoo onto his feet.

“I’ll stay here. Just come back soon.” You tell Wonwoo as he’s lowered into a wheelchair a staff member found somewhere.

Wonwoo nods, “Don’t stay up though. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.” He advices you and you nod in response.

“I won’t.” You say with understanding but knowing you’re probably going to stay up until he gets back.

He gives your hand one last squeeze before their manager rolls him down the hall and out of sight.

Walking back into the room, the rest of the members are talking quietly to themselves as the staff members clean up the equipment as all activities have been put on hold for the rest of the night.

You can’t help but wonder what led up to this. Wonwoo has been fine the whole time up to this concert. He would spend his mornings at rehearsals, sometimes he’d spend lunch with you, return to rehearsals until they ended (usually late at night), and then he would come to your place to spend more time with you before sleeping over, only to have to get up early the next morning to repeat the same schedule.

Looking back at this, the barbed wire constricts a little more as you realize that he’d been spending a lot of time with you. Time he could’ve been using to rest and recharge from rehearsals. The other members were fine because they didn’t have a person to eat lunch with or spend extra time at night with. They all probably went to bed after rehearsals and got good sleep for the next rehearsal filled day.

A hand covers your mouth as you realize you could be the one at fault for Wonwoo’s fainting. Was it because you were too greedy and wanted to spend so much time with him? Were you not as concerned with his well being as you should’ve been? Was he not honest with you about how much time he was spending with you? Did he lie to you whenever you asked if he was tired?

Your breath picked up and your other arm wraps around your stomach as you try to fend off the attack but with the thoughts swirling in your head, it’s pretty much useless to try and stop it.

Feeling your body refusing to stand straight any longer, you lower yourself onto your knees and struggle to get a breath in or out. Tears collect on your bottom eyelid and in a couple blinks, tears are dropping onto your cheeks.

“(y/n)?” Jun notices you kneeling and calls out your name which catches the attention of the other members.

You squeeze your eyes shut as a pair of arms wraps around your shoulders and holds you close. Your muffled sobs seep through you hand and the tears stream down your face. You struggle to breathe in, your chest stutters as the air hiccups into your lungs and yet the barbed wire still clings to your aching heart.

“You guys go ahead.” Seungcheol says with his arms still around you.

“Josh, you and Minghao stay with them.” Jeonghan instructs as he ushers the other members out of the room.

Why didn’t he tell you he was tired? Why didn’t he ever tell you it probably wasn’t a good idea for him to see because he needed to rest? Why wasn’t he honest with you?

Had you been too pushy? Did you say something that made him feel like he needed to lie to you? Did you smother him? Did you do this? Why didn’t he just tell you?!

A fresh wave of tears pushes through your closed eyelids and you try to choke back sobs but it ends up making you cough.

“My… fault.” You cough out, shaking your head with tears dripping from your chin. “He… and me… too much… time… spent…” A sob cuts your voice off and Seungcheol tightens his grip on you with a sigh.

Joshua and Minghao share a worried look which they then tossed to Seungcheol who understands their worry.

After 5 five minutes, which feels more like an eternity, the barbed wire around your heart finally disappears and the crushing weight on your chest dissipates and you can finally take in a substantial breath. Though the tears are still trickling out, you open your eyes and your tired body sinks into Seungcheol’s chest.

“It’s my fault, isn’t it?” You ask in a muttered voice, wiping the tears off your wet cheeks.

“We should talk about this later.” Joshua advices with a soft voice but you shake your head.

“It is though. The times when he should’ve been properly resting he was with me.” You explain, voice scratchy from the crying. “And what if I was being too greedy and pushy for time with him that he never told me when he needed proper rest?”

“I doubt that’s true.” Minghao sighs and Seungcheol nods his head in agreement.

You scoff slightly, the negative thoughts still flooding the floor of your mind, “You don’t know what goes through Wonwoo’s mind. I hardly ever know.”

“I know he wouldn’t keep something like that from you.” Seungcheol states definitively, “He indeed is a very private person but he wouldn’t say those kinds of lies. Especially not to you.”

Not really truly believing his words, you stay silent and your eyes start to feel heavy.

“Let’s go upstairs to the rooms and you can get some sleep.” Joshua says and taps Minghao’s knee.

Minghao and Joshua pull you up onto your feet before Seungcheol stands up. As they lead you out of the room, your eyes linger on the spot where Wonwoo fainted and you feel a twinge of pain in your heart which makes you look away.

“He’ll be okay.” Minghao reassures you and wraps an around your shoulders. “Just need the doctor’s okay for him to  continue to do stuff with us.”

You nod slowly, hoping it’s believable. From your eyes, the drowsiness travels to your shoulders as they start to feel heavy.

When you reach the floor that has been blocked out for the members and their staff, you’re slightly surprised to see so many hotel doors propped open.

“Do you want to go to Wonwoo’s room to wait?” Joshua asks and through the open doors, the other members begin to shuffle at the sound of voices.

“I don’t think I want to be alone… Too many thoughts yet.” You gesture up to your head and half smile.

“You can stay in my room.” Seungcheol offers, “I’m sure that’s where we’ll all be waiting anyway.”

“We’re already here.” Mingyu pops his head out of the doorway of his and Seungcheol’s room with a warm smile.

“Make way!” Soonyoung exclaims from a room behind you, “Lots of hot popcorn coming through!”

Side stepping, you watch as Soonyoung runs from his room carrying five steaming bags of freshly popped popcorn right into Seungcheol and Mingyu’s room.

“Mingyu, you guys got water in there?” You ask and he nods his head quickly.

“Yeah, come on.” He says and waves you in before disappearing into the room.

You admired this side of the members. The one that understands severity of situations but always tries to keep spirits up for others and for themselves. It’s why you don’t really want to be alone at this moment. Your negative thoughts would most likely take over and you’d probably end up crying yourself to sleep.

In the room, Jeonghan, Dino, and Vernon occupy Seungcheol’s bed while Mingyu and Seokmin occupy Mingyu’s bed. Soonyoung and Seungkwan are perched on the couch. The others must be in their rooms with their doors open.

“He’ll be okay.” Seungkwan reassures you as you take a seat on the couch.

You nod, not wanting to dive into the real reason you lost it earlier. “Yeah, I’m sure he will be.”

Before you can say anything else, Soonyoung lightly shoves into you as he tries to catch a piece of popcorn in his mouth but unfortunately misses.

“Dang.” He mutters, disappointed, before picking up another piece and trying again. This time succeeding. “YES!” Soonyoung smiles happily at you and you can’t help but smile at him. Chuckles from around the room indicate the everyone is looking at him and his popcorn endeavors.

Somewhere in the next hour, you had dozed off and Soonyoung and Seungkwan moved off the couch so you could fully lay out. As soon as Mingyu draped a blanket over you, you were fast asleep. Your body exhausted from the anxiety attack you had gone through.

Seungcheol shooed the waiting party into a different room but kept his door ajar, partly for him and partly for you.

An hour and a half after Wonwoo went to the hospital and an hour after Pledis released an emergency statement explaining what had happened and what is currently being done, Wonwoo and their manager return to the hotel. Wonwoo walks through the hallway of their floor on his own but at a slower than usual pace. Turning the corner, they see most of the members’ doors propped open and their manager chuckles softly.

“Let’s get you to your room.” Their manager says just before Seungcheol, Mingyu, Dino, and Seungkwan tumble out of Seungkwan and Dino’s room.

“You’re back.” Seungkwan says with a relieved sigh and Wonwoo can hear other members scramble out of bed just before their heads pop out of their doorways. He searches for your face but when he doesn’t see you, he assumes your asleep in his bed.

“What did the doctor say?” Dino asks, reaching Wonwoo first and offering his shoulder for support. Jun stumbles into the doorway of their shared room.

“No concussion or anything serious. Said my body’s just exhausted and that it’s highly recommended I rest for a few days.” Wonwoo answers the question.

“Starting now.” Seungcheol crosses his arms over his chest and Mingyu copies his actions.

The small group follows Wonwoo into his room where Jun has already climbed back into bed. Expecting to see you in his bed, Wonwoo stops abruptly when the you’re not where he expected you to be.

“Where’s (y/n)?” He turns to ask the others with concern.

“She’s asleep on the couch in my room.” Seungcheol points a thumb behind them.

“I want to see her.” Wonwoo says and begins walking back out of the room but Mingyu stops him.

“Hyung, she’s sleeping and she’s really needs the rest.” He vaguely explains.

Wonwoo scrunches his eyebrows together, “What do you mean?”

“She panicked after you left.” Seungcheol lays out the truth and Wonwoo’s heart feels like it just stopped beating.

“Okay, now I really need to see her.” Wonwoo defends and tries to push forward.

But Mingyu still blocks his path to the door, “Tomorrow, when you’re both not ridiculously tired.”

With his heart pounding in his ears, Wonwoo breathes in deeply but Seungcheol cuts him off before he can say anything.

“Tomorrow.” He states in a tone that ends the discussion right there and then. Seungcheol doesn’t say anymore knowing that what you panicked over is something that the two of you need to discuss.

Defeated, Wonwoo walks the short distance to his bed and tucks himself in with his heart still pounding. Despite his mind racing with thoughts worrying about you, his body pulls him into sleep within minutes after the others have left the room. Jun stays awake until he’s certain Wonwoo is asleep before falling back asleep himself.


Mingyu tries his hardest to not make too much noise as he gets ready for the day but of course, his clumsy self had to go and drop his phone on the desk which sent some of his toiletries tumbling around the desk and onto the floor.

The commotion was the second thing that brought you out of your slumber. The first being the obnoxious sunlight pouring in through the windows. Opening your eyes, you see Mingyu mumbling to himself as he picks up his fallen items. You stretch out your limbs and yawn loudly.

“Oh, I woke you up.” Mingyu says in disappointment.

You sit up and shake your head, “Nah, the sun was already doing a pretty good job of that.”

“Sorry it was loud. I swear I was trying to be quiet.” Mingyu smiles sheepishly at you to which you giggle.

“Mingyu, it’s fine.” You tell him before rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

Then it hits you. Why is Mingyu in Wonwoo’s room? Or why are you in Mingyu’s room?

“Did Wonwoo get back yet?” You ask, realizing it’s morning and you hadn’t heard anything at all during the night.

“Yeah, he got back after you fell asleep.” Mingyu informs you.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” You ask standing to your feet, heading to the door.

“Cause you were sleeping and he also needed to sleeeeeeep.” He drags out the last word at you but you’re already out the door.

Quickly walking down the hall to Wonwoo and Jun’s shared room, you’re happy that the door is open ajar and let yourself in, quietly, just in case Wonwoo’s still sleeping.

Tip-toeing into the room, Jun’s bed sits empty but still unmade and Wonwoo is still tucked into his bed, eyes closed and breathing steady. You release a sigh of relief and crawl into bed behind him, wrapping an arm around his large torso as far as you can reach which isn’t that far with only one arm. As you nuzzle your nose into his back, he stirs and tries to roll over, almost squishing you in the process.

“(y/n)?” His groggy morning voice calls out your name and he peeks through half opened eyes.

“I’m here.” You tell him. Scooting out from underneath him, you wrap him in your arms and cuddles into your body. Wonwoo’s head rests against your chest and his arms wrap tightly around your waist.

“What did the doctor say?” You ask, running a hand through his hair absentmindedly.

“Well, I don’t have any serious injuries but won’t be at rehearsals for the next few days.” Wonwoo sighs, his eyes staying closed.

“That bad?” You frown that he’ll have to miss rehearsals but also since the boys have a few days off before the next concert, it’s not too terrible.

“It’s not bad. I just need some rest.” He mumbles and leans up to plant a kiss at the base of your neck.

You chewed on the inside of your cheek, wondering if you wanted to bring up your thoughts from yesterday now or if you should wait. Wonwoo registers your silence and instead of contemplating the decision, he just dives right in.

“Are you okay?” He asks, pulling back and looking at you.

“Not.. really, no.” You answer him honestly.

“What happened?” Wonwoo questions now wide awake and sits up, leaning against the headboard.

You also sit up properly but glance nervously towards the door.

“He left awhile ago and I doubt anyone’s gonna walk in. They all went out, I think.” He explains catching your glance.

Taking a deep breath, you look at Wonwoo, “After you left, I just, I started to panic thinking that maybe it was my fault that your body gave out.”

“It’s not you fault.” Wonwoo says softly and grabs your hand gently.

“You spent what little free time you had with me.” You continue to explain, letting the held back words slip out into the world, “You spent every night at my place when you probably should’ve been in your own bed, closer to rehearsals, getting enough sleep for your exhausting rehearsals. You needed those hours to rest and I can’t help but think that I took them away from you and because I did that your body couldn’t handle the work.” You sniffle as somehow more fearful tears appear, “And you promised me. You promised me that you wouldn’t overwork yourself. I told you to ditch me if it meant letting yourself rest. Now I’m scared that every time we hang out, you’re doing it just for me and that you should be resting but instead you’re out with me and won’t tell me that you need to be elsewhere.”

Realization washes over Wonwoo as he takes in your words. He had promised you. But he, honestly, never felt like he wasn’t getting enough rest. He always, always wanted to spend time with you, even if it meant sacrificing a few extra minutes of sleep.

Wonwoo tugs you into a hug and you let him envelope you in his arms, his head resting on top of yours.

“You just… fell.” You mumble, recalling what you saw the night before. “You were standing one second and the next your were on the ground and I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even think. I just, I don’t want to be the reason you neglect your health. I don’t want to be the reason you end up like that again.” You let out a shaky breath and Wonwoo can feel his own tears well up in his eyes.

Lord knows he’s not a cryer but hearing you doubt yourself and doubt him has him dipping into a sadness he almost never dips into.

“I did promise you.” He says softly, willing his voice to stay steady. “But I never, not once, thought I wasn’t getting enough rest. Every night I slept over at your place was a night I wanted to stay over. I always wanted to spend that extra time with you. It was never because I felt obligated to be with you. Never.” Wonwoo squeezes you closer and you look up at him but he just continues to stare straight ahead trying to rid his eyes of the tears. “It’s honestly probably my own fault for not listening to my body enough. It was me ignoring my body’s needs and I paid the price for it.” He finally looks down at you and presses a kiss to your forehead, “You will never be the reason why I fainted.”

You adjust your position and kneel next to him, his arm still resting on your arm.

“I know that but I don’t know how long it’ll take for this worry to go away.” You tell him and he nods in understanding.

“I know.” Wonwoo says, “And I’ll just reassure you every time.”

“And please, listen to your body more.” You ask of him with pleading eyes.

Wonwoo leans closer and presses a firm kiss to your lips. “I will.”

“You should probably get some more sleep.” You smile softly, “I know how much sleep you usually get on days off.”

“Stay with me?” He questions and you roll your eyes at the question.

“Of course. Like you said, everyone went out so what else am I going to do besides baby my boyfriend?” You joke and he chuckles while laying back with you.

After a moment a silent settling in, Wonwoo sighs, “I’m sorry for making you worry.”

You press your cheek against his chest, “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re okay and nothing is injured.”

Wonwoo kisses the top of your head once more and before he starts to fall asleep again, mumbles, “Me too.”
