#seventeen wonwoo smut


Member: Wonwoo (Seventeen)
Genre: Smut
Requested by: Two anons mixed together. Two requests are similar, so here they are mixed together (Hope that doesn’t bother you two anons ^_^ )

When you share a bed one night with your best friend, but he has a bit of a problem.

“Um, (Y/N)” Wonwoo awkwardly says to me whilst scratching the back of his neck. “Theres a bit of a problem” he says looking into the hotel room as I walk towards him dragging a suitcase behind me. “What do you mean theres a probl-” I cut myself from finishing the sentence when my head pops inside as I notice there is one double bed. We both walk inside and exchange awkward glances. “I’ll take the floor” Wonwoo says to me and I nod in disagreement. “It’s okay, you’ve known me since I was only a toddler so I don’t mind you being in the same bed as me” I say and give a small smile to him which he returns. Wonwoo disappears into the bathroom to slip into his pyjamas while I do the same in the room. Since it was summer, I was only in a loose singlet and small pyjama shorts that reached just underneath my butt. Soon after, Wonwoo came out of the bathroom only wearing a different pair of boxers and I couldn’t help but look at his toned body. I climb into the right side of the bed, Wonwoo sliding into the left. “Goodnight (Y/N)” Wonwoo says before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep. “Night” I say to him, my own eyes fluttering shut. During my sleep, I heard small whimpers coming from beside me but I ignored it thinking it was just me hearing things. The thing that woke me up was when I heard the bathroom door slam shut. “Fuck..” I heard Wonwoo whisper after the loud noise was created. The door lock clicked, making my curiosity grow as I slowly got out of bed and tip toed my way to the bathroom. Thats when I heard the small whimpers again. My hand slammed to my mouth in shock as I realised what Wonwoo was doing in there. Quiet groans were silently heard through the door, but my mouth opened in shock when he dragged my name out in one long moan. My hands dropped to lightly knock on the door. “Wonwoo? Are you in there?” I ask, pretending I didn’t hear anything. Wonwoo quietly whispered a curse word as I heard shuffling around the bathroom until the door clicked open, greeting me with a red faces Wonwoo with messy bed hair. “Is anything wrong?” I ask, walking in to look at myself in the mirror, Wonwoo eyeing me through it. “I uh- nothing no. Nothings wrong” He says, trying to cover his hard on without me noticing. “What’s that you got in your pants” you say with a smile on your face to annoy him. “Shut up (Y/N), this is all your fault” He says as his eyes go wide after realising what he had said, as do mine. “You going around in those shorts, sleeping next to me caused me to have a hot dream about you where I basically fucked you but I woke up halfway through with this problem in my pants” he says sighing, me still shocked with his honesty. “Just go back to sleep (Y/N), I’ll just do my business and then join you” He mumbles, me staying firm in my spot. “I want to help you” I say as his eyes goes wide again. I move towards him, pulling his boxers down and letting his hard on spring out. “Are you sure, I don’t want this to make things awkward between us” He says, nervousness evident in his voice. “Shut up you idiot” I say before putting my mouth to the tip of his cock, his hands instantly reaching for my hair as I begin to bob my head back and forth. “Oh my god” He says as he looks down at me with lust filled eyes. Moans from Wonwoo filled the bathroom, him trying not to buck his hips into me from the pleasure he was receiving from my mouth. Before Wonwoo was able to even cum, he pulled me off of him. “What are you doing?” I asked as he picked me up and placed me on the bathroom sink. “Can I please fuck you?” he asks in between small pants with desperation. I nod to him, as he wastes no time in pulling my shorts down and quickly inserting his dick inside of me. Wonwoo didn’t give me time to adjust and instantly made rough thrusts, me rolling my hips in time with his to increase the pleasure in both of us. His hand grasped the back of my head once again digging into my hair, the other holding onto my hip for more support incase I fell off the sink as he went deeper inside of me. My body felt weaker the more Wonwoo fucked me, the pleasure taking over me. Moans released from my mouth spilled throughout the bathroom to the point where I was sure the rooms down the hall could hear. Wonwoo kissed the crook of my neck as he continued to make deep thrusts, leaving small purple bruises for everyone to see the next day. I felt the feeling pool in my lower stomach as I was close to cumming around Wonwoo. “Wonwoo, im gonna cum” I say in high pitched moans. His face moves from my neck to my ear. “Fuck- cum for me baby girl” He whispers making my walls clench around his cock, me cumming on him. Soon after, Wonwoo pulls out and cums on my stomach as he loudly groans. The pair of us panting, he picks me up from the sink and brings me back to the bed. “Hey (Y/N).. Lets share a bed again”

Member: Wonwoo

Genre: Fluff??

Warning: Make out session

Hi can you do smut of wonwoo wherein he is an attractive nerdy guy and a hot girl is interested in him so they make out but wonwoo is shy and innocent so the girl takes the lead heh btw i really love your blog

thank you!!! This is like perfect for wonwoo tho istg

Admin Rose

You were at a house party one of the stupid kids, Seungkwan’s, house for a huge party everyone was talking about. Though you had popularity, the only reason you wanted to come was because of the new kid, aka cute nerd aka smart hottie, Wonwoo.

He’s apparently cousins with Hoshi and got into their big friendship group of buffoons, except he’s extremely smart and exceptionally nice. He’s just perfect. “Who’s up for some sevan minutes in heavannn?” Vernon slurred as if he was drunk, which he kind of was, but not really, Half of the people in the house gathered up in a circle, and you and your friend decided why not? You might get lucky.

Everyone was supposed to put a small object in a box before sitting in a circle, and you put your earring in before sitting next to your friend. Then, you guys all had to write your name on paper and put in a hat. “Okay peeps! Whos gonna be first?” Hoshi used his hand to mix the names in the hat and picked up a piece of ripped paper. “Y/N.”

Speak of the devil.

You got up and walked to the box of things, closed your eyes and wished yourself luck. You fished around, feeling things sharp, blunt, rough, and more until you felt something like a polished stick, which turned out to be a pencil. “uh-uh I.” The shy kid, Daniel, stuttered and then ran out of the room.

You heard a few snickers after the incident, and Seungcheol told you to go again. This time you picked up something made of thin wire, to open your eyes and see circle rim glasses. “Those are mine…” You followed the path of the voice to see the tall, dark haired figure of Jeon Wonwoo.

Your heart skipped a beat when you found out it was him, and it was out of severe nervousness. Your started to fidget with your fingers, playing with the rings on them. You were known as a fearless girl, but youve never even seen yourself this nervous.

You were led into an empty closet by Jun, and before he left he snickered “Have fun Woo.” which resulted in Jun being pushed out. “7 minutes start now!” he yelled before disappearing down the hallway. Uncomfortable silence took over the closet, and you continued to fidget with your fingers. It took you a minute to build up the courage to even speak to him, since your mind was racing from how unbelievable this was.

“Uh, is it okay if I?” You stuttered, not wanting to sound stupid but miserably failing. “Sure, I guess.” he replied softly. You slowly made your way to him before meeting your lips with his, butterflies and fireworks sparking uncontrollably in your stomach. If it was possible, you could have exploded by how much there was.

You were kissing him, but sadly he didnt return the favor. He just stood there, and it felt like you were kissing a statue instead of a human. You quickly broke away, not wanting it to get any more awkward since he obviously doesn’t like you back. “You know what, im terribly sorry i shouldn’t even have asked.” You apologized looking down at your shoes that were reflecting the light from the small night light that was lit inside the room.

“Thats not it, seriously.” He chocked out which surprised you. You looked up at him with a confused expression. “What?” “I mean.” He sighed. “I- I like you a lot, but i’ve never done that with someone.” You didnt say anything as he looked away, you just smiled. “Here.” you directed, placing his hands to hold your waist. “Its really easy. Just follow what im doing.” 

“Okay then..” He gulped as you placed your hands on his neck. He slowly lowered in to reach your height, and then both of your lips met again, and this time better than before. Wonwoo was getting the hang of it as you lead him, sparks of ecstasy flying out from you two. The butterflies were gone since now all you were focused on was him.

For a beginner, Wonwoo made you feel something youve never felt from someone else. You couldnt explain what it was, but they way it felt was amazing. “Alright i was standing here for an additional 30 seconds, times up you two.” Jun informed. You released while smiling at him, and as you two walked out, you stuck your tongue out at him.

“We’re not playing anymore.” Wonwoo announced while holding your hand before leading you upstairs. “Whys that, hmm?” you asked him with a smirk on your face. “I want you to teach me something else.”
