#severus snapsirius black


Title: your arms, around my lungs

Author: HogwartsToAlexandria/@dwell-on-dreams​ 

Pairing: Severus Snape/Sirius Black

Rating: Mature

Word Count: 1501

Prompt #: 97 - Even when they hate each other, even when they argue more than they talk, the sound of X’s regular breathing still brings Y solace when the nightmares don’t want to go away.

Senses: Hearing, Touch

Warnings: Arguments, Nightmares and Panic Attacks


Even when they hate each other, even when they argue more than they talk, the sound of Sirius’ regular breathing still brings Severus solace when the nightmares don’t want to go away.

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This work is part of the Taste of Smut Fest, a Harry Potter-centered fest dedicated to the five senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. If you’ve enjoyed this work, please do shower our content creators with kudos and comments!
