#sex health




Why you should never buy sex toys on Amazon.

I see people on here all the time talking about buying sex toys on Amazon so it’s time to run through this again. I know it may seem like you’re saving money but when something seems too good to be true it usually is.

  • The main reason you shouldn’t buy sex toys on Amazon is that, unlike buying from reputable retailers, you have absolutely no garuntee that the product you’re buying hasn’t been used, returned, and resold. The sex you industy in America is almost completely unregulated so really can’t trust amazon to hold better business practices than legally required. People have found bodily fluid and pubic hair on toys purchased from Amazon.
  • The second biggest reason is that you’re more than likely buying an expensive knock off labeled as a brand name item. The way the amazon marketplace works is by sorting items with the same bar code name into the same catagory. So let’s say you want a wi vibe so you pay for one but what happens is that amazon doesn’t log a difference between a brand name Wi-vibe and a knock off from China. They’re both just labeled “wi-vibe” so you pay for a quality item and get a cheap knock off. So you may think you’re getting a high quality item for $50 but instead you’re getting a $10 look alike that will die and malfunction quickly. Imagine paying for a Lelo (the most luxury sex toy brand) and getting something nothing like that.
  • And lastly, it’s not safe for you! Because the chances of you getting a knock off are so high, it’s very likely that you’ll get something made out of harmful materials. A lot of the sex toys made cheaply in China and places like that have no body safe regulations on materials so not only could you pay for a brand name item and not get it , but you might actually get something that could make you sick or even poison you. Some toys will even leak oils and chemicals when exposed to water or fluids.

In summation, buying from Amazon is NOT safe for you, will most likely rip you off, and you could even be getting used products.

Below I’m listing Dangerous Lily’s list of best places to buy. I recommend reading her reviews before purchasing anything expensive.

Where to buy:


Early to bed

Smitten Kitten

Good Vibes

Come as you are

Be vibrant


And directly from the brand retailor like we-vibe, Lelo, body wand, etc.

Apparently the sale of sex toys on amazon have spiked since everyone is stuck at home so I’m bringing this back as a PSA.

Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample Women who masturbate during adolescence Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample Women who masturbate during adolescence Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample Women who masturbate during adolescence Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample Women who masturbate during adolescence Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample Women who masturbate during adolescence Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample Women who masturbate during adolescence Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample Women who masturbate during adolescence

Female Masturbation survey of a Portuguese community sample

  • Women who masturbate during adolescence report less arousal difficulties later in life.
  • Women who have begun masturbating during adolescence reach orgasm more often during sexual intercourse. 
  •  20% women masturbate to fall asleep. (and a damn fine way to do)
  • Some women feel guilt and shame because of masturbation. ( its because society attaches stigma to it, women should get over it and enjoy their bodies)
  • 46% women masturbate less than once a month. Ladies, masturbation is free. Do it as often as you can to relieve stress, to sleep, to fell good. Its a natural drug. It doesn’t matter if you are single/committed/married. You can drive your partner wild if you masturbate in front of him.

Source: http://goo.gl/5QWvWW

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