#sexual debut


Um, this might be a bit of an odd question, but here I go. I’ve got uterine didelphys, and because I have two vaginas in the space where only one’s supposed to be, it’s sometimes uncomfortable to use super tampons, since they’re bigger than regular. I’m also a virgin. My doctor said that this shouldn’t affect my future sex life, but I’m just not sure. Is there anything that I can do myself to make sure that my condition doesn’t make my first sex experience with a guy completely excruciating?

Just for starters, we’re not doctors, so that ought to be kept in mind. Anything we say does not substitute a professional’s advice.

I don’t know your age, but regardless, a good relationship with your doctor/gynecologist is crucial. I hope you find that video somewhat reassuring, as it addresses some of the issues you raised. 

Now, sex as an excruciating experience is completely circumstantial. 

This video covers a bit of what some women’s sex lives are like. This girl mentions she only has one clitoris, and one g-spot. 

Uterus Didelphys Help is a good reference site. Reading about other people’s experiences and being able to exchange concerns 

There will often be a more dominant side than the other 

I know that my right side is dominant.  The left can be used but it has to be on purpose.  The left is tighter and just feels different.

 The only issue I have with sex is if the wall gets hit, similarly to how your partner has said it feels like he hits a wall. But whereas before I was frightened of it hurting, I have actually since learned that it’s more just uncomfortable, but doesn’t particularly hurt… more like poking the bit between your finger and thumb

I’ve never felt uncomfortable during sex but I am aware of what side is being used also.

 I think the worst thing that has ever happened and more than one time is during sex if he pulls out to far going back in it hits the skin in the middle. That is the worst!

i have 2 uterus’, 2 cervices & two vaginas and i cant have sex in either side as the entrances are too small

Sex has always been painful for me and like the other woman said it’s because of the septum that separates my vaginas. Sometimes my husband hits it and all sexual activities have to stop because it feels like something has tore.

 The key here is communication, communication, communication. We’ve talked about sexual debuts and how that first time is all about trying out how different things feel. It’s your responsibility to let your partner know of your situation and to be extra careful that first time while the two of you get used to how things work.

First Intercourse 101

First-Time Intercourse: It was.. good?

If something feels uncomfortable, painful or off, you let him know. Likewise, if something feels good, encourage them! Experiment with it. That’s what your first time is all about!

Insensitivity is/can be/ might probably be an issue. Bottom line? Not worth it, Anyone who shames you, makes you feel uncomfortable in any way about you and/or your body is not worth your time. 

Hope it helps!

- Claw

#sexual health    #sexual debut    #virginity    #didelphys    