

Alright - artwork has been submitted for the SGAReverseBang!

I was very ambitious with this piece and TBH, it might be my favorite I’ve ever done. I didn’t start out to make a fully-formed piece (and I loathe drawing backgrounds) but I did all of that, including some complicated shading and pattern-design. 

I’m excited to see what someone writes for it!  As I said before - keep your eye out for a thumbnail that is HIGHLY neon if you’re looking for my piece to choose.

Hell yes, I finished my art for the SGA Reverse Bang! Only took me all weekend (because I went a little intense with it, TBH).

Question, though - I don’t have the slightest idea on how to post it on LJ? I’m so far removed from the platform. Does anyone know if I should wait to post it before a certain date (I know it says that July 4th is the due date for art) or if there’s a specific way to post it?

Thanks for the help and spoilers - there’s alot of neon going on in this drawing, so be prepared for that lol
