#liz talks


Comin’ back to Tumblr to see several of my drawings have been flagged for sensitive content.

It’s just shirtless men, Tumblr. Let me draw shirtless men, WTF?

@buffycuddlespigs@otherearthsoutthere - I’ve missed you guys, too! I’m happy I could post some art and contribute to this lovely, lovely fandom again. I’ve literally had no time for fandom recently, which is a shame, but not a total lose because I’ve been busy doing a lot IRL.

Besides things at my work still going 100mph, I’ve been volunteering a lot more recently. I saw a premier screening of Sorry To Bother You a few months ago and heard the director, Boots Riley, and Danny Glover talk about how words really weren’t enough - that showing up and action are really what brings about change, and it really inspired me to get out more and support organizations working to bring some peace back to America. That, along with several friends of mine (unfortunately) being sexual assault survivors and being so disheartened by the Kavanaugh appointment (myself included), it just brought about this feeling of “either I sit here and let it burn, or I get up and help.”

So, I’ve been doing what I can to get people out to vote and supporting sexual assault survivors, as well as people who are recovering from addiction with the opioid crisis still going strong.

My mantra in life continues to be - “They can pry my kindness from my cold, dead hands!”

That being said, I have been meaning to take a break and have some “me time” back in fandom because it warms my heart and I miss it.

TL;DR - I missed you and hope everyone is doing well and hope to be back into it sometime this winter. xoxo

::walks out of my apartment to get something out of my car, eyes firmly fixed on scrolling through tumblr on my phone, not paying the slightest attention to the outside world::

::halfway down hallway of apartment complex, suddenly realizes I can hear the Stargate Atlantis theme playing::

::stops dead in my tracks, wondering if I have finally gone crazy::

::realizes its coming from a neighbor’s apartment but I can’t tell which one::

::creeps back down hallway, pausing at doors, until I find which its coming from::

::memorizes apartment number and vows to become friends with new neighbors::

::goes back to my apartment with new goal::

::remembers I was supposed to get something from my car and has to leave apartment again::

Alright - artwork has been submitted for the SGAReverseBang!

I was very ambitious with this piece and TBH, it might be my favorite I’ve ever done. I didn’t start out to make a fully-formed piece (and I loathe drawing backgrounds) but I did all of that, including some complicated shading and pattern-design. 

I’m excited to see what someone writes for it!  As I said before - keep your eye out for a thumbnail that is HIGHLY neon if you’re looking for my piece to choose.

Hell yes, I finished my art for the SGA Reverse Bang! Only took me all weekend (because I went a little intense with it, TBH).

Question, though - I don’t have the slightest idea on how to post it on LJ? I’m so far removed from the platform. Does anyone know if I should wait to post it before a certain date (I know it says that July 4th is the due date for art) or if there’s a specific way to post it?

Thanks for the help and spoilers - there’s alot of neon going on in this drawing, so be prepared for that lol

I was in NYC last weekend for a wedding and saw this store. It gave me all kind of thoughts of a mor

I was in NYC last weekend for a wedding and saw this store. It gave me all kind of thoughts of a more dystopian SGA where they have a fake storefront like this where people can travel to other worlds ‘for a price’.

On a side note, I hope all of my friends on here are doing well. I’ve been mad busy with life and rarely get a chance to come onto Tumblr.

On a further side note - I’m finishing up my SGA Reverse Bang drawing today and OOO BOY, am I in love with it. (Spoiler - it’s based on a very old McShep AU I posted here.) 

Post link

have an ear infection so if my sideblogs run out of queued posts thats why lol

Tumblr Crushes Challenge; where you post your own favourite blogs to spread positivity and get your amazing blogger-friends some more followers!

I was tagged by: I came home from holidays to being tagged by the amazing @aredhels,@ladyeowyn,@gisabarrovvand@longbottomfranks - I love you and would tag all of you back in a heartbeat, tysm for thinking of me!!

My tumblr crushes: In no particular order: @drahgons;@jrrtolkiens;@longbottomneville;@foxway;@gabelightwood;@quaffled;@hornedsrpents;@octavianblackthorn;@rietvelds;@roryglimore;@dunyashas;@brekkerskaz;@colmfahey;@stadwatch;@lynchmatthew;@allisonchameron;@mione;@arwenundomiel;@josephkavinskys;@mishacolins;@pynchvinsky;@carolsdanver;@shiremaiden; and pretty much every person I follow tbh ♥

Rules are simple - If you’re tagged, show off your tumblr crushes and tag your post #mytumblrcrushes Of course, you don’t have to, but why pass up an opportunity to make someone’s day ith this? :)
