
“Hahaha! Tiifu, that tickles!”“Stop moving, I need to clean all the dirt you got f
“Hahaha! Tiifu, that tickles!”
“Stop moving, I need to clean all the dirt you got from your patrol!”

Continuing my pairs for Pride Month, here is Tiifu and Shabaha (they are both lesbians, in case it wasn’t clear)

Before getting together, Shabaha and Tiifu had a painfully mutual crush on each other. It was so obvious that even Thurston, Tiifu’s friend, had noticed the blushes and shy looks the lioness sent to the new Lion Guard Member. And Shabaha was also very obvious as well, by usally patroling around the places Tiifu was gonna be hunting.

But Vitani got tired of their bullshit and decided to take things on her paws: she decided to flirt with Tiifu knowing Shabaha was gonna be super close to them: that way, Vitani hoped that in jealousy, Shabaha would be (ironically) brave enough to finally confess her feelings.

By everybody’s surprise, when Vitani tried to flirt with Tiifu, the shy lioness stopped Vitani’s attempts, saying she had a crush on Shabaha. And since Shabaha was close by, she heard what Tiifu said and, admiring her bravery, decided to confess to the Pridelander as well.

(Vitani considered this a success of her plan btw xD)

Shabaha and Tiifu are gonna have a son (sired by Shabaha’s brother, whom is not important to the story, he is just a rogue that got expelled of Zira’s pride so he wouldn’t be a competition to Kovu. Shabaha mantained contact with him, despite Zira’s law.) named Kuendela (persistent) and he would continue his mom’s job as The Bravest of Akili’s guard.


A little clarification (just in case) that the one carrying their son is gonna be Tiifu. 

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