#tlk fanart

eeviart:King of Pride RockI don’t know how I’ve never gone to mention this before, but The Lion


King of Pride Rock

I don’t know how I’ve never gone to mention this before, but The Lion King has always been on the top 3 list of my favourite movies of all time, holding a very special place in my heart. Guess I’m just so nervous to post any art not involving any ponies in it and simply haven’t had the opportunity because of that. Just, ever since I was a kid I used to watch the crap out of this movie, time and time again. And frankly enough, I still do!


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 Next in my series of draws for Pride Month, here is Baliyo (he/him nonbinary) and Zuri (pansexual).

Next in my series of draws for Pride Month, here is Baliyo (he/him nonbinary) and Zuri (pansexual).

Their relationship started rocky at first, with Zuri’s depression after getting her scars getting a toll on her self steem and Baliyo going through his own stuff as well, feeling a bit useless since Kion and his guard where now living in the Tree of Life. These two bonded because of their insecurities and helped each other to overcome them. Once they become mates, Zuri is the one that usually goes to the Tree of Life for visiting (she likes an excuse to go into a trip).

In the future, they are gonna have two cubs: Hashaan (‘good looking’), he will be The Fastest in Akili’s Guard; and Kashika ('one who shines’), a beautiful girl that will become part of the Night Pride.

For the record, Vitani also helped these two confess xD

Baliyo in this pic has yet to grown his full mane, that will look like this

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“Hahaha! Tiifu, that tickles!”“Stop moving, I need to clean all the dirt you got f
“Hahaha! Tiifu, that tickles!”
“Stop moving, I need to clean all the dirt you got from your patrol!”

Continuing my pairs for Pride Month, here is Tiifu and Shabaha (they are both lesbians, in case it wasn’t clear)

Before getting together, Shabaha and Tiifu had a painfully mutual crush on each other. It was so obvious that even Thurston, Tiifu’s friend, had noticed the blushes and shy looks the lioness sent to the new Lion Guard Member. And Shabaha was also very obvious as well, by usally patroling around the places Tiifu was gonna be hunting.

But Vitani got tired of their bullshit and decided to take things on her paws: she decided to flirt with Tiifu knowing Shabaha was gonna be super close to them: that way, Vitani hoped that in jealousy, Shabaha would be (ironically) brave enough to finally confess her feelings.

By everybody’s surprise, when Vitani tried to flirt with Tiifu, the shy lioness stopped Vitani’s attempts, saying she had a crush on Shabaha. And since Shabaha was close by, she heard what Tiifu said and, admiring her bravery, decided to confess to the Pridelander as well.

(Vitani considered this a success of her plan btw xD)

Shabaha and Tiifu are gonna have a son (sired by Shabaha’s brother, whom is not important to the story, he is just a rogue that got expelled of Zira’s pride so he wouldn’t be a competition to Kovu. Shabaha mantained contact with him, despite Zira’s law.) named Kuendela (persistent) and he would continue his mom’s job as The Bravest of Akili’s guard.


A little clarification (just in case) that the one carrying their son is gonna be Tiifu. 

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 Disclaimer: This is just a what if, btw, dont get your hopes up, these characters are pretty much d

Disclaimer: This is just a what if, btw, dont get your hopes up, these characters are pretty much dead in my verse.

But yes, if Kopa and Afua would have somehow survivedthe accident, they would have ditched their prides and started their own. Afua, mostly because Zira didn’t care at all about him and his only escape, being with Kopa, was forbidden by Simba. And Kopa, well, he didn’t like how superprotective Simba would become (worse than in the second movie) in this scenario and how bad his dad would act towards Afua (Simba blames Afua for giving Kopa a limp, even though Kopa explains several times that it was him that started the fight).

It’s when they realize they are also both gay that decide to run away and never return.

They would not be together as a couple tho! They would be in a Queerplatonic relationship

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“Thank you for the lift, Aunt Kasi.”“It’s ok, kid. Let’s get you back
“Thank you for the lift, Aunt Kasi.”
“It’s ok, kid. Let’s get you back to Kiara and Kovu before they find out you almost got lost.”

Been wanting to do these two for Pride Month because they are both aroaces! (and im personally ace and in the aro spectrum)

Vitani is usually the cool Aunt, and she is in this universe as well, but Moyo’s favorite “aunt” is Kasi. He confides in her a lot (after his grandparent Simba, of course), specially about his sexuality and Kasi is more than ok to help her unnoficial nephew to understand himself better, She is gonna be a big help later when Moyo wants to have a partner and starts doubting about him being actually aroace. And while Kasi is romance repulsed and prefers to be single, she will explain that some aroaces want to have partner and is more than ok and doesn’t invalidate who he is.

Moyo’s future mate is character that hasn’t appear yet btw.

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