#shadow of the sith


shadow of the sith excerpt with rey’s parents, dathan and miramir, is hitting me right in the feels

Dathan felt his own grin growing. Miramir’s happiness—her relief—was infectious. Maybe they would get out of this after all.

Despite himself, despite their situation, Dathan found himself smil­ing. He couldn’t help it. His wife was a genius and he loved her. He didn’t know where she got it from, but she was a natural, like it was ge­netic. She could fly anything, had been—and still was—a self-taught engineer and inventor.

Dathan knew that look. He’d seen it plenty of times over the last two days. It pained him to see Miramir like this. His wife, his love, the smart­est and most beautiful and best person he had ever met. Certainly the most capable, far better at most things that he was, no matter how hard he tried.
