#shadowbatman au


I love looking at the reblob balls. This is from the Shadow Batman AU post btw! Lookit all the blobs!!! We are not immune to sentient batman’s shadow <3

Y’all should definitely take this idea and run with it. GO WILD, DO YOU OWN TAKE TOO!! HAVE FUN WITH IT! SQUEEZE IT OR UH CRADDLE IT GENTLY

Is the shadow a cryptid or some kind of supernatural? Is it a representation of Bruce’s self? Is it just some random specifically bat shaped shadow that decided to cling onto Bruce? Bruce’s metagene activating and giving him a funky shadow guy following him around?

WHO KNOWS!! Cause you can decide what is canon/headcanon to you :) Im simply setting up a nice little playbox for all of us to jump into!

My version? UH we’ll see, Im also doing my own take at my own pace, but I love reading asks, tags and reblogs/replies on this au so much and how everyone views this!

So far we got:

- Shadow Cryptid aka “You’re my friend now c:” (No one knows who adopts who) they just kinda follows him around now
- Meta Bruce Wayne go brrRR (Shadow power les go!)
- Bruce made a deal with an entity and got cool shadow power and a friend :)
- Magic boogaloo?
- All batfam member also has a shadow of their own?
- They’re either separate entities or is a part of Bruce/represents a part of him

If I missed anything, feel free to let me know! I can add or correct anything here <3

Also there’s already a similar AU (Shadow Cryptid Batman) but its a little different than what I drew! This one is where Bruce IS the cryptid shadow/Ghost. Meanwhile mine is Bruce WITH a mysterious sentient shadow. Thought I should share this just incase y’all haven’t seen it!

Also I think the idea for Batman’s Shadow came around when I was listening to the song “Friends on The Other Side” that started the flood gate DHSGFDG

kreature-ofthenight:vinnybox:A fun idea popped into my mind.Batman but his shadows kinda works like kreature-ofthenight:vinnybox:A fun idea popped into my mind.Batman but his shadows kinda works like



A fun idea popped into my mind.

Batman but his shadows kinda works like Dr. Facilier’s or Peterpan’s ? idk but I just wanna draw Batman and his shadow doing who knows what DSGDSHD

oh OH!!! Imagine, A tiered and desperate young Bruce Wayne who sees no way out, who does not a care what happens to him anymore because he´s seen how Gotham seems to pull everyone down sooner or later, who traveled the earth trying to learn how to protect how to find a cure for his city but only found hate and destruction waiting for him and his home.
So he makes some kind of deal or bargain with some power of the night, its not the first time this being was called in this City, it is Gotham after all people here tend to sell their souls so easily

But when it sees Bruce, Gothams golden boy, who already has all the riches and political power he could ask for, who is not terminally ill or would be in need of anything people ask for normally…it is surprised for the first time in many decades.
And then he ask´s for power, not to rule or overthrow, but for the power to protect, this man, this boy is ready to sell his soul to have a chane to save the soul of his city, who still belives he needs to be more, to be better and stronger for these people, who is so focused on that single thought that he just does not care what will happen to him later or who he personally might be in debt to

the darkness smiles, a cold dark smile but not one without sympathy
“You´re going to need a symbol! Something the people can believe in.”
it says
It will take some time before Bruce that he did not gain any power he didnt have that night, a friend maybe or a companion at least, tho he does not see it that way jet.
The darkness in a persons heart, all the pain and fear they endured, it can take many forms, how curious to have it take the shape of an protector.

Thiss!!! AWGH!!! This is also such an interesting take on the idea!! I love reading all these so much!!  DAMN!! I can visualize along with this! :O

I especially love the end sentence!! That the darkness can take many form and doesn’t necessary means it will take on only the bad forms, like how Bruce’s is a protector

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the beginnings of the shadow!batman fic (based off of @vinnybox’sart) because I couldn’t think of anything else until I got the first few bits scribbled down lmao-

Keep reading


SCREAMING AND YELLING AND ROLLING ON THE GROUND. I need more so badly, but you did such an amazing job bringing this to life!!! OUWG,,,

kimirce:kimirce:vinnybox:A fun idea popped into my mind.Batman but his shadows kinda works like Dr. kimirce:kimirce:vinnybox:A fun idea popped into my mind.Batman but his shadows kinda works like Dr.




A fun idea popped into my mind.

Batman but his shadows kinda works like Dr. Facilier’s or Peterpan’s ? idk but I just wanna draw Batman and his shadow doing who knows what DSGDSHD


@morningstargirl666 I’ve actually been meaning to write something for this for a while but you gave me the push I needed to sit down and write it lol.

I plan to post the first chapter on my Ao3 later this evening, to be titled The Silhouette of the Soul. Here’s the potential summary:

And Bruce’s shadow – it shifted.

The faint, fuzzy outline of a child deepened, growing darker as though ink pooled in its center. Martha watched in horror as the points of bat-like wings unfolded halfway, then tucked in as though they were settling into place.

Her mother’s words came back to her: Your shadow is the silhouette of your soul.

I’m trying to decide if I need to write a more expansive summary than this to properly explain what the story is about, but also I feel like this gives you a pretty concise look.

Also@vinnybox02​ , do you mind if I include an image of your art on Ao3? I would, of course, link back to the original art and inspiration. This is such a great idea!

The Silhouette of the Soul is now posted to Ao3!

YOOOOOOOOOO everyone should totally check out this fic!!!

Gave it a read and I think this has a very interesting and unique take on the AU! Definitely give this a read cause this dwelve into how Bruce got his shadow and also gave us a little insight of Martha Wayne too! <3

Also yis! You may include my art in your AO3!! :D Im real honored! ^u^

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