#shaman king the super star

aisawa72:シャーマンキングFLOWERS 麻倉花 (2017/8/15)


シャーマンキングFLOWERS 麻倉花


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I love these two and their interactions so much!! Sooo imma post some pics from moments of them from the end of the manga, Flowers and The Super Star where you get to see them together a lot

I love how these two pages seem to parallel the same types of shots of them both and show their similarities so well!! The one on the left is from the main manga and the one on the right is from Flowers.

My fav pics of both of them from the manga!! ❤️

This whole scene of them chilling together is so sweet and shows how much they really just wanted to be with each other and talk like this through the whole series but never had the chance due to their situation and everyone around them. So once they have the chance to be completely alone together at the end of the manga in the King’s Society of the Great Spirit, they can be free and open to speak with each other. Plus Hao is showing how much he really wants Yoh to be with him.

Them doing just being them with each other and Hao actually seeming like a big bro to Yoh lol plus Hana’s bewildered commentary is everything!

Yoh confirming he doesn’t always go nice and easy on people whilst also outing Hao for the reason behind why he’s like that

I could try and post more but this is already long haha so I’ll end with this one, I just love how Yoh’s like “He’s not even listening to me is he?” Like he just knows Hao so well at this point and is like okay, I know I’m just here for you to be able to have someone to talk to, cool lol

