
eenocs: shance doodles from twteenocs: shance doodles from twt


shance doodles from twt

Post link

All of the zines and merch have been mailed out to everyone, and all of the PDF’s have been emailed out. If you missed the PDF, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out! Thank you again!


The zines are here and we are now preparing to ship! We are still waiting on some of the merch to come in, so the zine only orders are going to be sent out tomorrow. As soon as the rest of the stuff comes in, which should be just before Christmas, we will send those out.

Thank you so much for your patience everyone!

Emails of digital copies have been sent!

Please let us know if you placed an order and you did not receive an email, and make sure to check your spam folders just in case!

We are currently getting the physical items made and will send those out as soon as we get them, so keep an eye out here for that announcement.

Thank you all so much and have a fantastic day!

Thank you so much to everyone who purchased the zine, we will let you know when orders will be shipped out. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Good news! The preorder deadline for the Arms of the Ocean Zine has been extended until Sept 23. Thank you so much to all of you who have already made purchases, and thank you to all who have been sharing these posts! You all are fantastic!

Here is the link once again, have a wonderful night!

We have been informed that our ask box has been closed. We apologize for the inconvenience and have fixed the problem! If you have any questions or concerns please direct then to this blog or to our personal blogs!

Again we sincerely apologize!




Here is a list of the contributors for the zine. Please show these people so much love and support, this would not have been possible without their beautiful works and their constant support with us mods.


Preorders are now Open!

It’s finally here folks! Preorders are open!

Here are the prices of the bundles and what they offer. You can have either a digital copy, both a digital and physical copy, or both of those PLUS the wonderful merch that our lovely artists created!

Here is the link to order! Just selct which bundle you would like to order :)

Thank you everyone once again! You all are amazing!

First off, I would like to apologize for the radio silence. I won’t be going into details, but a lot happened that kept postponing things, but we have finally made it!

Preorders will begin on August 19th, and will go on until September 16th. There will be a post about the prices coming after this so please spread the word as much as you can. Let’s get as many people as we can!

Thank you so much for your patience!

Thank you for applying and showing your love for this zine! Emails have been sent out to everyone about who has been accepted or not, so for everyone who applied please check your emails!

If you didn’t receive an email we will contact you in a different way asap!

Thank you again and please stay tuned for more updates :)

Sign Ups Are Now Closed!

Thank you so much to everyone that has signed up for this zine! And thank you for spreading the word, we coukdnt have gotten such a great response without you.

Sign ups for the zine are now closed, so us mods will go through the applications. I’m sorry we can’t have everyone, but we’re going to have as many as we can!

Thank you again, you guys are seriously the best!

An interview with the mods.

Solaris: The idea of doing a shance zine came to me while at work driving from one state to the other, and when I had a break I texted King asking what she thought if I put together a shance zine. She was okay with it if she was able to be nosy, and it didn’t take long until she became my partner in crime because I had NO IDEA what I was doing.

King: Please I’ve been your partner in crime for much longer than this.

Solaris: Okay fair. Anyways, we spent a long time trying to figure out what the theme was going to be and how we wanted to put everything together.

King: It did take a bit of time especially when it came to figuring out the title of the zine. I remember we pulled up a random title generator to get an idea of what we wanted and some of them were so ridiculous we saved them for later. As one would do.

Solaris: My personal favorites were “Men of Consort” and “Laughing Pirates.”

King: There were so many more we did not save as well. Luckily we didn’t go with those titles. Yet we still needed a title that would fit shance. I first thought of the title after reading the quote from the shape of water. I’ve always associated the song “Never Let Me Go” with shance so it wasn’t hard to go from point a to point b with it. Comfort became the overarching theme for the zine.

Solaris: I of course loved it! I’ve always loved the comfort between Shiro and Lance in the various fics I read and I knew that was what I wanted for this zine. So, we started putting together the Tumblr and Twitter accounts, the email, the applications, getting everything ready. The first post I made on Tumblr was a bit of a trainwreck because I had no idea how the algorithm worked.

King: She’s got it now :P

Solaris: Barely. But things are starting to come together and I am so excited for this zine!

King: Rightly so! I feel this zine is going to be different than most and it will be. When coming up with this zine we discussed making it a quality zine, but that shouldn’t be at the cost of sacrificing people who have never participated in a zine. There are so many great and wonderful people in the shance fandom who sometimes feel very excluded because of the limits of the zines, and that the same people get chosen over and over.

So with this zine I wanted to offer my professional assistance where I can. This will help with quality control as well as making it a learning opportunity for those who would want it. AKA I’m offering to critique the work of those who want it critiqued! Think of me as your art director for the production of this zine… only if you want the assistance.

Solaris: And I will be offering assistance with writing. I know nothing about art, but I have taken various classes about writing, so I consider it one of my strong suits.

King: Unfortunately we will have a cap on who will be in the zine. I wish we could accept everyone but budgeting and page count are limited. However, if you do not make it into the zine we are both more than willing to give you personal feedback on where you can improve should you so desire.

Solaris: Definitely! Well, that is everything we have so far. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to shoot a message at us through either Twitter or Tumblr. Thank you to everyone who has shown interest in the zine and for spreading the word. There is no way we would have made it here without you!

King: Absolutely! Thank you so much!

What is the pixel count/word count?

3,000 words for writing

For art:

6.25 x 9.25 in

1875 x 2775 px

I misspelled something on my application, what do I do?

Just go ahead and email [email protected], let us know which app you’re referencing, and then the corrections.

When do signups end?

Signups are over at the end of July.

What is the schedule???

Applications: Open

Applications closed: July 31

Participants notified: August 14

First check in: September 4

Second Check in: September 25

Final check in: October 23

Preorders: October 30

Is this going to be a digital or a print zine?

This is going to be both a printed and digital zine should it be funded sufficiently.

When will I hear if I got in?

The mods will go through the applications and inform those who got in by August 14th.

How many mods are there?

There are two of us! An about Mods post will be released along with this so that everyone can get to know us.

Is this a charity zine?

Yes! The charity is for Wounded Warriors Family Support. A separate post will describe the charity in full.


This is a Safe for Work Zine.

How many artists/writers are you accepting?

Unfortunately we cannot provide a solid number at this time. Everything comes down to how many people apply and how much printing will cost.

Sign ups are here!

The time has come to sign up for the Arms of the Ocean Shance Zine!

A few people were confused, and I apologize for not being clear earlier. That one’s on me. The theme for this zine is basically Shiro and Lance taking comfort in each other, similar to the song “Never Let Me Go” by Florence + the Machine and the quote “Unable to perceive the shape of you, I find you all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with your love, It humbles my heart, for you are everywhere” from Shape of Water.

If you have any other questions or concerns PLEASE do not hesitate to ask, we want to make sure everyone is on the same page.


Here is the link for the google signup page: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Sjh7UiZb5q0qCjG8aMJXj_WmiTwd3goZCmaw2wH8lnk/edit?usp=drivesdk

Please fill this out BEFORE the end of July, that will be when signups are closed. BOTH ARTISTS AND WRITERS ARE WELCOME!

Thank you so much for spreading the word and we look forward to working with you!
