#shaving this for later



prompts that hit in all the right places

  • showing up outside your enemy’s door
  • only one bed
  • knife against the throat
  • “it’s always been you” kisses
  • exclaiming “because i love you” during an argument
  • rain kisses
  • “use me”
  • “make me”
  • undressing your love interest, having to tend to their wounds, trying not to gawk their chest but failing to do so
  • asking your not yet lover to stay the night because you don’t want to be alone
  • being pushed to the ground/wall with your hands pinned down
  • sexual tension when tending to someone’s wound
  • “i didn’t know where else to go”
  • fake dating (it was real all along)
  • exes to lovers
  • “it’s not like i’ll ever see [my ex] again,” but said ex is standing behind them, ready to announce they’re moving back into town
  • a character claiming they’re not going to do ~the thing~, but can in the next frame be seen ~doing the thing~
  • “nothing is ever going to happen between us!”
  • two strangers bumping into each other on the street, instant attraction. not love, attraction!
  • the italicized “oh
  • “what is it that you don’t get? i’m not attracted to [name]!” (proceeds to stare longingly at the person of their desire)
  • going to sleep on different sides of the bed, waking up entangled
  • forehead kisses but it’s the male being kissed on the forehead
  • dancing together, one of them takes the other’s hand,kisses it
  • “what you’re doing right now is really stupid but you’re cute and i can’t help but laugh”
  • “let’s kiss, just to see what it’s like”
  • going to sleep in separate beds, sneaking into each other’s for some snuggles
  • when someone’s like, i don’t know, hurt or something, and the other character’s like, tending to their wounds, and then just, wrap the other into their arms, thankful they’re alive
  • character is taken hostage by the antagonist, their lover goes absolutelyballistic, doing everything in their power to protect their lover, the antagonist has to restrain them, but it doesn’t stop the character from trying to reach their lover, doesn’t matter what happens to them, doesn’t matter if they get beaten as long as their lover is safe