#she comes at midnight

Imagery (and two new prints) from my new visual short story “She Comes At Midnight,” created entirelImagery (and two new prints) from my new visual short story “She Comes At Midnight,” created entirelImagery (and two new prints) from my new visual short story “She Comes At Midnight,” created entirelImagery (and two new prints) from my new visual short story “She Comes At Midnight,” created entirel

Imagery (and two new prints) from my new visual short story “She Comes At Midnight,” created entirely with analog glitch art.The new prints are available now in my store, and the full short story can be found in the new issue of Heavy MetalMagazine (issue 292, the psychedelic special), in comic/magazine shops December 12th (or it can be ordered directly from heavymetal.com).

This art, and thousands of other pieces of art like it, will no longer be allowed on Tumblr’s platform beginning December 17th, do to its incredibly offensive inclusion of “female presenting nipples.” This is a bullshit move by Tumblr that will shrink the reach and visibility of thousands of artists, photographers, models, and sex workers.

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