#sherl0llian logic

Loo blindly defending the ILY scene just because she got to say “I love you” to Mr. Sophie CumberbatLoo blindly defending the ILY scene just because she got to say “I love you” to Mr. Sophie CumberbatLoo blindly defending the ILY scene just because she got to say “I love you” to Mr. Sophie CumberbatLoo blindly defending the ILY scene just because she got to say “I love you” to Mr. Sophie Cumberbat

Loo blindly defending the ILY scene just because she got to say “I love you” to Mr. Sophie Cumberbatch is one thing, but there’s more to unpack here.
Johnlockers saying that the scene was wrong is not “about ship shaming.” It’s about knowing what was wrong and what should’ve been done instead. It’s about standing up for a character who was thrown under the bus for the umpteenth time, and the maniac stans of that character for some reason foaming at the mouth that there are other people who would dare have something to say about their precious.
The review talking about the “unrequited love” and is yet another example of how everyone minus tumblr sherl0llians is able to recognize the scene for what it is and realize how awful it is. As we’ve said 100x here, if the ship was really made canon, it would be clear to every single viewer, not just a handful of shippers trying desperately to prove to everyone that their one interpretation is undeniably right one.

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It’s just funny because Sherlock only called Molly in TEH when John refused to talk to him, and he even called her John during the case. Even though he said she’s “not being John” - he still never asked her on a case again after he and John made up. And even though Sherl0llians called this a “date” - he never asked again even after her engagement ended. I guess that’s what Sherlock being “down to hook back up” looks like to them. 

It’s also funny cause this implies that they only weren’t together in S3 because Molly said no (due to her engagement), even though it was her was hoping he’d ask her out to dinner, and it was Sherlock who corrected her. I mightbe reading into things here, but it kiiiiinda seems like one of these people is far more invested in the relationship than the other…

They claim we pull shit out of thin air, that our mountains of evidence and analysis are “reaching.” - and yet they’re “UTTERLY CONVINCED” that this happened between Sherlock and Molly and they “had a thing” despite the fact that she was basically absent for most of S4. 


Can the bar be set any lower? Worrying makes a ship canon? 

Mycroft says “I worry about him constantly.” Is Holmescest canon now too? 

Mrs. Hudson worries about Sherlock. Is she in love with him? 

This shit right here is what we mean by heteronormativity. 

Sherlock can die for John, kill for him, come back to life for him, say he likes him in front of his wife, say he loves him in front of a crowd, run in front of bullets to protect him, jump into a bonfire for him, suggest his first name sounds good with John’s last name, imagine them agreeing to elope, call him his Boswell, damsel in distress, helpmate, conductor of light, the bravest and kindest and wisest human being he’s ever known, … but Sherlolly is canon because he worried about Molly. 


“When Sherlock or John shoot/hurt someone they go “aww cute” but when Mary or Molly do what the guys did they go “evil woman!!”

  • Hi there anon, could you please provide one single receipt of us saying Sherlock and John hitting/shooting people is “cute?” While we’re waiting on that, you can entertain yourself with thesereceiptsofyourfandom cheering on unwarranted violence from Molly and Mary. 

“Taken at is most basic interpretation, Mary is a threat to their ship”

  • Lol as if you don’t hate John for that exactreason. 

“Understanding [why Mary shot Sherlock] is NOT condoning” 

  • Where is that energy when it comes to John beating Sherlock in the morgue? That was just as unnecessary and pointless as Mary shooting Sherlock, but you rush to defend, excuse, and forgive one and not the other. 

“She is clearly on a redemption arc that would be embraced were it, say, John who shot Sherlock. Can you imagine how they’d rush to defend his actions if the story had gone that way?”

  • Well, John did beat Sherlock up… and I don’t see Johnlockers rushing to defend him for that, so I fail to see how we’d defend him for doing something far more severe, such as shooting him. 
  • But if John hadshot Sherlock, would you be as forgiving towards him as you were for Mary? I think the fuck not. 

“There is a definite double standard when it comes to male vs female characters”

  • Sorry, but where are these double standards? We hated it when Molly slapped Sherlock, when Mary shot him, AND when John beat him up.
  • And yes, we know Sherlock, John, and Mary all shot and killed people. But Mary shoots good guys to save herself and they shoot bad guys to save other people. Don’t ignore that fact and then act like we’re sexist when we say one is more excusable than the other. 
  • Go reread every single one of the above points if you want to see real double standards between male and female characters. Violence and murder are not okay just because it’s coming from a woman. This shouldn’t even have to be said. 

“I don’t see [the double standards] changing even if the show ends with an R-rated scene of John and Mary making love in their flat”

  • I love how every time people try to diss Johnlockers, it always somehow ties back to sex, even though we’re the ones supposedly obsessed with our faves fucking
  • I also love the implication these “double standards” would be challenged the most if we saw Mary having straight sex, as opposed to, oh idk, her just being a better person. It’s not “Even if Mary became a literal saint, they’d still hate her!” It’s “Even if Mary fucked a man, they’d still call her evil!” As if having sex with a man automatically makes a woman morally irreproachable and more likable and erases all her past wrongdoings.
  • The fact that you even made this comparison shows that this has nothing to do with respecting or uplifting women - it’s just to do with with shipping.