#shiki granbell



hi I love them



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 新連載「HEROS」にあわせてオリジナルグッズも展開予定!以前ツイートしたキャラフレームが商品に!他にもラインナップ考えているのでお楽しみに!  新連載「HEROS」にあわせてオリジナルグッズも展開予定!以前ツイートしたキャラフレームが商品に!他にもラインナップ考えているのでお楽しみに!  新連載「HEROS」にあわせてオリジナルグッズも展開予定!以前ツイートしたキャラフレームが商品に!他にもラインナップ考えているのでお楽しみに!  新連載「HEROS」にあわせてオリジナルグッズも展開予定!以前ツイートしたキャラフレームが商品に!他にもラインナップ考えているのでお楽しみに!


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Let me repeat myself real quick for all y’all in the back (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

I feel like most people reading Edens Zero are only looking at the fact that it was written by Mashima and how it resembles Fairy Tail.

ONE, so fucking what if it resembles FT? It’s a different manga, look at it as its own entity.

It’s. Not. Fairy Tail.

Remember that.

Move on.

New characters, new story, new world.

TWO, why so much hate on the friendship concept? Are you disappointed because you think its boring? Not what you expected? Okay, then goodbye, we don’t need you on this journey with Shiki and Rebecca. If you think its overdone then um so what? That’s your damn problem? Go read something else? Don’t shit on Mashima for his efforts to create a whole new fucking world for us.

THREE, fanservice? What’s the problem? I feel like it was made a huge ass problem here. Have you read an ecchi before? Mashima is pretty delicate with it in my mind, he doesn’t overdo it, tho it’s prevalent because it falls in the ecchi category. Get over it. He’s not outright demoralizing women, is he?? Shiki had never met a woman before so ehem if he doesn’t understand certain things right away? And it seems clear that Rebecca will at least teach him manners. And if the women were not powerful as FUCK in Fairy Tail. I’m ready to read more badass bitches that Mashima will introduce to us. I’m ready to watch Rebecca grow into a strong ass woman. He doesn’t do ANYTHING to put down women.

FOUR, so um we didn’t need an immediate backstory? It’s the first damn chapter, give me a shit load of manga that outright explain a character and how he lived and how he was brought up AS SOON AS WE MEET HIM. I feel like if we were given all the information about him now? Where’s the surprise then? I want to see Shiki open up to Rebecca or Happy or whoever about his past.

FIVE, the sweet ass fucking robots. My god, did I cry when Micheal had to let Shiki go without telling him the truth. So what if they lied. They wanted to give him a reason to leave. They didn’t want him to know they would shut down. I think that was sweet as fuck, they gave him a reason to leave and never come back. I can understand why he let them hit him, who would attack their family right away? And a virus? That led me to think this may be a problem within their universe, I’m interested to see if I’m right.

SIX, ether gear. Goddamn am I excited to see him use his ether gear. How cool!! I’m all for a character that can use an uncommon form of fighting! I’ve never seen anything like it, and he could float? Fucking amazing. Those fight scenes? Fucking amazing. That art, those flips, that punch? Fucking amazing. Give me my badass boy. You fucking fight alongside Rebecca all you fucking want.

SEVEN, really? We’re already calling Rebecca useless? Do we know shit about her? Do we know what she’s capable of? So what if she just likes to travel and make vlogs? So what if she’s not someone who has learned all the lessons she needs to learn IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. I’m sure she’ll get to see part of the world and actions in the world that she had never experienced before, AND THEN WILL LEARN TO STRENGTHEN HER SPIRIT. Get to know a girl before you judge her, hmm?

EIGHT, its the first chapter. It’s the first chapter. It’s the first chapter. It’s the first chapter. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut your hate down. Is it a bad story? I DON’T FUCKING KNOW BECAUSE ITS THE FIRST CHAPTER

Irefuse to accept any backlash against this story because it’s just fucking starting out.

And just because of who wrote it! Really?! Do better, be better.

Hate on Mashima? Fine, go do that shit somewhere else while we support his creative ass.

Hate because of its concept? Fine, go do that shit somewhere else while we support his creative ass.

I thank the world every day for Fairy Tail even with its mistakes, it’s made me who I fucking am. My career would be on an entirely different path if it didn’t allow me to unlock the skills I have practiced and excel in.

And I am so ready to thank the world for Edens Zero because damn do I just live for Mashimas art.

Do you shits know how the story is gonna flow? Um no, none of us do. Watch what it becomes, watch it grow. And then I’ll kindly listen to your bullshit.

I’m supportive af to the guy who gave me a whole world.

Shiki with wet hair has me dead. How perfect can this man be???

And also the cuteness of my girl with those ears I LOVE THEM

My ship you guysss ❤ they look so adorableeeee

These two pages mean the world to me! Look at them! Look at the scenery! ❤❤❤❤


I can’t even explain how happy I AM AND HYPED!!!


In fact Lavilla’s until that very and very little in manga. I hope that starting from the 16th Chapter it will be more. I definitely like its design. You can also follow my progress on the coloring of this girl (:


{ONLY Eng}

First of all.

Merry Christmas to you all!

How are you? We hope all is well.

We are sorry for the silence brought in this last months, but alas we have been very busy with the realization of the zine!

The zine took us longer than we imagined but we are trying to do a perfect job that you will surely love! And we can’t wait to show you!

Besides, the Zine is being translated as it will not be only in English, and this is taking us more time than necessary.

(And if you put that one of the admins has had the pc broken for a while it gets complicated).

For the moment the zine will only have English, Italian and Japanese versions (the Japanese is for Mashima) however if you want to help with the translation into other languages do not hesitate to ask.

We want our zine to be as “global” as possible and limiting it only to Italian and English seems “not too inclusive” and this is not the spirit of the fanzine.

Maybe we can also make a Spanish, German and French versions of the zine if you wish, just give us a hand with it.

Regarding gadgets instead, we have already found a way to make them and in the next upgrades you will see them.

And this makes us very happy!

So … these are the upgrades for the Global Sorcerer Magazine Fanzine.


If there are no others by 2019, Asia (@shicca-no-aoneko-blog) and Mariachiara (@maki-tsune) wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

See you all in 2020

Shicca Week 2021 - Day 7: Flowers

at first i was just going to draw Shiki giving rebecca a bouquet of flowers (pretty basic in my opinion) but then i was struck with an idea of a shicca wedding! i used asia’s dress that appeared on the prompt list (btw beautiful dress) so yeah, this was my first shicca week and i really enjoyed it and i got some ideas for shicca content so if i were you i would stick around for it. With this week i’m going for a break of fanweeks so i can focuse on stuff i want to do and draw and that’s all, i hope everyone liked my submissions!

Shicca Week 2021 - Day 6: Training

ok, yes i’ve been getting lazy but hey i really need some small breaks to catch up with the anime.

At first this was going to be some sort of motivational poster that said “do it for the waifu!” i would like to say more but it’s already late so if you like it, put a ring on it ;)

Edit: i forgot shiki’s bandage XD

Shicca Week 2021 - Day 5: Fireworks
me posting this late? PFFT!, nah, the fireworks looks better on night that’s because-ok yes i did, i got lazy but hey what did you expect from a lazy tree?
SoOo i’ve been waiting to do this prompt, since the moment i saw it, i got the idea from this scene from FF XIII but then i remembered that i didn’t know how to properly draw vehicles and after 3 sketches i ended up with this, i’m very satisfied with how it ended looking so i hope someone likes it!

Shicca week 2021 - Day 3: Paradise (unfinished)

a place or condition of great happiness where everything is exactly as you would like it to be

i really wished i could have finish it but this one was a rebelious one, every time i tried to work on this drawing for some reason my cellphone would get slow but still i tried but still i hope someone likes it!
i usually try to draw the first thing that comes to my mind with the prompts

Shicca Week 2021 - Day 2 & 4: Longing / Moonlight

a feeling of wanting something or someone very much

yesterday i went to get my second dose of the vaccine and i thought i could do it in time, i was wrong i was very tired when i came back and i wasn’t able to finish it in time but still i was able to finish it today AND accidently fused two prompts together without knowing and i’m ok with that.
I actually got an idea for a AU that started to grow every time i went to sleep, i may share it later when i finish the drawings but right now i hope someone likes it!

Shicca Week 2021 - Day 1: Memories

the ability to remember information, experiences, and people

first day done! since i always try new things in fanweeks i wanted to do something angsty for the first day so yeah, i’m happy that i didn’t mess this up *sees that seh messed up shiki’s shirt* … *hits head with the table and dies*… oh, by the way i hope someone likes it! *resumes to be ded*


i might draw this (^▽^)
